Bug? 2 Amps = Terrible Sounding Output

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hey EthanC,

we aren't questioning anything like your capabilities etc, but rather making sure that you indeed got a "new" Axe-FX unit. did you buy it direct from fractal? or off ebay or something?

as stated above, yes, that preset may be on the Axe-Change, but anyone from anywhere can upload presets there, so it's not surprising that FractalAudio doesn't know about that preset among the tons of presets uploaded there.

regardless if it's a factory preset or not, it was not at spot 383 from the factory. someone put that one there, which also means that other things could have been changed or messed with. we are all trying to help you out here. i think we understand that that amp problem happens on any preset, but again, the bigger point is that you may not have received a truly "factory new" unit - that's really what we want to determine first.

there are ways to upload a "reset" file and also to reset system parameters in the Utility menu. have you done anything like that by chance? would you be ok with trying to reset your unit completely to find the problem?

Yes I actually had that idea too of doing a full factory reset but everything I've read so far on this site and google actually is saying there is no "true" factory reset of this unit... I tried the "reset" in the utilities menu which seemed to work only until i moved back to one of the patches with two amps and voila it was fragged again. Which has lead me to another hypothesis.

"Patch Corruption".

Can that happen?

Because I'm noticing that when i restart the unit it sounds perfectly fine until the moment when i dial onto one of the patches with a dual amp at which point it get's fragged and won't come un-fragged. Even other patches which use only one amp, after that, will sound like crap.

About whether it's "new" or not, i have become more and more suspicious about that as this thread have grown. Here's what's up with that. A guy I've been jamming with decided to buy one. He got it direct from fractal at full retail - I watched him sign for it. After that it sat on a shelf in the garage unopened until I inquired about it (since ive been wanting an ultra for over 3 years now and the 2 was a wet dream) to which he said he had decided to return it because it was an impulse buy and a mistake. I asked what he wanted for it since my birthday was coming up and he ended up selling it to me instead.

The unit was pristine (that's what she said) with all contents still exactly where you'd expect them to be inside the box and as far as anyone could tell the original tape on the box was undisturbed so it's "as new" as any unit you'd see on a retail store shelf, unopened. It still had older firmware on it when i got it so i flashed that with fractalbot.

Again, i've had zero reason to believe it is anything less than brand spanking new until people started questioning where those patches came from. Unless i've lost my damn mind and started adding those in my sleep or something, I have no memory of having done anything like that - I only added the ones in the first 20 or so banks. It played miraculously and flawlessly for the two or so weeks i've had it in my studio and not until just a few days ago did this happen. I'm certain it's still under warrantee but I don't want to accuse anyone of anything unless I know for certain it's physically damaged.

So that's my theory so far, that perhaps something wonky happened in the process of assigning two amps that may have "tainted" the lot of them and something is now "corrupted" on my axe fx, so i'm including one of my patches in this post.

I've done a lot, and i mean a lot of research trying to replicate bulbs actual and original lead patch from the first periphery album (and learning to hate the man personally for choosing to still keep it a secret) which evidence has lead to him using FAS Modern for the primary amp and Das Metal for the secondary, along with a few other settings.

View attachment The More We Change.syx

P.S. yes i re-installed the firmware etc and no difference so im considering going back to 11.0 or even 10 or something and trying that if no one can figure it out.
Have you tried resetting the AMP blocks in a patch that sounds bad? Select AMP block, double click the BYPASS button to reset it. Do it for both blocks.
Have you tried resetting the AMP blocks in a patch that sounds bad? Select AMP block, double click the BYPASS button to reset it. Do it for both blocks.

That doesn't seem to do anything except bypass it then unbypass it friend.

Here's another video I just uploaded using that patch that i posted wherein all you see is me playing then going up one patch then back down and bang we're in crap-tone-land. Once i have exited or joined a patch using two amps the whole system is messed up until i reset the unit.

And maybe you should contact support to be able to actually solve your problem.

The fellow I was speaking with through email support hasn't returned my emails since last week so I wanted to go ahead and pose the inquiry here and see if i could drum up some support.

Maybe you should read the OP before double posting. Spoke with "Matt", then "Sean" and stopped hearing back which is why I'm here.
this is strange, i believe it to be a faulty unit. but you must try this. delete all presets. power down and power up unit, download and install the factory presets from the FAS website. then build you own from them. you can take a preset and shunt everything out and save it a name like bypass or starter.

Patch Corruption can happen, there's a Clean System v11.syx available that will wipe the Axe Clean maybe try this with caution though, I think it cleans out cabs too. Maybe someone can chime in on what exactly is cleaned out .http://axefx.fr/AxeFXArchive/AxeFX II Firmwares & Drivers/clean-system-v11.syx

Thank you very much. I'd feel better for an "official word" on the patch corruption issue (no offense intended) but if I don't hear another solution official or otherwise by tomorrow I'll go ahead and use the SYX you posted as a "last ditch" tomorrow and see what happens.

Just so I know, did you try the patch I uploaded and mess around with it, and if so, what were your experiences with it?
Maybe you should read the OP before double posting. Spoke with "Matt", then "Sean" and stopped hearing back which is why I'm here.

Maybe you should cool down a little. We are here to help and yes i did read your OP and i missed that sorry, but if you keep up with your lousy attitude you will be left alone with your problem.
Take care!
Maybe you should read the OP before double posting. Spoke with "Matt", then "Sean" and stopped hearing back which is why I'm here.

What is the name you used in the support ticket? I do not see any tickets awaiting a reply. I would like to find out why, so it doesn't happen again.

Edit: I found it and am taking a look at the patch you posted.
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What is the name you used in the support ticket? I do not see any tickets awaiting a reply. I would like to find out why, so it doesn't happen again.

Ticket # 3603
Date: September 24

I'm looking at it right now on support.fractalaudio.com

It was originally about clipping but when I posed questions about this issue I stopped getting responses and that's why I came here. I even attached one of the patches where the problem was happening but no response. I'm not looking to cause people trouble I just want to get this fixed.
Ticket # 3603
Date: September 24

I'm looking at it right now on support.fractalaudio.com

It was originally about clipping but when I posed questions about this issue I stopped getting responses and that's why I came here. I even attached one of the patches where the problem was happening but no response. I'm not looking to cause people trouble I just want to get this fixed.

I found it. I am looking at the patch now.
I found it. I am looking at the patch now.

Cool beans, thank you.

I'll be really surprised if it has anything to do with the patch though like i've said because as I demonstrated in the first video, that happens on any patch I use the moment it contains two amps. Incase you haven't seen it also i recommend watching the second video I made as well because you can see I literally did nothing there other than scroll off of and then back onto a dual amp patch but somehow it murders the tone.
Ticket # 3603
Date: September 24

I'm looking at it right now on support.fractalaudio.com

It was originally about clipping but when I posed questions about this issue I stopped getting responses and that's why I came here. I even attached one of the patches where the problem was happening but no response. I'm not looking to cause people trouble I just want to get this fixed.

I found it. I am looking at the patch now. It is not doing it here.

Try this.
1. Download the Clean System file here:
2. Use Fractal-Bot to transmit the file to your Axe-Fx.
WARNING: The Clean System File will erase user cabs 1-50 and reset all system parameters to default
values. Please consider backing up or making notes on your user Cab selections and system settings
before proceeding (See your Axe-Fx II manual on using the internal backup ROM). The Clean System file
It will NOT affect your presets or cabs 51-100.
3. Remember, you must cycle power on the Axe-Fx II immediately after it receives a SYSTEM file.

Then use Fractal Bot to reload all the stock factory presets into your system.
You can get them here: Fractal Audio Systems - Support

Extract the files from the zip and
use the V11_All_Banks.syx in the zip

This will overwrite all the presets with the factory defaults.

See if the problem reoccurs. If that doesn't fix it, I'm going to guess that something strange is going on with 2nd CPU that handles the amp blocks, but I will need to defer to Cliff on that.
I found it. I am looking at the patch now. It is not doing it here.

Try this.
1. Download the Clean System file here:
2. Use Fractal-Bot to transmit the file to your Axe-Fx.
WARNING: The Clean System File will erase user cabs 1-50 and reset all system parameters to default
values. Please consider backing up or making notes on your user Cab selections and system settings
before proceeding (See your Axe-Fx II manual on using the internal backup ROM). The Clean System file
It will NOT affect your presets or cabs 51-100.
3. Remember, you must cycle power on the Axe-Fx II immediately after it receives a SYSTEM file.

Then use Fractal Bot to reload all the stock factory presets into your system.
You can get them here: Fractal Audio Systems - Support

Extract the files from the zip and
use the V11_All_Banks.syx in the zip

This will overwrite all the presets with the factory defaults.

See if the problem reoccurs. If that doesn't fix it, I'm going to guess that something strange is going on with 2nd CPU that handles the amp blocks, but I will need to defer to Cliff on that.

I'm very sad to say that after performing those steps, resetting everything via fractal bot, that the first thing I did was take the very first patch available, throw in a second amp and the exact same issue occurred.

So what's the prognosis? I have a defective unit? How do I get it replaced?
I'm very sad to say that after performing those steps, resetting everything via fractal bot, that the first thing I did was take the very first patch available, throw in a second amp and the exact same issue occurred.

So what's the prognosis? I have a defective unit? How do I get it replaced?

That is handled on the support system. Thanks.
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