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  1. Sensoryamusia

    Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case?

    Bumping an old thread but thought i would add that i was suprised my VHT 2/90/2 ran so cool. This is with the low fan speed setting. I used it for around 2 hrs today and it didn't get hot at all! The fans are super efficient
  2. Sensoryamusia

    While building my Fortin Natas patch, I discovered something...

    Was looking at buying on of these, or a DAR forza but bought the axe fx instead. I'll try this out after work, thanks for sharing
  3. Sensoryamusia

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!10.5 upgrade issues

    Figured it out right after that post, duh!
  4. Sensoryamusia

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!10.5 upgrade issues

    I'm sure i'm missing something but i have the latest version of axe edit, but when i try to update my firmware (running an Ultra, 10.03) the only update folder inside is the 10.03, no 10.05?
  5. Sensoryamusia

    More USEABLE Bass Patches!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing will check these out later :)
  6. Sensoryamusia

    What is your setup for recording direct?

    Nope wouldn't reccomend it, used one for a while when my MOTU broke and the difference was HUGE.
  7. Sensoryamusia

    Connecting the Axe Fx to your computer

    I bought a Uno yesterday, didn't work at all. Returned it and bought a cakewalk UM-1G, works perfectly!
  8. Sensoryamusia

    Axe Fx Ultra - Aussie power supply??

    Great, cheers guys!
  9. Sensoryamusia

    Axe Fx Ultra - Aussie power supply??

    Hey guys, Apologies if this has been mentioned before (couldn't find much on search) but i've read that the axe fx ultra is dual power, meaning all i have to do is replace the U.S cord with an aussie kettle cord. Just looking for confirmation that aussies have done this because my ultra...
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