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  1. J

    To you, what are the Axe Fx most acurate amps?

    ... ? ? ? which ones represent the real amp the best out of the box and with tweaking ?
  2. J

    ART SLA-2 users and S.S. power amp users get in here please

    what do you mean with different patches ? different settings for each type of power amp? (in that case I asume it does)
  3. J

    ART SLA-2 users and S.S. power amp users get in here please

    thank you guys. I'll get a power cond. in a few months then, it's good to have everything protected. But it's good to know I don't need one as of now, that way I can play with the Axe as soon as it gets here :)
  4. J

    ART SLA-2 users and S.S. power amp users get in here please

    Guys, I'm days away from purchasing my Axe Fx Standard. I'll order the rack case and the poweramp right away too. Now I've read a couple of comments where ppl are not happy with their S.S. power amps (carvin especially) now, I've only heard good things about the Axe + SLA-2............ am I...
  5. J

    For you guys using FRFR......

    yeah, makes a lot of sense :)
  6. J

    For you guys using FRFR......

    what do you mean with dif. poweramps? does the axe fx have poweramp sims too? :o I mean don't get me wrong, I'm throwing an ART SLA-2 poweramp in the rack, hell they're cheap and it's goot to have the option in case I wanna use the axe with a cab. But I was thinking about maybe getting...
  7. J

    For you guys using FRFR......

    do you get the same "thump" that cabs get when played? the same air push and powerful feel? Also are the cab sims acurate ? is it worth it over a poweramp + cab?
  8. J

    Questions for the clean/jazz/blues players....

    perfect, thank you very much. Very tasty playing there :) Well I'm all set then
  9. J

    Questions for the clean/jazz/blues players....

    no blues players? :(
  10. J

    Questions for the clean/jazz/blues players....

    ...guys, I'm heavily into blues rock and pop rock, so I really need/like/crave an awesome clean channel/patch, and a slighty breaked up, lightly overdriven channel/patch. So far I have a VH4 which has AWESOME cleans, and an astounding "dirty blues" channel, but they sound very "modern". I also...
  11. J

    I'm on the verge of purchasing an Axe wait or not?

    thank you all for the fast responses. I guess I'm all ready to buy then :) will post back as soon as become a full brother :D
  12. J

    I'm on the verge of purchasing an Axe wait or not?

    Hello guys, I'm planning on purchasing an Axe Fx very soon, but I'm new to this so I don't know if I should wait a little, is there something new coming? is it a software update? I just don't wanna buy something that in a month or two will be out of date. Another question is..... Ultra or...
  13. J

    New to the forums and buying an Axe Fx VERY soon (some Q's)

    thank you. I wanna move away from tubes actually. I already have two tube amps and I can run the Axe through one of em if I need the tubes, but I wanna make a LIGHT, trouble free rig...... Axe/light SS poweramp/cab that's it.....something I can grab and go anywhere and play. When I feel like...
  14. J

    New to the forums and buying an Axe Fx VERY soon (some Q's)

    thanks a lot for the fast response guys. See, the Egnater one interests me, but it'll be around 1,000 bucks, and I don't wanna spend that much. I can always use the VH4 poweramp section if I want tubes, I just need a "cheap" good sounding poweramp to have in the rack for those times when I...
  15. J

    New to the forums and buying an Axe Fx VERY soon (some Q's)

    hello guys, I'm new to the forums, I frequent the rig-talk (most of the time) and Harmony-Central forums by the same moniker. I currently own two amps, a Diezel Vh4 which I love and a Duesentrieb Little Joe, that's my custom made baby. I'm not looking to replace my amps, nor mimic them. I'm...
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