Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case?


New Member
Hey all,

I'm currently wondering if I can house an Axe-Fx Ultra together with a Fryette 2/90/2 in a 4U rack case without overheating issues?

I hear the Fryette's have a ridiculously good cooling system (albeit a bit loud on the high setting?) and I should be able to stack the Axe-Fx on top of the Fryette and have no problems. However, I don't want cause any damage to my Axe-Fx because I didn't leave any space between the two units. At the same time, I don't want to carry around a 6U rack case with 2U dedicated to "air" if it's completely unnecessary.

Any information and opinions on the matter would be greatly appreciated... as well as recommendations on other power amps. The Engl E850/100 perhaps?

PS - I would be using a rack case with a removable front AND back naturally...
Re: Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case

Ihave an Axe and VHT 2/90/2 living in a six space rack that is full. They are right next to each other. I have experienced no issues. The VHT/Fryette runs very cool. And, to my ears, is the best sounding tube / Non FRFR power to be paired with the Axe. I even use it with the Power amp sims on with only mild coloration of tone.

Hope this helps.

Re: Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case

scrmnglspl said:
Ihave an Axe and VHT 2/90/2 living in a six space rack that is full. They are right next to each other. I have experienced no issues. The VHT/Fryette runs very cool. And, to my ears, is the best sounding tube / Non FRFR power to be paired with the Axe. I even use it with the Power amp sims on with only mild coloration of tone.

Hope this helps.


Ditto ....
Re: Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case


The combo should be fine together. Use your brain tho...front and back open etc etc...

Put me down for the Engl sounding better. The Fryette seemed to have to be at silly volumes to not sound a bit sterile...YMMV.

Re: Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case

Hey thanks for the replies everyone...

Would this pairing still be OK if I was using the lower fan speed setting on the Fryette and playing at "bedroom practice levels"?
Re: Axe-Fx + Fryette 2/90/2 living harmoniously in a 4U case

macc009 said:
Hey thanks for the replies everyone...

Would this pairing still be OK if I was using the lower fan speed setting on the Fryette and playing at "bedroom practice levels"?

It has been for me ....
Bumping an old thread but thought i would add that i was suprised my VHT 2/90/2 ran so cool. This is with the low fan speed setting.
I used it for around 2 hrs today and it didn't get hot at all! The fans are super efficient
Hey thanks for the replies everyone...

Would this pairing still be OK if I was using the lower fan speed setting on the Fryette and playing at "bedroom practice levels"?

I use low power/low fan settings for home use and high power/high fan for rehearsal/gig use - never had an issue of anything getting hot.
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