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  1. H

    Stuck on boot: “Initializing GUI”

    Will do. I'll let you know. Thank you!
  2. H

    Stuck on boot: “Initializing GUI”

    No. I have a FC-6 connected at times but not not every time it has happened. But I do have the USB cable connected every time I have turned the AXE FX on and the problem occurred.
  3. H

    Stuck on boot: “Initializing GUI”

    Cliff, thank you for the information. It happened again today and it took me 3-4 tries holding down the HOME button before it booted correctly. Assuming it is a corrupt preset (it has happened on various presets, assuming the last preset used is the culprit) is there anything I can do to avoid...
  4. H

    Stuck on boot: “Initializing GUI”

    Thanks Cliff!
  5. H

    Stuck on boot: “Initializing GUI”

    Hi all! My Axe FX III is randomly stopping during boot and getting stuck on “Initializing GUI”. I’m able to boot it in recovery mode and re-flash the firmware. Then I’ll use it for a couple of days until it happens again. Is this something that I can fix on my end? Thanks! H.
  6. H

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Does anyone know if by purchasing an FC-6 from the surplus invitation, do you forfeit your place on the waitlist? Regards, H
  7. H

    Axe-Fx III vs Kemper Profiling Amp

    I have used both Axe FX II and Kemper and am currently using the Kemper. But in all honesty, both are valid tools that can get you anywhere you want. I have a Pink Floyd tribute band and the other guitar player is currently using an Axe FX II. We both have tones that are extremelly hard to beat...
  8. H

    Going from FX-II to AX8?

    I still have both the Axe-FX II and AX-8. The transition was ok but there is one thing that I don't see mentioned a lot here that bothers me a bit. The speed... When editing the AX-8 is a lot slower while reading preset names, changing blocks, etc... Also the CPU limitation is interesting at...
  9. H

    My Ax8 froze mid-gig

    Yes sir!
  10. H

    My Ax8 froze mid-gig

    I believe his point was that any gear can fail and that a backup is never a bad idea. He didn't claim the backup has anything to do with the unit locking up. In fact it has nothing to do with that at all! The same way a spare tire has nothing to do with a flat tire, expect for the fact that it...
  11. H

    Rupert Neve news item about Fractal Audio Systems

    Matt, can you comment on what you are using to power the RNDI? Thanks!
  12. H

    Is Dephase ever going to make it to AX8?

    I hope it does!! It makes a big difference! Either make it to the AX8 or embed it to cablab making possible to save a new cab with dephase built in already.
  13. H

    Any updates about G3fication of the remaining amps?

    Mine don't but that doesn't change the fact that I wish they were G3'd. It's a fair expectation. Did your tones on FW17 sound bad?
  14. H

    OD's and Drivers

    I have a theory that most of the users rely on amp models for their distorted tones hence the drive blocks don't receive the love they deserve! I hope that with the fx8 the demand for better drive models will be significant to warrant some love. Take the Big Muff model for example. I have...
  15. H

    Fractal EV-1, excellent expression pedeal, well done design team

    I can't find the link to the picture...
  16. H

    Yek's preset collection (Q9.04, Axe-Fx II XL)

    Yek. Hi! Didn't notice a power cable to your RJM. How are you powering the Mastermind? Thanks, Helio
  17. H


    Just saw them here in Brazil and Bobby was using a Marshall head and a 4x12 cab besides the axe-fx. Although there wasn't anything connected to the front of the amp. Maybe he was using it for a cab sound on stage (axe connected to fx return maybe) ?
  18. H

    Matrix FR212

    Anyone had the chance to compare the FR212 to the Gemini 2?
  19. H

    Wait for Axe 3 or buy 2XL

    That might be true. People would postpone buying in the couple of months preceding a launch. I guess it's a though business decision! Some industries have some really well defined product lifecycle and live with it (Apple/iPhone for example) But anyways... I can't help but agree with you.
  20. H

    Wait for Axe 3 or buy 2XL

    Thanks for the replies! I'll get the XL.
  21. H

    Wait for Axe 3 or buy 2XL

    Hi! Looking to buy a second Axe Fx 2 XL as a backup but I'm really worried that we might be right around the corner from an Axe Fx 3 announcement (In which case I would rather buy a 3). With the new high-quality reverb and preamp blocks CPU power is as limiting as ever and it just seems like...
  22. H

    Axe-Fx II: Sorrow - Pink Floyd

    Can't wait for the preset!
  23. H

    FW15 Flanger and Chorus

    I noticed also with the phaser block that you can't get a very dominant effect anymore, even with a high mix. Specially with the uni-vibe mode. Very frustrating! Helio
  24. H

    WEM Super Starfinder 200 cabinet....Gilmour

    Sounds great! Would you be willing to share that preset? Regards, H
  25. H

    Comfortably Numb FW13.07

    Recorded with a Tele into AXE-FX FW13.07... Still working on the patch but I think its very close. Let me know what you guys think! Regards, H
  26. H

    Cliff, thanks, I love this machine so much (short tone clip inside)

    Great tones!! Is there any chance that you would share those presets? Cheers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  27. H

    WEM Super Starfinder 200 cabinet....Gilmour

    I have a replica/reissue (mentioned on an earlier post) and It's a wonderful cab. It weights as much as boat but the sound is great. I have a couple of hiwatt amps and to get distortion out of them you have to stand in another room. It's a really clean and in my opinion transparent amp. But it...
  28. H

    Playing Pink Floyd with my band

    Great tones!!! Would you be willing to share some of those presets?
  29. H

    A couple of questions regarding the AXE's accessories

    The Q12a is pretty loud and sounds awesome. I find it a bit more directional than a guitar cab so that in a rehearsal it is important to place it in a stand angled towards you. I use a pair and don't even need to crank them up to be heard in rehearsals.
  30. H

    Yek's Presets for MkI/MkII (v15.03) and Blog

    Thanks for the reply! Just hooked up a FRFR monitor and they sound great through the cab sims. I guess is my cab that need some extra hours of tweaking on the axe to sound better. Thanks!
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