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  1. dongrosh

    FS SOLD - new FM3, Germany only

  2. dongrosh

    Anybody know what date Atomic is up to on CLR wait list?

    i just want to clarify that there has been a missunderstanding we cleard up now and i apologize for my hard reaction, so everything is fine now, i had a good conversation with Tom now, so again, everything is ok now....................
  3. dongrosh

    Anybody know what date Atomic is up to on CLR wait list?

    i loose faith to Atomic, i sent several mails to Tom and didn´t get any more response since weeks now - maybe i will change to Mission-Gemini as these guys are helpfull and responsible.
  4. dongrosh

    CPU Utilization - Part II

    done :-)
  5. dongrosh

    AxeII and Liquid Foot...

    for those who haven´t seen it - i have an new LF Junior in the Sale section.
  6. dongrosh

    Ultra als Leihgerät für 30.07. gesucht! (S-W-Deutschland)

    Hallo Martin, kein Problem wenn Du es bei mir abholst und wieder bringst.
  7. dongrosh

    MFC 101 - Cat5 Anschluss - Pod-Bohne

    das macht ja woll 0 Sinn da die Bohne nix anderes ist wie die HD Serie die es ja inclusive Schalterchen zum gleichen Preis gibt wie das MFC alleine kostet !!
  8. dongrosh

    AXE FX ZWO - ist das jetzt ... gut ?

    schön das sich wieder was tut - und vor allem "mit Niveau" - ich bereue nicht einen Tag bei diversen deutschen Foren ausgestiegen zu sein.....
  9. dongrosh


    just for you crazy guys in finnland: No Euro = no more AXE-FX :-)
  10. dongrosh

    Pussy Power by CIOKS

    IMO yes, but maybe it´s may age and human respect that i can not laugh about that.
  11. dongrosh

    Pussy Power by CIOKS

    Don´t know who has seen that too - but i just sent them that mail: Hi there, just back from the Musikmesse i want to tell you that i got there an pink printpaper with your new powersupply and I HOPE that this just was an bad joke. That´s only scabrous and misogynistic ! Not more than...
  12. dongrosh

    Models of Vintage Delay Types

    i agree too and it is our biggest wish since years to have those delays we really miss in the AXE - all we can do is to appeal Cliff to do that. It´s painfull to hear and play that FANTASTIC Strymon pedal knowing that they use the same processors - so it WILL work, you just have to do it....I...
  13. dongrosh

    AxeFx version of the Hold The Line Solo--VIDEO

    well done Mark - Here is my version live 10 years ago - no AXE - POD !!!! haha.......
  14. dongrosh

    Movin' On Up... Fractal Forum Migration!

    looks and work great !
  15. dongrosh

    Blueamps 2x12 FRFR-Box

    sieht gut aus Marco, schade das Du so weit weg bist....
  16. dongrosh

    Steve Lukather delay use | The Final Mystery?

    it would be a pleasure if some of you could post the result of that intersting thread in kind of patches, PLEASE ! We now would like to hear an play that!! thx in advance!
  17. dongrosh

    Ich habs weggegeben...

    ich beende den Unsinn mal !
  18. dongrosh

    Axe anhören und testen in der Schweiz

    sehr cool - der Hinweis "Schweiz" erübrigt sich beim Namen Urs aber :-) sehr nett !!
  19. dongrosh

    Ralf Kast here??

    war gestern bei der Rockshop Party in Karlsruhe - und als eine der geladenen Bands spielte: - Geil in jeglicher Hinsicht aber vor allem, Ralf, der Gitarrist hatte einen Mördersound über die zugegebenerweise natürlich perfect abgestimmte PA in perfect abgestimmter...
  20. dongrosh


    Hallo nobbi, versuchst Du es nur über die AXE-Edit oder auch über z.B. Midi-OX? Ich verwende seit eh und jeh eine Saffire Pro und Midi-OX, unter Win XP gab es da noch nie ein Problem....
  21. dongrosh

    Beispiel für Live Sound dirket zum FOH

    erst mal groovt die Band, klasse, es geht doch nix über Bläser... Ich stimme Roman zu, der Solosound erinnert mich etwas an den Rocktron Piranha den ich mal vor Urzeiten im Rack hatte..... Da geht m.E mit der AXE mehr - aber das ist wie immer Geschmackssache....
  22. dongrosh

    Welche Endstufe

    +1 Ich bastle gerade an meiner 2er Kombi: Mesa Halfback au´s den 90ern, oben offen mit 1x12 Jensen Blackbird, unten Thiele mit EV12L in Kombi mit der Randall RT-2/50. Idee ist die 6L6 Seite der Randall mit den Cleansounds auf das open Cab/Jensen zu schicken und die Heavy-Sounds über EL34 auf...
  23. dongrosh

    Axechange Ersatz?

    Ja, fast...:-) aber - leider riechen sie nicht so gut...vor mir glühen gerade 3 alte RCA´s, hm, lecker, und warm macht´s auch bei dem Sauwetter... Ich war schon IMMER ein Freund beider Welten, bei mir gab´s nie "entweder, oder" und nachdem ich mir in manchen "WIRWISSENALLESBESSERFOREN" den Kopf...
  24. dongrosh

    Axechange Ersatz?

    Hallo Roman, schon Dich hier wieder zu sehen.... Hallo HOSS, als großer Fan des LP-Forums und Liebhaber von Tubeamps, LARRY und einigen anderen..... auch Dir ein herzlich "WELCOME"
  25. dongrosh

    AXE live at Oprah that Wednesday

    message from Peter Thorn: Playing with Hole on Wednesday night on Kimmel, and Melissa Etheridge on Friday on Oprah. Ill be using my R9 and a Badger 30 and Suhr Riot with Hole, and the axe fx d.i. With my evh wolfgang on Oprah... Rock on! Pete Thorn
  26. dongrosh

    Update von 7.04 auf 9.0 Clipping

    Hallo, dann bitte gleich auf 9.03 updaten und am besten (ehrlich gemeint) - alle alten patches löschen und vergessen - undbedingt die neuen Bänke A/B/C aufspielen und GANZ VON VORNE anfangen - glaub mir das geht schneller und macht weniger Stress ale der Versuch da noch was anzupassen. UND...
  27. dongrosh

    Axe Fx mit Combo

    Hallo Holger, also, zu 1: Du baust Deine FX Kette ganz normal von links nach rechts auf und setzt den [FXL] dortkun wo Du die Vorsteufe Deines Kombos gerna haben willst. BSP: Wah>Comp>Drive>Phaser>FXL>Delay>Reverb. In obigem Beispiel liegen also Wah>Comp>Drive>Phaser VOR der Vorstufe und...
  28. dongrosh

    Liquid Foot Pro

    Ja, ich habe den ersten bekommen und hier vor kurzem verkauft, war mir zu groß und der Sevice von LF ist gelinde gesagt besch*. Ohne Patrick´s Hilfe wäre ich da nicht vorwärts gekommen.
  29. dongrosh

    Poll - please vote !!

    sorry guys, can´t change the voting system for given votes - but o added two new possibilities - changing from A;p/Cab to FRFR and via versa.
  30. dongrosh

    VISUAL SOUND volume pedal with axess FX1

    Hi laurent, all i can say is that my Boss & EB works with the AXE direct also with the LF-Pro and also with the FX 1 - so why not?.... you need to have the right cables, that´s it...
  31. dongrosh

    ich habe gesündigt...

    Sicher interessiert die User WIE Du den Filter/EQ´s einsetzt, also wäre prima dies mit Zahlen/Bsp. (s.o= soultrash) belegen würdest so das jeder dies mal selbst nachvollziehen kann.
  32. dongrosh

    Henrik Freischlader: für aller User aus dem Dreiländereck

    als Top-Tipp: Henrik Freischlader spielt am Montag 22.03 im Schlosskeller Emmendingen. Wer auch immer hier in der Ecke wohnt sollte sich das auf gar keinem Fall entgehen lassen !!!!! Weitere Infos gerne als PM.
  33. dongrosh

    Mojave Coyote replication, which amp to start with?

    Well, even those simple amps have many different sounds- Trust your ears, 1:1 only works with both amps side by side. It´s all there, start with the normal tonestack and then try others...
  34. dongrosh

    Mojave Coyote replication, which amp to start with?

    thats amp seems to copy the idea of the Suhr Badger which i own too - yes, i would try with the Dr.Z to come close.
  35. dongrosh

    ich habe gesündigt...

    Daran war nix falsch und FRFR ist genau so wenig definierbar weil Du ja auch hier unterschiedlichste Speaker-IR´s verwenden kannst und evt auch andere Monitore als die Fratomic - somit hört das nie auf (weswegen ich mir das auch schenke, ich bleibe vorerst bei Röhrenendstufe und Guitarcabs -...
  36. dongrosh

    ich habe gesündigt...

    ich vermute ja das sich die "Tweak"-Umstände bei Cliff verändert haben. Früher spielte er ja eine VHT 2/50/2 über ein 4x12 Mesa - und nun eben Fratomic FRFR. Ich habe jedenfalls den Eindruck das sich das alles Richtung Fratomic hinbewegt und wir anderen buchstäblich in die Röhre schauen - und...
  37. dongrosh

    Mein kleiner Endstufentest ...

    ENDLICH, ich dachte schon ich wäre allein, DANKE....:-) JBL / EV12L / Jensen Black Jets das sind geile Speaker für AXE......
  38. dongrosh

    Mein kleiner Endstufentest ...

    Ich kann Dir wie jedem anderen nur raten Druck zu machen und ein halbwegs aktualisiertes deutsches Manual bei G66 einzufordern - das ist nämlich schon seit Monaten versprochen. Wo sich keiner beschwert gibt´s offensichtlich auch kein Handlungsbedarf.
  39. dongrosh

    9.00 geht mir gut ab....

    Hi Paco, jo, das ist mein Ton, sehr geil, erinnert mich an das Providence Stampade und etwas an das Zendrive (welches aber weicher ist) Würde ich gerne mal bei Gelegenheit vergleichen - kannst Du es denn noch mal genau so bauen? Nicht gerade clever den eigenen Prototypen zu vergießen, oder...
  40. dongrosh

    Can't use my Axe-Fx in my 5150's fx loop

    1- have you tried it just with Shunts (so NO FX) first? 2- You have Input to left, rear and also plugged in the rear left input/output? 3 - Is the FX-Loop of that amp serial or parallel? will continue......
  41. dongrosh


    the old Raider are great underrated amps...
  42. dongrosh


    i seldom used the advanced page cause i´m happy with my setup my question: Do you think changes in these parameters will be noticed using a tube power amp and real cabs - (i have poweramp ON, cabs OFF)
  43. dongrosh

    ULTRA FIRMWARE 11.0 MAY 9 2011

    Re: ULTRA FIRMWARE 9.01 will be back after work on some bugs soon !
  44. dongrosh

    Just took a chance and ordered the Axe Ultra

    I highly recommend you to check out the brunetti rockit if you find one in spain..
  45. dongrosh

    Der neue Fratomic

    angenommen, Gott sei dank werden wir nicht nur älter sondern auch weiser..... ( was man auch an den Klampfen merkt, nun 335 statt Valley Arts ;) )
  46. dongrosh

    Der neue Fratomic

    @ doc - es gibt wohl eine Moderation, die hält sich aber mittlerweile sehr zurück - wenn sich hier ein paar die Köpfe einschlagen wollen - sollen sie es tun - ich mach da nicht mehr mit. Wenn sich jemand massiv persönlich angegriffen fühlt kann er sich jederzeit bei mir melden. Wilfried
  47. dongrosh

    Atomic Family Photo (from NAMM)

    it´s still Mono - and on that score total uninteresting for me... a rackmount Stereoversion was my suggestion long tome before Tom comes to the party....
  48. dongrosh

    too bad to pricy ... ment-12158
  49. dongrosh


    dito aus dem Dreiländereck und ein gutes neues Jahr 2010 !!!
  50. dongrosh

    Question: Am I the only one? AFX Drive models

    i think you miss the real function of an pedal, particularly with regard to push an tubeamp ( there are no tubes you can push, ;) ), so in "real world" you dramatically change what you Amp do with an pedal before - not so with the Axe... That said the simulations sound not bad at all for me...
  51. dongrosh

    First Gig with 9.0 - It's ALIVE

    Scott, always great to read your posts - your enthusiasm is infectious like the H1N1 - any chance we can test your new 9.00 patches??
  52. dongrosh

    The new 9.00 reverb

    Mike, would be very kind to help me - it seems i have a midi-ox problem - i see that midi-ox alwasy sents some data (7 bytes) every second to the AXE? Axe Midi-IN is alwasys blinking and the PC-Monitor "Timestrap etc" is running. When i go to View >> Sysex>>Sysex>>REceive Manual Dump There...
  53. dongrosh

    The new 9.00 reverb

    i use Midiox and i can sent firmware & banks without problem, also patches back from The Ultra to PC.... its just your patch which does not work for me.
  54. dongrosh

    The new 9.00 reverb

    for sure....and it has 2060 b - but nothing to see or hear....
  55. dongrosh

    The new 9.00 reverb

    Hi, i tried to load it but i get an total empty patch (i have updated of course to 9.00) what´s the mistake??
  56. dongrosh

    G66 - Rekordverdächtig...

    Die Sissy heisst Susi :-)
  57. dongrosh

    Mein kleiner Endstufentest ...

    gutes Infos ausführlich und nachvollziehbar geschrieben - klasse.
  58. dongrosh

    Playing a 2 amp 2 tone configuration live?

    Mike, i have the LF-Pro and the junior, for sure no problem in case you use Amp A or AMP B, but a real problem for the A or B and A+B system..... check it out...
  59. dongrosh

    Playing a 2 amp 2 tone configuration live?

    I tried several ways to do a 2-Amp setup and always failed on that IMO!!!! wrong Shunt-system (that was discussed to much and i gave up) Problem is: normally you go with your guitar in an A/B switch, then you either have Amp A or Amp B and if you like A+B In the AXE you need Shunts for Amp A...
  60. dongrosh

    Playing a 2 amp 2 tone configuration live?

    He Sean, that was our Nürnberger, haha, Mr. EdDegenaro....
  61. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    will have a look to the Koch, never seen or heard by myself...
  62. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    I know and i have seen a video are two different things IMO :-) But i trust in Pete Thorn and some other guys.....we well see (or better hear) and yes, i compared the Hotplate with the Marshall, forget the Hotplate, sucks totally, the clear winner was the Marshall, a great Unit (it´s...
  63. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    no, it´s no bedroom level, in that kind you need the phantom (which i will by soon as rackunit)...... and we will switch to an B-Klasse.....
  64. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    yeah, but for you and your Diezel, XTC..... on the hard left - there is the Treblebooster from Paul Lenders.. THAT´s what you really should try......amazing for every Amp..
  65. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    YES and YES, SE100 and A-Klasse (of my wife.....)
  66. dongrosh

    Almost send AxeFX Back... Not going FRFR saved it

    it´s a different taste - i have had a chance to play it with THE incredible HH 8000 and the MosValve from tubeworks - both sounded a bit to cold for my taste... For sure a Tubepoweramp has is own taste but there are so many possibilities on the AXE to tweak it for what you want, so.....many ways...
  67. dongrosh

    Well I think I found my speaker cab

    some things will ever work together... have a look to the date here... ... orum=axefx and the best thing, it´s portable, 2 Cabs and 4 space rack..
  68. dongrosh

    Almost send AxeFX Back... Not going FRFR saved it

    what i say.....that was my experience - you also can try some Tubepoweramps, they do not color that much people think but give you more headroom and a touch warmth i miss with SS-Amps..... Go and visit hunter, he has the VHT.....the right thing for a Marshall guy like you....
  69. dongrosh

    Finally finished with Preset Organization

    that´s really great as the 3 Factory Bankds are really totally unsorted, we call that like "higgledy-piggledy", = "pell-mell" (translator)... In fact the 3 Banks with Factory presets arrest people to buy that unit and cause sending back. But i gave up to try changing/reforming anything...
  70. dongrosh

    new CD Release - AXE included !

    My friend Christian Tolle and his Band Cooper Inc. announced the release of their new CD out on 9th of October. Song previews are online here: Chris wrote: "I used a fantastic LesPaul with Tom Holmes pickups for most of the rhythm stuff and Tyler...
  71. dongrosh

    Any Luddites here?

    me too before i discovered the secrets of tubes - now i have a drawer full of them and its´amazing to change the tone just exchange them, even preamp tubes.... The advantage of the Axe is you can do that without burning your fingers ;)
  72. dongrosh

    Ultra 8.02 wont bite

    pm sent for mailadress - will sent you pdf with instructions
  73. dongrosh

    1st Fly Date with Junior.

    hey teejay, great venue, congrats.. But one question - HOW can you play guitar with THAT view- ;)
  74. dongrosh

    Preferences for Updates - Question for Cliff

    just a try to clarify - that was NOT an attack against anyone or the FRFR Technologie - i thought that´s clear.. It was just an QUESTION IF the way of doing new features/models and so on has changed, It was the QUESTION IF Cliff has done that in former times with Poweramp/Cab and NOW with...
  75. dongrosh

    Preferences for Updates - Question for Cliff

    Cliff, what i like to know is where are your preferences tweaking and updating firmware relating to power section. In former times you played yourself with Axe/VHT/Guitarcab - and that was what i noticed playing the same setup. Now, the last few firmwareupdates SEEMS to tend totally to...
  76. dongrosh

    Do you think it's possible to make it sound better?

    +1 - just heard that the first time - incredible bad tone, what the f* is he playing there, is that the recording, phase issues or an defect on the amp???? I know most all of Larry´s stuff, know him personally, play an D**** myself but that.....was Shit
  77. dongrosh

    Pimp My Atomic Reactor FR

    ahhh, these Metall guys..haha - but i will warn you that metallgrills like that will def. change your sound. You will have reverberation (reflexion) from Speaker to backside of the grill and back again.....
  78. dongrosh

    Who else thinks the next firmware will be 8.00?

    I can - have a look to all that people buying an M13, still playing their Line 6 Pedals and others - here it seems to be a deficit, more "analog" pedals, esp. Delays, warm, rich analog and tape delays - that would be very cool - and it´s possible (see Line 6 but even more companies like T-Rex /...
  79. dongrosh

    Upload an Bank to the Axe

    the information of the place where the Bank HAS to go is IN the Syx. So A goes to A and C goes to C, you have NOT to do anything special, except you want to have A to B or B to C or whatever. It takes not as long as a firmware but much longer than a patch, around a minute.....nothing to "click"...
  80. dongrosh

    Upload an Bank to the Axe

    maybe you should specify WHAT does not work, and maybe it´s not the right way to criticism ironical that people who are willing to help here..... all from the Wiki Uploading/downloading patches without the editor - same with banks This is how you do it with a PC: 1) Download MIDI-OX if you...
  81. dongrosh

    Upload an Bank to the Axe

    you can use programs like midi-ox. There IS a lot of info about that on the wiki.
  82. dongrosh

    OMG - First time putting it in the rear

    what´s your config in the I/O menue?
  83. dongrosh

    Using Tube Pre amp type as power amp sim for external preamp

    i´ve done that with my CAE 3+, works perfect.....
  84. dongrosh

    Tool for splitting a bank into individual patches

    So, will there be a new zip-file or have you changed the one in the first post? thx anyway for your work....
  85. dongrosh

    dumble tone?

    yeah, i played the Ethos and IMO it´s to compressed... Well, a LP with Humbuckers with less output (mine has Tom Holmes with 7,4/7,9) them the Volumeknob on 6-7, Tone on 8... You must have a near clear tone when light picking and get the lead tone with a powerfull right hand - that´s secret...
  86. dongrosh

    dumble tone?

    what do you mean with THE Dumble tone - there are a lot.... I made this clip near 2 years ago with AXE only version 3.XX.... something like that?? ... Dumble.mp3 wilfried
  87. dongrosh

    Firmware Version 7.16 Ready (Standard Added)

    now, the end is near - in case you didn´t know: Version 9.99 will be the last one - self destroying included..... :shock:
  88. dongrosh

    FX block bypass state changes overall volume

    there HAS BEEN a very long Thread with very good information and pics, diagrams. For an unintelligible reason that thread has been deleted :evil: :evil: :evil: You will find a part of it in an other forum here: ... ight=axefx
  89. dongrosh

    Echoplex tape delay sound using the Fractal Axe-fx?

    Would like to hear some clips.....
  90. dongrosh

    Firmware Version 7.12 is Ready

    The problem is the contentious further development which is NOT reflected in ANY manual - cause that´s not possible, in that case i have to be on Cliff´s side.. BUT I really do not understand why HE (Cliff) doesn´t use and support the Wiki and the Wiki-Manual - IMO there should be a daily...
  91. dongrosh

    New to the forums and buying an Axe Fx VERY soon (some Q's)

    Hi Joey?, welcome on board, well, most of your answers are in the Amp&Cabs Thread but i can say that a lot of people have fun with the VHT 2/50/2 2 (2 space) and yes it´s heavy - much more heavy is the Randall RT2-50 which i like a lot too cause i can use it with 2 different powerampsections...
  92. dongrosh

    Axess FX1 external tap tempo/CC switch?

    to complicated man - one question: do u use an IA for compressor? If yes - use the same for tap tempo, i do it all the way...cause it works perfect. If the preset HAS Comp. ON - step 2 or 4 times it´s ON again - in case of Preset has Comp. OFF - via versa...... some things need a...
  93. dongrosh

    Echoplex tape delay sound using the Fractal Axe-fx?

    your ultimate solution and my highly recommended tip esp. for you "Kristine"
  94. dongrosh

    Verve 12MA arrived - first impressions

    great you like it...
  95. dongrosh

    Fractal Audio Welcomes Adrian Belew to the Fold

    great, but his website needs an urgent update... "Adrian uses Line 6 Gear, Parker Guitars and Pedal Pad Pedal Boards."
  96. dongrosh

    Ultra not sending the same level signal from L/R??!

    i have sent an mail to Cliff for that, sure he will chime in....
  97. dongrosh

    Ultra not sending the same level signal from L/R??!

    has anyone contacted Cliff?
  98. dongrosh

    Ultra not sending the same level signal from L/R??!

    I´m pretty sure that there MUST be something in the Chain, in one FX, in the cabs, in the Global menue. You only have to find it...
  99. dongrosh

    Advice on good companion gear for Axe-Fx

    Hi Rodrigo, i would suggest to read the Amps&Routing threads carefully - you will find a lot answers there, take the Searchbutton for FRFR or Poweramp.
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