Power amp question, but may be related to Axe-Fx III outputs

Sorry if this is the wrong section. I'm having an issue where the signal coming from my matrix is much weaker on one side. My cables are good. I'm running stereo out of the Axe III into the matrix. I've tried running the matrix in both stereo and parallel with the same results--one side of the signal is always much quieter. Any suggestions on what to look for? I've tried just a basic input-->amp--->output and get the same results so I don't think it's a result of the signal chain. Is there a global setting I'm overlooking somewhere?

P.S. when I run the signal through IEM's and bypass the matrix it's fine so it has to be related to the signal going to/through the matrix.
Some, including me have issues with their Nuetrik connectors ... went to a regular speaker cable as workaround.

I guess replacing one is not something the average joe can do, so it someday has to go back to the factory. I’ve been using the workaround for 3 yrs now.

Make sure you test all your cables thoroughly.
Some, including me have issues with their Nuetrik connectors ... went to a regular speaker cable as workaround.

I guess replacing one is not something the average joe can do, so it someday has to go back to the factory. I’ve been using the workaround for 3 yrs now.

Make sure you test all your cables thoroughly.

Problem resolved, idiot me didn't check the short cables going from axefx to matrix. I've never had a 2 foot cable that never moves go bad. Sure enough that was the culprit. Lesson learned. smh.
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