Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

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You should have an email.

I got an email but i'm having trouble accepting it. What you're saying is that although the unit might have just rolled off the assembly line last month, and is defective, that I'm screwed because you don't transfer warrantys in any form? I looked forward to being an axe fx owner for several years until i could afford this one, and you're saying this is the experience I have to walk away with?

Shipping it back at my cost then paying for parts and labor to fix a defective product is out of the question, so what other recourse do I have other than to put it on ebay and make it someone elses problem?
Because if it turns out that the factory warranty on their flagship product isn't transferable even in the event of defect that's something that should probably be out in the open?

I apologize if you think I have an attitude. I don't. Perhaps you should grow a tougher skin and maybe not poke your head in just to heckle other people's problems simply because they let you into their beta program.

All I'm looking to happen is to be counted among the legions of fractal supporters and a proud owner of this amazing piece of technology. I'm not looking to grift anyone I'm just asking that if they have determined it's defective, they replace it. I see nothing unreasonable about that.
Because if it turns out that the factory warranty on their flagship product isn't transferable even in the event of defect that's something that should probably be out in the open?

It is out in the open. It's available on the shopping page for the unit. It's certainly no secret. See here: http://shop.fractalaudio.com/Articles.asp?ID=260

But here's a tip: EVERYTHING related to service and support is at Fractal's discretion. They can make exceptions any time they like. It's a great part about running your own business: you're the boss.

Consider how you're coming off in this thread to all the people who have tried to help you and ask yourself if you're encouraging or discouraging people from wanting to go out of their way for you.

We don't need thick skins as much as you need a good dose of humility and tact in your tone and responses here. At the end of the day if your unit works or does not work it's no skin off our backs. So why wouldn't you assume we have the best intentions trying to help you here? Both with technical advice and communication advice. When multiple people here start to suggest you're getting out of line, it's likely the case that you are. There's no reason to be anything other than plainly truthful with you.
I got an email but i'm having trouble accepting it. What you're saying is that although the unit might have just rolled off the assembly line last month, and is defective, that I'm screwed because you don't transfer warrantys in any form? I looked forward to being an axe fx owner for several years until i could afford this one, and you're saying this is the experience I have to walk away with?

Shipping it back at my cost then paying for parts and labor to fix a defective product is out of the question, so what other recourse do I have other than to put it on ebay and make it someone elses problem?

Can you have your friend you bought it from put in a ticket? Then we can track when it was purchased. In this way we can tell it is under warranty by the original purchaser.
the only attitude i see from the OP is disappointment that his unit isn't working properly and discussing his feelings on a forum meant for discussion. he's asking questions and people are showing some answers.

maybe the person he bought it from needs to be the one to return the unit for warranty and/or pay for the repairs.

but that's always the danger when buying anything used.
Ask your friend to resume ownership and warranty the product for you. She should help you since she (unknowingly) sold you a defective unit.

I do think that the nontransferable warranty policy is unfortunate. I think FAS should stand behind their product during the warranty regardless of current ownership, but sadly that is not their policy.
Hah, second time today you've replied with the same info as me nearly simultaneously. Pretty funny Chris :)
I have scanned the the original bill of sale and invoice with the serial number and warranty (1 year) right on it. Order # 8556 Who should I send it to?
It is out in the open. It's available on the shopping page for the unit. It's certainly no secret. See here: http://shop.fractalaudio.com/Articles.asp?ID=260

But here's a tip: EVERYTHING related to service and support is at Fractal's discretion. They can make exceptions any time they like. It's a great part about running your own business: you're the boss.

Consider how you're coming off in this thread to all the people who have tried to help you and ask yourself if you're encouraging or discouraging people from wanting to go out of their way for you.

We don't need thick skins as much as you need a good dose of humility and tact in your tone and responses here. At the end of the day if your unit works or does not work it's no skin off our backs. So why wouldn't you assume we have the best intentions trying to help you here? Both with technical advice and communication advice. When multiple people here start to suggest you're getting out of line, it's likely the case that you are. There's no reason to be anything other than plainly truthful with you.

I can completely empathise with the OP's frustration, however I would advise that venting to people who are some of the most helpful guys in the world (Yek) is not the best course of action. Trust me when I say this Ethan: We all want you to get this resolved and be happy with your purchase. Less arguing and more tone chasing/playing.

Best of luck.
If you're having a discussion with Support through email, why share it on the forum...?

Your attitude stands in the way of getting a solution to your issue.

Not really, he spent good money on it....and something is obviously wrong. He has every right to inquire AND post here about it.
Not really, he spent good money on it....and something is obviously wrong. He has every right to inquire AND post here about it.

Of course he has every right to post. He also has every right to research the rules when buying second hand and the right to act with a little humility and common sense when everyone is trying to help him. Unless of course getting pissy with the people you are asking for help with has worked for you? It never has for me.

I am sure everything will get resolved.
This thread seems on the verge of taking a nasty turn.

Ethan, sorry for the delay of a few days in your ticket. We were all at a trade show. Please continue your issue in the support queue.

By the way, all: the warranty is on our web site and in the printed manual. It clearly states that it cannot be transferred from the original purchaser.
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