WEM Super Starfinder 200 cabinet....Gilmour


Fractal Fanatic
I was reading up on what cabinets David gilmour used with his hiwatt. According to gilmourish.com he uses WEM Super Starfinder 200 cabinets with 4×12
I was looking back at my post and for some reason most of it was cut off....so here's what my question was

Does anyone know what stock cabinet in the axe fx would be closest to this cabinet that David Gilmour used? I've never heard of this cabinet or the speakers that are in it

Also, his hiwatt was modded to link the Normal and Brilliance inputs. Is there a way to accomplish this with the hiwatt amp sims?
I'm not too familiar with the HiWatt models in the Axe II. If there are models representing each mode of this amp you can try running two amps in parallel one set for each mode and go from there.

As for the cabs... I have no clue.
This was also a thread regarding amp sims so I'm not sure why it was moved to amps/cabs. I guess I can just post the second question separately.

And this is more of a question about stock IR's not amps and cabs. Maybe read the questions and not just the title before moving the thread.
Check out all the WEM cabs in the backline here..

.. skip to around 5:00 to hear some nice lead tone!

I think Matt needs to make a trip to visit David at his castle in England. He could set him up with an Axe-Fx and capture some WEM IRs ;)
I think the jumpered mode for the hiwatt dr103 on the axe fx 2 is combining both normal and bright like you were talking about.
Damn that sounds amazing. I don't see his hiwatt amps anywhere. Must be in back somewhere

look to his right side,kind of blurry,but they are there.i think the sound in that clip is more pedal based.i would be more curious what he's using in front of the amp.he's most likely running the amps for clean power and pedals in the front end.doesn't sound like the Hiwatts natural grind.
Sigh ... I had one of those Wem cabs back in the 80's ... pretty sure I either gave it away or sold it for next to nothing because it was a bit tatty. Should have kept it :( Kinda classic now.

Well, ideally you should have kept it, shot some nice UltraHigh Res IR’s of it, shared it with everyone and then give it away :)
look to his right side,kind of blurry,but they are there.i think the sound in that clip is more pedal based.i would be more curious what he's using in front of the amp.he's most likely running the amps for clean power and pedals in the front end.doesn't sound like the Hiwatts natural grind.

Yup, + all the outboard processing in the rack off to the left side that you can see a hint of every now and then.
I've never seen or heard of anyone with an original WEM 4x12 on this continent. Were they ever sold outside the UK?

Actually I've never really heard of them at all outside of discussions of David Gilmour. So I wonder how much of his tone is attributable to the WEM?

Now I see someone has done an expensive re-issue:

Starfinder 4x12 Cabinet

... but if I were to try one, I would never have any idea how close it sounds to an original.
a friend of mine is a total Hiwatt maniac.he has a couple of original 70's DRheads and Fane loaded cabs running NOS Mullard El-34's.It is such a clean gain.If your technique is just slightly off,you'll be spitting clams all over the place.;)but in the hands of a great player, they sing like nothing else.
When I read the spec on that re-issue and it said "25mm chipboard" .. then I remembered the weight of the thing.

Not exactly light. In fact, I remember it being a struggle for two of us to heft it into a car. I'd have probably died under the strain of carrying the thing by now.

I don;t remember the tone as being anything "special" to be honest. The Fane drivers were quite clean, almost PA like in fact. The box was as heavy as hell and well damped with wadding on the rear panel ... overall it was rather dead. Plenty of bottom end ... but mostly just a big clean, neutral box.

Now, if only we had just kept all that weird gear back in the 80's ... piled it up in a nice dry garage ...
thought the originals were made with marine grade 13 ply?loaded 4X12 would prob. weigh about 100lbs:)
I have a replica/reissue (mentioned on an earlier post) and It's a wonderful cab. It weights as much as boat but the sound is great. I have a couple of hiwatt amps and to get distortion out of them you have to stand in another room. It's a really clean and in my opinion transparent amp. But it sounds fantastic with Pete Cornish pedals and pretty much any pedal you throw at it.
I have tried Hiwatt cabs with fanes and I thought the WEM sounded better. I would say they sound fuller. But maybe it is my brain trying to convince myself that I made a good investment.

I do have an Axe Fx 2 rig that I use with a Matrix 1000 and NL212 cab. I have found that the Double Verb (twin reverb model) sounds closer to the cleans of the Hiwatt than the actual Hiwatt model. When it comes to replicating the lead tones in the video above I still haven't been able to do so. The fuzz models just can't get that violin like tone that is smooth but edgy at the same time. I even tried tone matching a Cornish P-1 but that didn't work so well. I found that using a Dumble model with a TS808mod before it is the closest I could get.



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