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  1. MattACaster

    Mfc101 controlling fx8

    I'm curious about this as well. I just got an FX8 this week and I have an old MFC-101 laying around from an old Axe-FX rig and was curious if I can use to two together. Although I'm not exactly sure for what yet.
  2. MattACaster

    Question for power amp users...

    Interesting... I can run the Axe wipe open into the TS100 and I don't hear any clipping. Although, I've been running the power amp almost all the way up (volume knobs at about 3 o'clock) and using the Axe to adjust the overall volume. No additional noise that I've heard but I generally have ear...
  3. MattACaster

    Question for power amp users...

    I'm running a Carvin TS100 into a Mesa Recto 4x12 so I don't think overpowering the speakers is an issue. I didn't think of that. Although, with the TS100, I've been running OP1 at full blast and I haven't picked up on any distortion. I wonder if something is wrong or maybe the TS100 can...
  4. MattACaster

    Question for power amp users...

    For all you using a power amp with you Axe, I'm curious how you set your volume. Do you run the power amp wide open and adjust your overall level with the output knobs on the Axe or do you deal the output knobs alone and use the power amp's level controls? Would there be any tonal difference...
  5. MattACaster

    Axe-FX + Tube preamp = ????

    That's what I'm running right now. Not sure if I'm into it though. Might be a little too transparent for my tastes.
  6. MattACaster

    Axe-FX + Tube preamp = ????

    Not really looking to use it as a tube preamp. More curious if any of those options would add some tube-ish warmth too it. I feel like the Axe is lacking a bit in that area. But, then again, I've only had it a month and have barely scratched the surface of it. It was an idea that just popped...
  7. MattACaster

    Axe-FX + Tube preamp = ????

    Hmmm... I've actually heard some good things about the ARTs as long as you replace the tube with something decent.
  8. MattACaster

    Axe-FX + Tube preamp = ????

    I'm curious is anyone has tried to run a tube preamp between either their guitar and the Axe or between the Axe and their output destination (like a PA or a power amp)? Something like this... PreSonus TUBEPre | ART Tube MP Studio V3 | ART TPS II |...
  9. MattACaster

    Replacing the faceplate??

    I bought an Axe Ultra off eBay a few weeks back and USPS bent the hell out of one of the rack ears. The seller has been super cool about the whole thing and got me a new one which I just received today. Are there any instructions floating around on replacing this? -Matt
  10. MattACaster

    Ultra with tube poweramp tips and tricks sugestions

    I wouldn't mind knowing as well. I just got my T100 today...
  11. MattACaster

    Poll: Do you plan to wait in the waiting list or pay the premium?

    Thats kind of what I'm thinking. Grab an Ultra to hold me over for a year or so until demand drops. Then upgrade!!! Now I just need to find one...
  12. MattACaster

    Poll: Do you plan to wait in the waiting list or pay the premium?

    Not sure what I am going to do at this point. I can't sit and refresh my browser all day and I need something for some upcoming projects I have going on. I bought a MFC thinking I'd have no trouble snagging a II when it dropped. But seeing as how it looks like I won't be able to get an Axe, I...
  13. MattACaster

    The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

    While I'm refreshing the Fractal store, I'm muttering "Come on.... Come oooooon..." LOL
  14. MattACaster

    The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

    Today is the last day I can play the "refresh game". Boss comes back from vacation on Monday and I will actually be expected to do some work around here. That might be a good thing, though. I'm not sure I'm emotionally strong enough to keep having the Axe II in my cart and then have it ripped...
  15. MattACaster

    The "Official" unofficial Axe Fx II US Purchase Availability Thread

    Just went on sale again 2:03EST. Didn't get one. :cry
  16. MattACaster

    If there was no Fractal Audio, what would your rig be?

    Since I don't have an Axe yet, it would probably be exactly what it is now... Marshall DSL100 Marshall 1960A loaded with V30s and 75s G-System Blackstar HT-Dual, Digitech Bad Monkey, MXR 10-band
  17. MattACaster

    6/16 - Refreshathon (availability update)

    God dammit!!! I had it in the cart and got the empty shopping cart as i finished the order!!!
  18. MattACaster

    It has begun

    I was actually wondering the same thing. Granted it's none of my business, but I'm curious how many actually went on sale today and if today's offering will be the typical number released going forward.
  19. MattACaster

    It has begun

    Figures that they went on sale when I went out to lunch... At least my MFC shipped today. I'll have that to keep my company...:cry
  20. MattACaster

    Will Next Day Shipping Be Available For My Purchase Of AxeFx11 & MFC-101

    Well, because of this thread I just went ahead and ordered the MFC. I figure what the difference if I order it now or when the Axe2 drops. Thanks a lot, ya jerks. :-P PS: I everyone. I new here. :mrgreen
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