HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!10.5 upgrade issues

To use the last Axe-Edit I first need to update to 10.04 or 10.05 Firmware.........
This is not correct.. AxeEdit works with older firmware versions...If you have the latest version of AxeEdit (191) make sure you set the sysexid to "00 00 7D" for firmware older than 10.02, and "00 01 74" for 10.02 and newer. Once connected, it should support a firmware upgrade.. done ALL of mine thru it.

When running 10.05 Firmware update I`m getting this message on my computer:

Display of my Ultra says: "Awaiting File"

After a while MIDI OX says: " SysEx: No Buffer Available: There is not enough memory available for this task. Quit one or more applications to increase avalable memory, and then try again."

The realy odd thing is tha no odder apps are running than the MIDI OX. This is a Dual Core W7 Pro 64bit computer with 4GB Ram.......
I have seen this problem before.. it is [usually] caused by another app "locking" your midi interface. i suggest you reboot your PC to clean any locks, then start midiox and follow the upgrade instructions as you have before..
I will just add that I have in rare cases seen these locks persist across a reboot. For a 100% clean try, you should pull the midi interface USB cables, then reboot, then reconnect the USB to a different port, then fire up MIDI OX.
I'm sure i'm missing something but i have the latest version of axe edit, but when i try to update my firmware (running an Ultra, 10.03)
the only update folder inside is the 10.03, no 10.05?
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