background noise on FAS Lead 2


Hi, just switched to Quantum and found something weird:

preset #35 : Fas lead 2 scene 1 is ok but when i switch on the other scene from 2 to 8 i have kind of rotative background noise which is significantly lowered when i bypass the drive or the amp block and which disapear completely when i bypass both or turn the guitar volume off.

The preset #34 : Fas lead 1 is ok on all scene preset.

I've played a while today and noticed it on at least one other preset but unfortunatly didn't paid attention to it's name and number...

Is it the same to you or is it only on my rig?

Any idea of the issue?

#35 for me is FAS 1? #34 is Cameron and #36 is Tucana? But anyway, scene 2 has every FX on----phaser, rotary, chorus, flanger, wah, multidelay, delay etc, etc., Stratocaster usa Deluxe.....On any single coil by itself big time rotary type noise. I really don't think those FX were meant to be used all together. Just kind of a demo of all fx in that preset. That will always make noise imho. But noise is not present unless I play. IOW, no background noise with volume up on axe and guitar...

I think scenes default to "all FX on" until you edit them.
Thank you Stratman,
sorry for late reply but sometimes life.. you know.

My axe is an FXII XL with Quantum 1.01 firmware, and the presets on it are #34 FAS 1, #35 Fas 2 and #36 Fas modern.
No signs of Tucana and Cameron on mine when a research is done, do you have those 3 FAS presets?

...Weird, but anyway, i get rid of that background noise by seting the noise gate at -17db and its some kind of okay at -9db.

First thought that it was because of the active pick ups on the guitar, but why on this preset and not on the others?

So by the fact that you stated that your factory presets weren't the same as mine and that i have no single traces of those Cameron and Tucana, could it be considered that one of my updates on firmwares could have gone wrong in some ways?

If so, how can i fix it ?

Considering the fact that i replied about a month after your fast response, if you take time to answer back we could qualified this conversation as a Romantic carrier pigeon relationship.
Sorry about that 2 centuries back leap in the internet era...
You can download the factory presets off the fractal website. I bet if you reinstalled the presets, you wouldn't have to worry about your weird preset #35 any more. Anyway, sorry for interrupting the mood : )
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