ART SLA-2 users and S.S. power amp users get in here please


Guys, I'm days away from purchasing my Axe Fx Standard. I'll order the rack case and the poweramp right away too.

Now I've read a couple of comments where ppl are not happy with their S.S. power amps (carvin especially)

now, I've only heard good things about the Axe + SLA-2............ am I making the right choice here?

I'll use the Diezel VH4 poweramp too if I wanna use the tubes, but I want a tubeless rig. For now I can't buy FRFR, so I wanna use my cab, plus the SLA-2 is not that expensive (300 something Euros).

1) Does the Axe + SLA-2 really sounds good?

2) Do I really need a power conditioner in my rack?
1.) Yes
2.) Always a good idea but I don't
3.) I tried FRFR and like my 2x12 EV cab much better!!!!
4.) I hope this helps..........
I think you`ll be very happy with the SLA-2,

I finally found the time to crank up the AxeFx into the Art at volume, was very happy with the results.
It does just as good a job as the VHT 2-50-2 IMO, it`s probably a little more neutral if anything which is pretty much exactly what you need with the AxeFx.
A very happy SLA-2 user for well over a year now. I have said it befor, I belive it to be the best single rack space SS power amp for the money.

As to a rack mount power conditioner it's up to you. You don't have to use one the Axe is plenty robust, I personally use one but not so much for protection as for a multi plug adapter and line voltage and current monitor. You never know what your plugging into at some venues.
thank you guys.

I'll get a power cond. in a few months then, it's good to have everything protected. But it's good to know I don't need one as of now, that way I can play with the Axe as soon as it gets here :)
Been using the SLA2 for about a month now. Works well into FRFR at low volumes when I use that and into my guitar cabs in stereo at fun volumes when I use those. Just give it a hot enough signal from the AXE and let it do it's thing. No complaints here.
Been using Carvin DCM600 into mesa 4x12 here .. No complaints .. Works great. It does require different patches when you go from tube poweramp to a S.S. one (obviously).

what do you mean with different patches ?

different settings for each type of power amp? (in that case I asume it does)
i tried several different power amps,,borrowed a friends mesa 290....too bassy for me i had to dial down the lows and crank the mids and highs....tried again with the tube amp peavey 120/120...almost same results as the mesa..bass overload and not the clarity i was looking for.
i then went SS.....carvin dcm1500 very powerful and loads of head room.....everything was crisp and very meaty but there was this buzzy sound when i used my gain patches...mainly on the big E now i have the qsc sounds different than everything i have used so far..the buzz is gone that i had with the carvin...very clear, not as thick as the carvin and others but i dialed the axe back happy with it so far,,,only thing running only one side sounds kinda under powered...running it bridged will prolly solve this...the sla-2 was on my list of amps to check out but i got a good deal on the qsc.
I'm very happy with the ART SLA-2. IMO it is 98% as good as the VHT 2/50/2 for a fraction of the cost, weight, and rack space.

That being said, I still keep the VHT around just for fun.
I've had an SLA-2 for 18 months now and have had nothing but problems. It's been sent back the ART 4 times and been replaced once. It's a great sounding amp. I just wish it was reliable. I've never used it outside it's stated capabilities, but have had it fail on me at more gigs than I'd like to admit. It's been different failures as well. Did I mention that it didn't work out of the box? I have a number of ART products and have found them all to be of very high quality, especially for the price. The SLA-2 unfortunately doesn't live up in my book.

There are quite a few people on here who swear by them so the odds are in your favor, but I will never trust one on a gig again.
I haven't heard that Carvin SS power amp owners are unhappy... For what it's worth, I own the DCM600 and have no complaints regarding its sound. It's 20lbs or so... I wish it was lighter. Still lighter than a tube power amp capable of putting out the same volume...

I might check out the DCM "L"-series power amps, their lighter versions. Depends if I end up keeping the Verve 12ma that I ordered, whenever I end up actually getting it.
Hi Guys,

I am weighing up monitoring options for when my axe-fx arrives!

I am thinking of getting the sla2 and running into my existing guitar cabs at first but eventually moving to full range speakers, my question is are there any other users here that run the axe/sla combo into full range speakers and if so what full range passive speakers are recommended for use with this combo, and what are the results like compared to an active full range speaker?

Ventanaman said:
I'm very happy with the ART SLA-2. IMO it is 98% as good as the VHT 2/50/2 for a fraction of the cost, weight, and rack space.

That being said, I still keep the VHT around just for fun.

I wonder if it is the case for high volume too.
Does it mean the VHT is completely trasparent (as you would wish for an SS poweramp to be) or the SLA2 has some nice coloration close to the VHT?
aftec said:
Ventanaman said:
I'm very happy with the ART SLA-2. IMO it is 98% as good as the VHT 2/50/2 for a fraction of the cost, weight, and rack space.

That being said, I still keep the VHT around just for fun.

I wonder if it is the case for high volume too.
Does it mean the VHT is completely trasparent (as you would wish for an SS poweramp to be) or the SLA2 has some nice coloration close to the VHT?

The VHT is as transparent as a tube amp can be. As for the ART it does a very good job of doing what you need it to do with the Axe even at volume. But comparing the two is Apples to Oranges as far as power amps go. Given the cost, weight and eventual maintenance of the VHT the ART makes sense if you gig out a lot, unless you have a lot of money and don't care about having to do some heavy lifting :mrgreen: .
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