Firmware Version 7.12 is Ready

FractalAudio said:
Once again people not reading the release notes and then claiming a bug exists...

"Increased amount of drive available in Cab block. Any presets using the Drive parameter will need to be auditioned."
With all due respect, reading the release notes and understanding the potential ramifications of those notes aren't necessarily the same thing. While it makes perfect sense (now!) that increasing the level feeding the cab would increase (cab) distortion, I would not have previously assumed that connection given that this characteristic was not previously as well defined as it is now. At least it's not something I had noticed in my patch programming. It might have been there all along, but I never noticed.

Jed said:
With all due respect, reading the release notes and understanding the potential ramifications of those notes aren't necessarily the same thing. While it makes perfect sense (now!) that increasing the level feeding the cab would increase (cab) distortion, I would not have previously assumed that connection given that this characteristic was not previously as well defined as it is now. At least it's not something I had noticed in my patch programming. It might have been there all along, but I never noticed.

Good one. Cliff you are a genius, and some of us are thick headed, and I can relate to Jed's post - reading and understanding are not the same thing. But I am sooooo thankful for this forum and the many ways people here explain things, and eventually some lights go on for me and others.

Thanks Cliff, this is a great product, and I continue to recommend and promote it to others. Try to be patient with some of us lessor lights.
I know where Jed is coming from. I'm still waiting for the "Axe FX For Dummies" version of the user manual to be released so I can get my head around how to use half the stuff that's in it (though I'm making the most out of the half I do understand in the meantime). ;)
Jed said:
FractalAudio said:
Once again people not reading the release notes and then claiming a bug exists...

"Increased amount of drive available in Cab block. Any presets using the Drive parameter will need to be auditioned."
With all due respect, reading the release notes and understanding the potential ramifications of those notes aren't necessarily the same thing. While it makes perfect sense (now!) that increasing the level feeding the cab would increase (cab) distortion, I would not have previously assumed that connection given that this characteristic was not previously as well defined as it is now. At least it's not something I had noticed in my patch programming. It might have been there all along, but I never noticed.


shredi knight said:
I know where Jed is coming from. I'm still waiting for the "Axe FX For Dummies" version of the user manual to be released so I can get my head around how to use half the stuff that's in it (though I'm making the most out of the half I do understand in the meantime). ;)

The problem is the contentious further development which is NOT reflected in ANY manual -
cause that´s not possible, in that case i have to be on Cliff´s side..


I really do not understand why HE (Cliff) doesn´t use and support the Wiki and the Wiki-Manual -
IMO there should be a daily update and a better structure and all the release notes, Infos, updates, tips and so on should be HERE online cause it´s a perfect plattform for Cliff, Sean and the other Wiki-freaks. I think a lot of work, explanation and entanglements could be avoided using the WIKI as THE central Infoplace.......

and User will learn very quick to get every time the same (and THEN correct) answer to their questions --" it´s here in the WIKI"--
FractalAudio said:
Nothing changed in the amp models or those cabs.

Thanks for confirming! :) So it's in my head, huh? :oops:
I thought about the new cab drive in advance and checked when it got added, but
it was pre 7.08 and I ruled it out.
However, I'll update to 7.12 (or 7.13) and see if I'll have the same impression at my band's rehearsal.
Of course I could have immediately tweaked my patches in the first place, but IF something would have been changed,
it'd been nice know the reason and tweak from there instead of just guessing / goofing around.

+1 on DonGrosh's post; I manage to keep track of most changed/added features, but I understand a lot of people don't.
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