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  1. C

    My setup needs validation please !!!!

    i'll have to settle down and think about what are the differences between direct outs, aux send and subgroup outs. I don't sound the same if the guitar stripes direct outs are to the monitors than when the direct outs go to the card prior to the monitors ( "double showered" concept in my first...
  2. C

    My setup needs validation please !!!!

    Hi GiRa thanks for your time! To sum up your thought : GUITAR====> AXE FX ============> MACKIE ==================> SoundCard -------------------- Output 1 LEFT ===> Strip 1 panned Left | Aux send 1 ====> input 1...
  3. C

    My setup needs validation please !!!!

    Hi all, been a long time off of writing but as an axe owner ( axe fx 2 XL) for 5 years i ping in here once a while. As an home studio user, i'm the most qualificated person to judge my tone cause nobody ears it, and i put my qualifications seriously in doubt, so please drop in... Here is the...
  4. C

    Axe-Fx II (All Models) - Cliff's new Quantum 8 factory presets (Bank A)

    Thanks. At Monster Jam don't forget your ear protections cause it might ruin your job and some other's too :p
  5. C

    Axe-Fx II (All Models) - Cliff's new Quantum 8 factory presets (Bank A)

    Hi by browsing some of the new presets, it appears that some like 6160 Block, Herbie2+, Jumped plexi and others, have the tone match block engaged so the axe fx screen is blinking "TMA REF SOLO'D" and no sound goes out from the speakers. I'm just wondering if this was on purpose or if i had to...
  6. C

    background noise on FAS Lead 2

    Thank you Stratman, sorry for late reply but sometimes life.. you know. My axe is an FXII XL with Quantum 1.01 firmware, and the presets on it are #34 FAS 1, #35 Fas 2 and #36 Fas modern. No signs of Tucana and Cameron on mine when a research is done, do you have those 3 FAS presets...
  7. C

    background noise on FAS Lead 2

    Hi, just switched to Quantum and found something weird: preset #35 : Fas lead 2 scene 1 is ok but when i switch on the other scene from 2 to 8 i have kind of rotative background noise which is significantly lowered when i bypass the drive or the amp block and which disapear completely when i...
  8. C

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.07 Released

    Simple statement without bad intentions at all. With all the dithyrambic comments about constant improvements achieved from the start and with this issue from 16.03, can't help thinking how subjective is the brain perception of sound. Being a poor skilled guitarist myself, wealthy enough to...
  9. C

    Axe-Fx II Firmware 18.01 Released

    Hi, didn't pull the 18.01 trigger yet, are some of the axexchange presets be usable with it, or is it a 99% sweep to dustbin update? If it's so, let's say that sometime you need a step back to jump longer...
  10. C

    To all tweakers

    In fact, the tone is more obvious on this track Discovery from the Discovery album : The solo starts at 1'58'' and that's more his signature tone of the 80's to me. Mike Oldfield is indeed reknown for "Tubular bells" album, some others are worth listening to too. ( By the way "Tutu" by...
  11. C

    To all tweakers

    Hi all, because it is highly recognisable, i was wondering if anyone had tried to nail the specific tone of Mike Oldfield, this particular whining guitar sound of his. I know we are in a huge different world from Satriani's and Petrucci's but maybe someone could have been curious enough to...
  12. C

    Funky/Slappy new single - "Fly" (SlapChop part II)

    The first 5 sec reminded me the first 14 sec of "Severed goddess hand" which is astonishing to make 14 out of 5! :lol Then Peter Frampton ' s "Show me the way" intro came from yours. Then my neo-cortical brain just blew a fuse and left the limbic brain just enjoy the funky groove. At the end...
  13. C

    Funky/Slappy new single - "Fly" (SlapChop part II)

    Does a Meat Puppets' inspiration sounds offensive to you? not supposed to be cause i liked the track. Nice one!
  14. C

    2 instruments 1 axe Fx II

    Thanks Chris for your quick reply. As i've seen the videos you made and the fact that your recording gear is quite huge, you may be helpfull on my needs, if you please... In facts what I am trying to figure out is how many inputs i would need on an audio interface by plugging in a guitar and a...
  15. C

    2 instruments 1 axe Fx II

    Hi all, Considering the facts that the axe fx II has 2 instrument inputs , i was wondering how both signals were treated in the output side when both instruments are played at the same time? Are they summed up in one and only track to the usb output or are 2 separate tracks created, one for...
  16. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    It sounds Si La Ré which seems to be really B A D in some countries! :mask: To MaxTwang: Ok now i get how the wood saddle you pictured could modify the tone compared to a metallic one thanks!
  17. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Ok, was about to get perplex Rex. relief...( and rhyme) If my ears were exceptional i would either get paid as a sound engineer or be a drug detection dog. Unfortunately not, but i really do appreciate your kindness by taking care of my request so nicely. Thank you very much A to the T
  18. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Indeed, the electric Jem genes are bleeding from your Django style soundclip. The soundclip i've heard from a piezo impulse are giving this woody feeling from the axe fxII. Now with the latest post of Max Twang on this thread, i'm getting pretty much curious to listen to the soundclip of a...
  19. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Thanks A to the T! I'm gonna listen to that. Thanks again and sorry for the disturbance!
  20. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Are you referring to this kind of stuff : ? Which means that the Axe FXII could be so sensitive that it could respond to a such slight modification on the guitar as this bridge saddle? If so, i might have to reevaluate my needs, cause i'm not sure that my ears could get the difference...
  21. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    No worries, wasn't meant to be rude, you have the right to live a life::mrgreen
  22. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

  23. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Wouldn't like to see a promised django style recording of axe fxII sink and drown.
  24. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Could you please ?
  25. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Great! i really look forward to ear that! Bad news, after the axe fx, i will have to buy another guitar... Happy! :biggrin-new:
  26. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    am' I really the only curious one or must i conclude that the Axe Fx II doesn't fit in Django 's suit?
  27. C

    Gipsy swing tone matching

    Hi all, i'm quite interested in jumping on an fxII gear soon, and i'm just wondering if the tone matching of a gipsy swing rythm guitar had ever been done? Though it seems that the axe fxII wasn't properly designed for such an acoustic purpose, does it fly that way as well? However there...
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