For you guys using FRFR......


do you get the same "thump" that cabs get when played? the same air push and powerful feel?

Also are the cab sims acurate ? is it worth it over a poweramp + cab?
If there are one thousand users on this forum, you will get one thousand and one different answers to that question ;-)

I use FRFR, yes I can get the same thump, though it's different (better in my opinion). Is it worth it over a power amp and cab? Hell yeah! With FRFR, you get a gadzillion *different* power amps and a gadzillion *different* cabs.

Others will say no, so you have to decide.

what do you mean with dif. poweramps? does the axe fx have poweramp sims too? :eek:

I mean don't get me wrong, I'm throwing an ART SLA-2 poweramp in the rack, hell they're cheap and it's goot to have the option in case I wanna use the axe with a cab. But I was thinking about maybe getting a power monitor to jam while at home and practice. At the same time that power monitor can serve me as a vocal monitor when not used by the amp, correct?

Joeytpg said:
do you get the same "thump" that cabs get when played? the same air push and powerful feel?
Also are the cab sims acurate ? is it worth it over a poweramp + cab?

There is no theoretical limit to how much air power the Axe-FX can produce when connected to the right amp and cabinet. Don't expect a Roland Cube to titillate your ocelot if it's accustomed to a greater power and driver area, but man, if you've ever been to a loud club or concert, you know what a proper PA can do in terms of pumping power.

The Axe-FX is a (scalable) Engine. Your power amp is the transmission. Speakers are the body, suspension, and wheels.

Make sense?
just got back from practice and i run frfr and ears... i dont listen to the cabs but i feel them. I would prefer to leave those at home, but a few guys dont have ears yet. I'm just using 2 jbl eon 15's and i have it dialed in pretty good. Not the choice of a few corksniffers around here but with some tweaking anything can kick ass.
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