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  1. N

    FC Controllers Now Shipping!

    Woohoo, just got my invite. Confirmed May 17, 11:01 p.m. invite today at 12:59 p.m. ordered at 1:45 p.m. can't wait!
  2. N

    Axe-Fx III block to simulate FreqOut?

    I'm just curious if anybody has been able to create a block or scene that can mimic what the digitech freqout pedal does? It seems like it might be possible by using a combination of drive, delay, and pitch but I haven't been able to quite replicate the sound and feel yet. Anybody else have...
  3. N

    Using Switch pedal to inc/dec presets?

    I use two boss piano pedals plugged into footswitch 1 and 2 and use it to switch between scenes (up/dn). I'm pretty sure I was able to switch patches the same way during setup, but chose scenes instead of presets. I'll check if this is what you're looking for. edit: pg 45 of the manual...
  4. N

    Power amp question, but may be related to Axe-Fx III outputs

    Problem resolved, idiot me didn't check the short cables going from axefx to matrix. I've never had a 2 foot cable that never moves go bad. Sure enough that was the culprit. Lesson learned. smh.
  5. N

    Power amp question, but may be related to Axe-Fx III outputs

    Sorry if this is the wrong section. I'm having an issue where the signal coming from my matrix is much weaker on one side. My cables are good. I'm running stereo out of the Axe III into the matrix. I've tried running the matrix in both stereo and parallel with the same results--one side of...
  6. N

    Rackmount backing track player

    I have the Roland and it's great, but our drummer is the one who has to trigger everything. I'm hoping to find something for my solo acoustic gigs. It looks like the liquid-foot might be the ticket.
  7. N

    Rackmount backing track player

    Just curious what you all recommend for a rackmount backing track player? I have a great desktop DAW and just need something to play the tracks from that can be controlled via midi with my axe iii. As for midi control, all I really need is start/stop ability. Thanks!
  8. N

    Whats your favorite amps for clean/mid gain/high gain and fav IR's?

    I've really been digging the Tucana amp. One thing I found is that the amps that sound good in isolation don't always sound best in the mix for me. Obviously the EQ can be tweaked for that, but some amps just work great in the mix and others sound great when playing by yourself. The Komet...
  9. N

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Yes, 1:31 EST. You might want to check your spam or filters.
  10. N

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    FINALLY!!!! Waitlist confirm: Feb 1, 1:31 pm. Notified: June 11, 1:08 pm. Ordered: June 11, 1:13 pm.
  11. N

    Axe-Fx III Manual Update

    If only they could figure out a way to make tablets smell like old glue, paper, and dirt. Lol, actually there's a study I read where the smell of the book had the biggest influence on whether somebody preferred paper or a screen, however it was for books and not printed computer paper. There...
  12. N

    III in JP’s rack

    I think I recall an interview with his guitar tech somewhere that most of the switching is done by the tech offstage.
  13. N

    What are you using for sustain?

    We actually have a tower of power we use occasionally when we play out, unfortunately they can't be used at the casino with a silent stage. I love playing with the trumpet, sax, and trombone though.
  14. N

    Axe-Fx III wait list: Let us know when you get notified...

    Nice to see this list picking up speed. I have a waitlist confirmation for 2/1/2018 at 1:30 EST. There's a light at the end of the tunnel.
  15. N

    What are you using for sustain?

    No, can't have any monitors, totally silent stage. It's not that big of a deal but with the processing power of the AxIII I'm guessing somebody may have designed a patch that would get the 90% solution.
  16. N

    What are you using for sustain?

    I should have clarified in my original post, I have good gear (R8, Anderson, etc), and some good heads (Two Rock, Mesa, etc), my main issue is playing through the AxeFx and using iem's for live gigs. For example, the local casino requires iems and front of house signal only. How do you set...
  17. N

    What are you using for sustain?

    I'm still waiting on my AxIII but in the meantime, I'm wondering how you guys tackle getting good sustain. I always struggled getting a good sustain on my AxII. The sustain I'm referring to is more like what you'd get from a sustainer on your guitar. Also, long sustain that turns into...
  18. N

    Any FC release time info ?

    Along the same lines, can any switch with a TRS cable be plugged into the expression pedal input and be programmed for A/B, or scenes, etc? I have several switches from my two rock and mesa amp and am hoping I can just use one of these until the FC footswitch is released.
  19. N

    Help with my setup ignorance...

    Awesome, thank you!
  20. N

    Help with my setup ignorance...

    Thanks for the info. So, I'm ok with this solution, but just to verify what I describe above isn't possible? I just want to make sure I'm not passing up some features because of improper setup. If it is indeed not possible, I will setup as you advise. Thanks!
  21. N

    Help with my setup ignorance...

    Hello all, I've checked everywhere and can't seem to find an answer to my issue, and I'm sure it's a noob problem. Here it is: I'm trying to setup set mode correctly so that my MFC will scroll through the songs in a set and display the song names correctly. When I have Bank size set to 1, I...
  22. N

    How to split signal FRFR and real cab?

    That makes sense, I should think of it as a global off when running into traditional amps. Thanks for answering such a noob question.
  23. N

    How to split signal FRFR and real cab?

    That's it, thank you! For some reason I was getting hung up on the global cab settings and didn't realize bypassing the cab block would totally eliminate it. I guess now I'm wondering what the point of the global setting is for the cab?
  24. N

    How to split signal FRFR and real cab?

    I'm wondering if anybody can help me figure out the best way to split my signal between FRFR and a real cab? Our band uses a full in-ear monitor system and so the signal going to the board uses cab simulation and then is partially combined with the front of house mix. I also have real cabs I...
  25. N

    Looking for a neutral patch to use with a JTV Variax acoustic setting

    disable the looper and see if that fixes it.
  26. N

    Help deciphering patch names?

    I've been searching but have not found what I'm looking for yet. Does anybody know where I can find info on what songs/sounds some of the patches were modeled after? For example, Hell's Glockenspiels sounds like Hells Bells, Comet Concourse sounds just like my Komet Concorde. The obvious ones...
  27. N

    Split signal question with cab/no cab

    I love my AF2 and am still working through training myself on all it's capabilities, but was hoping somebody here could provide a quick fix until I get up to speed (I did do a search with no results). I have the output from my AF2 going into two separate cabs, so the cab emulation is turned...
  28. N

    Help, WET/DRY rig setup?

    Hello, first time poster here. I have an Axe-fx arriving tomorrow and can't wait. I've searched this forum but can't find anything on setting up a wet/dry rig with the AF2. I've looked at the manual and can't seem to find anything there either. Can anybody point me in the right direction...
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