Models of Vintage Delay Types

Would you find models of vintage delay units useful?

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I know Fractal would knock it out of the park making models of some of the great old delay machines like the Deluxe Memory Man, EchoPlex, Space Echo, AD900, etc. I do love the flexibility of the delay blocks already in the Axe FX, but IMO, it's hard to replicate the sounds of vintage delays with them.

Thanks for your time.
I totally agree with this, I have seen solutions that use multiple blocks to get into the ballpark, but that makes it more difficult to enable and disable the effect as a "Group" from a midi controller.

having a dedicated "Vintage Delay" block is a must, lots of people looking for these tones and having to resort to other units to get there.
YES, now its a pain if you are using virtual pedalboard type patches, because it takes so much space and CPU
I couldn't agree more. It's not that you can't get these tones, it's just they are not available from one block. In fact, I find I have to plug in a seperate delay in to the AXE to get what I want. It's the only seperate box that I use. I would prefer to use none. I would willingly give up one of the existing delay blocks on the AXE for a vintage delay block. I find it quite frustrating trying to replicate vintage effects of all kinds on the AXE. It is such an amazing machine and I know it can do them. I just wish there was a list of settings to replicate them easily. For example, an MXR Flanger. That said, there is still nothing out there that comes even close to the AXE. Please do not see this as a moan, it's just a wish...
The vintage delay is just too tricky to implement and almost requires too much technical knowledge that some axe-fx users may not have. I love the MXR carbon and the Malekko 616. Even with the axe, Im considering getting these one day for ease.

For'd be nice to easily obtain such tones:
A Big Huge Yes!

That fairly complicated el Capistan patch that Don created has fueled the need for a vintage delay block on the Axe-Fx.
i agree too and it is our biggest wish since years to have those delays we really miss in the AXE - all we can do is
to appeal Cliff to do that. It´s painfull to hear and play that FANTASTIC Strymon pedal knowing that they use the same
processors - so it WILL work, you just have to do it....I would gladly resign for the half of amp models or the next 10
"boutiqe"-Amps for just one "real" Cliff, please, hear us.....
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