New to the forums and buying an Axe Fx VERY soon (some Q's)


hello guys, I'm new to the forums, I frequent the rig-talk (most of the time) and Harmony-Central forums by the same moniker.

I currently own two amps, a Diezel Vh4 which I love and a Duesentrieb Little Joe, that's my custom made baby. I'm not looking to replace my amps, nor mimic them. I'm getting an Axe Fx Standard mainly for two reasons..... as most of the people here I like the idea of playing A LOT of dif. amps (versatility) and for recording.

I'm currently recording my debut solo album, and sometimes I cannot crank my tube amps, specially at night when I like to record a lot. The Axe will solve this I guess.

Now, for now, I'll get the Axe alone and record direct, and use the VH4 Poweramp to get that nice tube power sound, but I want to rack this baby and get a poweramp for it so it can be a rig by itself. I'll use it as my FX processor if I'm playing my VH4/Little Joe, but it can also serve as a backup rig if the amp fails, like it did a couple of days ago, when it blew two tubes.

Poweramps...... I want something "small" and not that heavy..... I've heard the VHT is very heavy and big, also I don't really want to spend much money honestly I already have a very expensive amp, and the Axe Fx ain't cheap either, so I just want a poweramp that'll let me play the axe through a cab instead of power monitors and/or FOH (I don't trust the P.A. and/or Engineers working at some clubs)

what are the poweramps out there ppl currently use with their axe?, If I rack the axe, how many rack spaces would I need? 1 for the foruman power conditioner, two for the axe and two for a poweramp? or just one for a poweramp?
You, good sir, are in luck because there is an entire Fractal forum dedicated to amps and cabs viewforum.php?f=13 . I have spent many hours reading through the posts. Very informative. I am going to either go with the Atomic FR when it releases or the FBT Verve series.
Hi Joey?, welcome on board,

well, most of your answers are in the Amp&Cabs Thread but i can say that
a lot of people have fun with the VHT 2/50/2 2 (2 space) and yes it´s heavy -
much more heavy is the Randall RT2-50 which i like a lot too cause i can use
it with 2 different powerampsections (6L6) and (EL34), but that only in mono.

For smaller venues i can highly recommend the 1 space brunetti rockit if you can
get one (no problem in europe)...

!! again the request to new users to state the
country for Q like that.......

If you have (a lot) time you also can wait to the hopefully new poweramp from Bruce
Egnater, 1 space too....
1U for an Art SLA-2 (or SLA-1) would do you - and personally I wouldnt worry about the conditioner either.

Most other amps are 2U and there are several available.

I get by fine with my Art and guitar Cab. Just because its Solid State doesnt make it sound any different to a valve Power Amp.

I appreciate you not wanting to sell/replace or emulate your rigs, but as my (ex) VHT will attest too - you may well end up doing both !!!
thanks a lot for the fast response guys.

See, the Egnater one interests me, but it'll be around 1,000 bucks, and I don't wanna spend that much. I can always use the VH4 poweramp section if I want tubes, I just need a "cheap" good sounding poweramp to have in the rack for those times when I wanna use the axe rig without the VH4.

The one you recommended paulmapp, looks great! small and cheap. how does it compare to the Crate ? have you found any BIG difference while using the Axe Fx with it and using it with a tube poweramp ?
Dont know about the Crate.

I A/B/Cd the Art against a VHT 2:50:2 and the power section of my VHT 50ST head. I was thinking about using the Axe as a processor only with the 50ST - but if It COULD replace it, using a VHT power amp. I didnt want to compromise on tone. I had money to spend after returning from Iraq and was looking at a Bognor EXT, or VHT Sig X, or Deizel Herbert as well as the Axe.

I ended up - after a month comparing all methods - selling the 50ST, ditching the new amp idea and keeping the Art SLA over the VHT 2:50:2. Make of this what you wish. 7 months later I have no regretts at all (any one friend who has an Orange Thunderverb and was looking at something else to run a dual rig has bought an Ultra instead).

TBH there was no difference. In a blind test with 2 mates who both play - they couldnt tell the difference either.

Many on this forum use them - along with Carvin SS Power amps. Do a search and you'll find threads comparing the Art (and SS amps in general) with both 2:50:2s and Messa Power amps. The Art invariably comes so close - if not identical - to the valve PAs its not worth spending the cash - or having the weight - unless you really want to.
paulmapp8306 said:
Dont know about the Crate.

I A/B/Cd the Art against a VHT 2:50:2 and the power section of my VHT 50ST head. I was thinking about using the Axe as a processor only with the 50ST - but if It COULD replace it, using a VHT power amp. I didnt want to compromise on tone. I had money to spend after returning from Iraq and was looking at a Bognor EXT, or VHT Sig X, or Deizel Herbert as well as the Axe.

I ended up - after a month comparing all methods - selling the 50ST, ditching the new amp idea and keeping the Art SLA over the VHT 2:50:2. Make of this what you wish. 7 months later I have no regretts at all (any one friend who has an Orange Thunderverb and was looking at something else to run a dual rig has bought an Ultra instead).

TBH there was no difference. In a blind test with 2 mates who both play - they couldnt tell the difference either.

Many on this forum use them - along with Carvin SS Power amps. Do a search and you'll find threads comparing the Art (and SS amps in general) with both 2:50:2s and Messa Power amps. The Art invariably comes so close - if not identical - to the valve PAs its not worth spending the cash - or having the weight - unless you really want to.

thank you. I wanna move away from tubes actually. I already have two tube amps and I can run the Axe through one of em if I need the tubes, but I wanna make a LIGHT, trouble free rig...... Axe/light SS poweramp/cab that's it.....something I can grab and go anywhere and play. When I feel like taking out the big guns (amps) fine. Plus I'll use the Axe as fx unit when using the amp, so the axe rack should be light and trouble free. I think I'll go with ART
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