Questions for the clean/jazz/blues players....


...guys, I'm heavily into blues rock and pop rock, so I really need/like/crave an awesome clean channel/patch, and a slighty breaked up, lightly overdriven channel/patch.

So far I have a VH4 which has AWESOME cleans, and an astounding "dirty blues" channel, but they sound very "modern". I also have an amp that is a copy of a Deluxe reverb, but it's only 20 watts and breaks up fairly easy, I love this but it's a bit limiting to recording.

my questions are:

1) How good/acurate are the clean patches in the Axe? do they sound very much like the amps they are based on? the Bassman, tweed, Dumble, etc etc?

2) I saw a nice Fender Bassman combo in a store near me, is it worth it even though I'm getting an Axe Fx soon? will I really miss a nice Fender amp having the axe? (I'm not talking about the Tube feel, I'm talking about tone)

thank you
the bassman combo is very cool - but you can do that with the axe and a good frfr (along with plenty of variations on that tone type). its just not as plug and play as the bassman - assuming the bassman happens to be set up and operating the way you like. - cause if it isn't the axe will be way easier to get to the way you like it.
not a bad thing to have both.. or the ability to choose either.
I have a Bassman RI that I have loved, but am trying to sell now that I have the Ultra and I am going FRFR. I love the tone of the Bassman and the 3-D shimmer of the 4x10's. But I can get close, plus much much more with the Ultra. Here is a blues track I did using the Ultra direct into protools over this backing track from someone here on the forum - no mikes. Plus, live, with that open back bassman, it is always a guessing game of EQing depending on the house. ... dID=692029

Pick Roadhouse Cafe - Richard plays the blues.

(actually the top three tunes were all done direct with the Axe Fx into protools, but the blues one and Reverberated Jam have more clean tones)

The possibilities of variation of clean tones is wonderful. If I was infinitely rich I would keep the Bassman for special occasions, but I am not, and I will not miss the tubes.
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