5 Minute Tones

I hope Leon doesn't mind, but I'm going to go ahead and post his latest 5 minute tones video. In the last couple he's been talking about my favourite amps. For years I played nothing but Les Pauls and Marshalls, but the AF3 has broadened my horizons exponentially.
I feel like I've been neglecting Marshalls recently, but this video has had me rocking out all evening. I love the 6CA7 Plexi for KISS tones, but have favoured the 100w jumped for classic rock type stuff. Just gave the 6CA7 another go tonight after this video and OOOOF!
One of the many things I love about Leon's videos is that when I build patches along with him they sound pretty much exactly the same. I've been using my McCarty 594 tonight and DAYUM! Thanks again Leon.

Great Video! Short and sweet!

I posted a shorter comment on YouTube but I wanted to elaborate.

You asked what kind of 5 Minute Tone topics we would like to see...

Being new to the Axe FX I never envisioned the amount of tweaking involved, and tweaking things I knew nothing about like IR's.

I think it would be nice to do a 5 Minute Tones: Impulse Responses, What are they? Which ones to start with, and How to dial one in quickly.

There is a learning curve that that when explained isn't hard to grasp but when you encounter it as a newbie it can be confusing and a barrier to embracing the technology.

I had no one tell me "look if you want to run the Axe Fx through power amps and cabs that is one discipline with it's own learning curve".

"But if you want to use the whole package with virtual cabinets and mics there is a learning curve that is different than what you are used to, so be patient put your thinking cap on and I will explain a few things": Quick overview, which IR's to start with, how to dial one in and get on with it.

I went through so many IR's with a modded Marshall type sound and it went like this, play, "nope" set pick down or worse hold pick and click on mouse, go to the next IR, play, "nope" hundreds of times to finally realize maybe 10%-15% of these work and the rest don't. I'm learning a few tricks to tweak them into something usable but I'm patient...

I can see some people saying "nope this isn't for me".
Out of frustration I plugged the Axe Fx into the FX return of my TopHat Emplexador, bypassed the proper globals and guess what? 90% of the models sounded great!
I'm thinking to myself "why does this have to be this difficult"?!

I think a video like that would help people understand that they are going to have to learn something "they don't know that they don't know" and it may take a little time but be patient, it's something new and here is a quick way to get results.

Maybe even partner with a company that makes IR's that are really good.

That's a video I would have liked to have seen about a week ago.

You do good work, and influenced my decision to take the leap.

Check out the threads on the next upcoming release (currently in beta), in particular, DynaCab.

It changes the IR paradigm to something much simpler:

  • pick a cab (from a few dozen)
  • select mic
  • drag mic into position

Much more like the Real World experience.

Gone are the days of scrolling through 100s of IRs.
I hope Leon doesn't mind, but I'm going to go ahead and post his latest 5 minute tones video. In the last couple he's been talking about my favourite amps. For years I played nothing but Les Pauls and Marshalls, but the AF3 has broadened my horizons exponentially.
I feel like I've been neglecting Marshalls recently, but this video has had me rocking out all evening. I love the 6CA7 Plexi for KISS tones, but have favoured the 100w jumped for classic rock type stuff. Just gave the 6CA7 another go tonight after this video and OOOOF!
One of the many things I love about Leon's videos is that when I build patches along with him they sound pretty much exactly the same. I've been using my McCarty 594 tonight and DAYUM! Thanks again Leon.

Pretty sure Leon could run a 70’s Sears & Roebuck Les Paul thru a Gorilla pawn shop amp and make it sound good.
I hope Leon doesn't mind, but I'm going to go ahead and post his latest 5 minute tones video. In the last couple he's been talking about my favourite amps. For years I played nothing but Les Pauls and Marshalls, but the AF3 has broadened my horizons exponentially.
I feel like I've been neglecting Marshalls recently, but this video has had me rocking out all evening. I love the 6CA7 Plexi for KISS tones, but have favoured the 100w jumped for classic rock type stuff. Just gave the 6CA7 another go tonight after this video and OOOOF!
One of the many things I love about Leon's videos is that when I build patches along with him they sound pretty much exactly the same. I've been using my McCarty 594 tonight and DAYUM! Thanks again Leon.

Totally agree, have been enjoying the Marshall vids - I also use a LP with Alnico II Pros in - amazing tones. I have also finally got round to downloading and using the TV Mix ir - sounds fantastic. Thanks SO much @2112 - your support of the community is amazing!
The Marshalls definitely shine with lower output humbuckers. Another fun trick is to swap the tonestack on the Plexi out for the JTM45 tonestack - it's a little closer to that 70's AC/DC thing which we all love!
Do you have a favorite cab and amp to get this Malcolm Young sound?

The Marshalls definitely shine with lower output humbuckers. Another fun trick is to swap the tonestack on the Plexi out for the JTM45 tonestack - it's a little closer to that 70's AC/DC thing which we all love!
What do you think shines with higher output pickups
Here's a sweet way to use the pitch block for solos

Hi Leon,

Could you please do an episode on how to use the hold function? I know it is extremely easy to get that hold on and off, but I keep getting more of a synth sound when holding than a sustained guitar sound.
Here's a sweet way to use the pitch block for solos

Blue Collar Grease GIF
BC is definitely my only clean. There’s just something about it, it’s a special amp and a magic model. I often end up use it for crunch as well, it’s such a great pedal platform. It has a clarity I miss when I switch to another amp no matter how well I craft my heavier scenes (obviously not that well!) I often end up playing a pedal through the BC all night.
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