
  1. A

    FM3 metal demo

    I am starting a series of videos demoing the various metal tones you can get out of the FM3, playing a couple of riffs for each. Would love to compare my high gain presets to other members'
  2. AnswerInfinity

    Axe vs. Kemper (JCM 800)

    I hope this is a cool thing to post in this thread? It's always fun for me to compare these types of things unit to unit. Both are so good, but I do like the overall flexibility and sheer range of effects options on the Axe FX. For me, that sets it a step above. Anyway, a little look at the...
  3. Megahertzz

    Metallica cover band extravaganza (my live Metallica preset)

    I have stripped down and removed all modifiers and global blocks from my "Militia Mk.IIC++" preset, since the last version was too CPU demanding. I have put all amps/cabs in one block instead of separating distorted and clean amps in two blocks, and removed the pitch blocks...
  4. Burgs

    AFIII A bloke called Lee. Preset. Video. Maybe a laugh.

    I've recently become infatuated with BMTH. I like Lee's riffs. I like Jordan's sense of 'epic'. I like Oli's f#@k you lyrics and straight-up-ness. But mostly I like Lee's riffs and that he runs a .80 gauge for his E(Bb) string which he pounds the hell out of into a Marshall JCM800. I know I'm 9...
  5. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Iron Maiden Guitar Cover

  6. S

    Exodus TM (Blood In, Blood Out)

    I have been listening a lot of Exodus lately and also a lot of other Andy Sneap mixes so I decided to make tone match of this album as close as I can :D This is a small section of a song called "Numb".I recorded guitars 4 times, 2 with 5150 and 2 with JCM800 models. I used Jackson RR24 with...
  7. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy MARSHALL JCM 800 MOD

    Has 6 Scenes. Available also for AX8 I hope you enjoy! :)
  8. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Vasco Rossi "Stupendo" (Stef Burns) Instrumental Version

  9. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy MARSHALL JCM 800

    Has 8 Scenes + one of my own Custom Cab included. THE PATCH IT'S AVAILABLE. Is also available for Ax8 already converted and ready to use. :)
  10. DTS

    Oh man... Brit 800 #34 (had to stop playing and swap my pants)

    Yep! Took a little while until i took this Amp model a spin. I usually play with 5150, Mesa Engl... etc. Modern high gain amps. But today i wanted to rock on with some Marshall sounds and remembered this Amp sim. So i just opened an empty preset and added amp (Brit 800 #34) and cab (ML TV) ...
  11. Marco Fanton

    AX8 new Firmware 8.00 is AMAZING!!!! Marshall JCM800 sample

  12. Andrea Maccianti

    Legacy Marshall JCM 800/MOD (FW Q 7.02) Rock/Improv

    Great fun improvising over this Randy Rhoads Style Backing Track! Patch used A.M. Marshall JCM 800/MOD. Has 8 Scenes. I hope you enjoy! :)
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