superior drummer

  1. D

    ReCreation Mix Challenge Superior Drummer 3 presets

    In case no one has heard of this guy, the presets are pretty good and reasonably priced. I just bought a bunch and as a guitar player I don't have a lot of time to mess around with fine tuning drums. I just want to play (or spend too much time screwing around with guitar related stuff)...
  2. erockomania

    AFIII New tune 4 years in the making. Mix of Axefx2 and Axefx3 tones. Progressive metal/rock.

    Hey all! I wrote this one 4 years ago and couldn't find a singer to save my life. Finally found a great one and released this tune today! Rerecording some of the parts lost some of the feel so I went back to the original tones which I felt were fine even after 4 years :D Verse clean tones are...
  3. erockomania

    AFIII Element Guitars FUSE 29" baritone. Cygnus Friedman BE with silly, over the top distortion (sorry in advance).

    Quick test to see how the new Element Guitars FUSE 29" baritone sounds with the Friedman BE (which I was having a hard time with since the Cygnus update). ...and I took it way over the top, :D (don't let the intro fool you) info: Element Guitars FUSE prototype with Tom Anderson H2+ pickup...
  4. erockomania

    AFIII Cygnus Cameron. Warmoth Strat. Skervesen Bass. Groovy goodness!

    Had a ton of fun doing this one. Came together fast which is always a good sign. :) I channeled my inner Royal Blood for this :D details: Warmoth strat with Tom Anderson H2+ and H1 Cameron 2C with a 20% mix octaver on some tracks OwnHammer Mesa V30 57/121 blend Skervesen Bronto 4 string...
  5. S

    Exodus TM (Blood In, Blood Out)

    I have been listening a lot of Exodus lately and also a lot of other Andy Sneap mixes so I decided to make tone match of this album as close as I can :D This is a small section of a song called "Numb".I recorded guitars 4 times, 2 with 5150 and 2 with JCM800 models. I used Jackson RR24 with...
  6. GotMetalBoy

    Toontrack Superior Drummer 2 Sale

    Toontrack Superior Drummer 2 is on sale for $105! I've never seen it that cheap before, so I thought I'd share it. Not sure if a new version is coming out soon and that's why it's so cheap but it's too good of a deal to pass up. I have no affiliation with...
  7. JeremyRhoades

    Quantum 4.0 Periphery Inspired Djent/Metal/Rock

    All sounds by Axe FX II, Superior Drummer 2, Slate plugins, and Reaper. Used mainly Dual Rectifier and Friedman models, with some FAS Crunch and a couple other amps for cleans. Any constructive criticism is appreciated! :)
  8. erockomania

    HBE on Quantum with new OwnHammer EWH cab mix... is... amazing.

    Hey guys! Ok, so I've been a Herbie chnl 3 whore for like a year... but, uh, I think the HBE on Quantum with the new OH EWH cab mix is my favorite thing ever. This is pretty much exactly the tone I've been hearing in the my head. Super quick throw-away riff here but damn... so juicy! Skervesen...
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