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  1. Gadget

    Plectrum, lets get picky

    Herdims exclusively for me now. They have the grip and feel of the grey Dunlops I used to use, but the dimples go nearer The Edge (see what I did there :) ) for that scrapy clean tone. I like green Tortex too, but they slip too easily in sweaty hands.
  2. Gadget

    I Loved It Loud

    I think improvements to the mid to low gain sounds has been the major advancement over the Axe FX models. I never did have a problem getting either clean, or high gain, but the in-between was a challenge until the AF3 finally nailed them.
  3. Gadget

    How do I use outboard in fx loop with the digital connectors?

    Looking again, I think it's a level matching issue rather than feedback, coupled with the fact that my outboard is still set for kill-dry. I've modified the above preset as shown below, to allow for a dry-thru (I did try the trick you suggested @Bakerman but I couldn't get it to work right with...
  4. Gadget

    How do I use outboard in fx loop with the digital connectors?

    This is what I have so far...
  5. Gadget

    How do I use outboard in fx loop with the digital connectors?

    I am looking to use an external processor in an fx loop of the AF3. I want to use the spdif digital i/o, so I have therefore connected AF3 spdif out --> outboard processor spdif in, and vice versa. AF3 clock is set to internal and the outboard is clocking to it fine at 48KHz. For info, all I...
  6. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta #2 (Cygnus X-3 Release Candidate)

    I just came in to ask the same thing. I expected 'Save' to be highlighted, as if I understand correctly, the stated changes are applied automatically on preset load, but not stored until re-saved?
  7. Gadget

    Wish Notepad for each preset

    +1 FWIW When I've downloaded a preset from AxeChange, I would really like to be able to save the creator's notes re. intended use, mod assignments, cab choice, etc.
  8. Gadget

    Subwoofer placement

    I'm genuinely confused by that logic. A sub speaker and a pair of ears do not have the same effect on, or response from their placement in a space relative to walls and objects, so I'm interested to know why it was felt the two could be interchanged like that?
  9. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Ahh... my bad, sorry - I missed that AE update. It would be good if beta AE updates gave a notification same as the release versions do. Thanks :)
  10. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 25.00 Public Beta (Cygnus X-3)

    Poss bug? Can anyone reproduce it? Not a bug - see next post. I updated to this FW and reset all amp blocks. I then picked factory preset #8 (and a few other random to test, actually). I changed the cab from Legacy to DynaCab (leaving the default selections, or changing to another), but...
  11. Gadget

    5 Minute Tones

    A couple of notes... The overdrive on the real MK50 is footswitchable, so perhaps that explains the behaviour you noted. The default Axe-FX Cornfed M50 is with EL34s, whereas the real amp came with 5881s / 6L6s. Cornford speaker cabs are all made of pine and fitted with Vintage 30s, so it's an...
  12. Gadget

    Feedback without an amp

    Yeah, basically :)
  13. Gadget

    Feedback without an amp

    Interesting. Yeah, @sean.e has referenced it in post #13 I was thinking maybe something more like an actual speaker at the back of the guitar body.
  14. Gadget

    Feedback without an amp

    When this was discussed before, it was said that the lack of speaker cab-to-guitar interaction was the main problem in creating feedback in a modelling situation, i.e. the sounds that would conventionally be generated by a loud guitar cab were not present to resonate the guitar. So, does nobody...
  15. Gadget

    Where firmware 25 takes us?

    AI. No more blocks, or routings, etc. Just one text entry box and the Axe FX will do the rest :)
  16. Gadget

    New, Up-to-Date Presets to Purchase

    This any use to you, courtesy of @fremen ?...
  17. Gadget

    Judas Priest 80's era.

  18. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    Not all 'Ideal' pages are constant though, if by that you mean they are identical from one amp to another (?)
  19. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    Yep, exactly as mine.
  20. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    That wasn't possible. There were no options available at the drop-downs.
  21. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    I'm on PC.
  22. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    It all completed fine, so I'm good, but I just thought I'd report it here in case it spooked anyone else :)
  23. Gadget

    Axe-Edit III 1.13.15

    Just to note that I did have an issue with this when I updated to it, and then used its Fractal Bot to undertake the 24.05 firmware update, as detailed here - In brief, I got no info in my Fractal Bot...
  24. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    No; my Axe Edit display stayed the same from opening to completion of update, without changing once.
  25. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    It normally shows the ports. I had already selected the firmware file, and I didn't follow a prompt for the firmware update, only the Axe Edit update. I have just repeated the process now, albeit without clicking the 'begin' button and this is what I normally see...
  26. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    Yes. I started the hardware. I started Axe Edit. An update prompt came up for Axe Edit. I clicked to install the update. On completion, Axe Edit restarted as normal. I then went to Fractal Bot from within Axe Edit, browsed to the uncompressed update file on my PC and clicked begin. The Axe Edit...
  27. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.05 Release

    I don't know why, but my Fractal Bot window showed no info whilst it was updating my firmware (as per the screen grab below). No ports, no file, no progress... I was using the just-updated latest Axe Edit. The update completed fine (with the progress bar moving as normal on the hardware) but a...
  28. Gadget

    What is this audio phenomenon?

    Are you clipping your input level, as it's always on the picking?
  29. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    No, I understand. I just wondered out of interest (in the context of fixed bit rates of other devices, modelled as such in the AF3) how this feature of the 2290 is handled / modelled? :)
  30. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    The 2290 used Dynamic Differential Conversion at a very high 1MHz sample rate, which I understand to mean that the bit depth actually constantly varied according to the input level. From 2290-apn.01: "...As we see it, quality is not a limited bits liniar converter giving heavily rising...
  31. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.04 Release

    Do we need to 'reset amp blocks' or anything?
  32. Gadget

    auto freeze lead guitar preset - with Pitch Follower controller

    This sound reminds me of Gary Moore's 'Dunluce' on 'After The War' :)
  33. Gadget

    Let's show some love! What is the thing about the Axe3 that made you grin recently?

    It's actually the opposite for me :) I love the ability to play any real amp tone I want (and as cranked as I like) quieter than I normally play. At the wrong side of 50 years old, not playing out and with some hearing loss and tinnitus from years of doing it with the real thing, it's a godsend...
  34. Gadget

    Really need help and it should be easy for you.

    I use the ATH-M50x with my setup and find them just great. YMMV obviously, but unless they're broken, I doubt that is your problem.
  35. Gadget

    Help with Adam A7X studio monitors for AxeFx III

    Is your AF3 new or secondhand? If it's the latter, a full reset might be of use. Starting with your guitar volume at zero and gradually raising it, does the sound seem muddy right from the start? If so, I would suggest input levels might need to be reduced.
  36. Gadget

    Pulling a mean tone with Fractal and cheap vintage 80's gear.

    Great spatial fx! That chorus is pretty good, too.
  37. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #2

    Yes. I just tested it and all appears working. Thanks FA :) If I were being hyper-picky, I still think the nomenclature could be more intuitive to clear-up any confusion when no external clock is present. Currently it states "Word Clock ------ SPDIF/AES (NO CLOCK)", which despite the '(NO...
  38. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.00 Public Beta #1

    My AF3 is no longer clocking to my TC Electronic Studio Konnekt 48 audio interface since this new beta vs. v23.05 The AF3 seems happy enough, as it's not showing "(no clock)" but it's slipping on the TC master.
  39. Gadget

    Micheal Thompson Vibrato?

    Boss VB-2W at 8' 30", though I def recommend watching the whole vid :)
  40. Gadget

    Implemented Auto-switch for Digital Clock

    Thank you very much :hearteyes:
  41. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.05 Release

    Yet you're happy to use a Fractal product to make your guitar playing sound better?
  42. Gadget

    Implemented Auto-switch for Digital Clock

    Could we perhaps have a feature whereby the digital clock of the AF3 automatically switches to 'Internal' when no external clock is present? To record, monitor with my nearfields and to use my other outboard fx processors, I use my AF3 SPDIF outputs to feed my audio interface. For this, the...
  43. Gadget

    Electromagnetic noise/ interference

    Yeah, I was just kind of joking... I'll get my coat....
  44. Gadget

    Electromagnetic noise/ interference

    Maybe mention 'headaches & hallucinations' and 'class action lawsuit' and see whether that motivates the managers to do something :laughing:
  45. Gadget

    Electromagnetic noise/ interference

    Mobile phone transmitter on the roof above? Radio ham above or below? If you are friends with your neighbours, could you ask to test your Axe in their identically placed room for a minute, to see whether they have the same issue?
  46. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    Okay - update time. So I had this happen again, but this time the sound was more 'digital' and not just a straight 'hiss'. Mindful of what some here said about the SPDIF / clock possibly being the issue, I noted that I had just switched-off my audio interface and indeed, I did have the AF3...
  47. Gadget

    Advice on getting this type of dynamic Guthrie tone?

    And the Hellcat and Hurricane, just for good measure :)
  48. Gadget

    Advice on getting this type of dynamic Guthrie tone?

    Pure Cornford really, which is why we need more on the AF3. The Harlequin would be great...
  49. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.03 Beta #1

    Just a FYI, but it says Firmware 22.x on the download page, in case it's 23.x only (?)
  50. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    @Joe Bfstplk @Zedhed Thanks for the suggestion, but the clock was okay and locked. The full reset sorted whatever the issue was.
  51. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    The reset seems to have cured it and I'm back in business without the hiss. Weird. Thanks for the suggestions, guys and especially @Greg Ferguson
  52. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    It's the same on a selection of random ones I tried, inc. empty. No changes to settings. Hiss is like white noise. I can just about make out the guitar sound underneath if I hit it hard.
  53. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    Alas, not. Guitar volume off when plugged in.
  54. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    Yeah, I don't mind them either, but preferably not in my audio gear! :) Will do as you suggest and report back...
  55. Gadget

    SOLVED: Huge 'HISS' at switch-on...

    My Axe FX III MkII Turbo has just developed a very loud hissing noise immediately on start-up, which persists and doesn't go away. I am on the latest beta and everything was working fine an hour ago. I am monitoring through headphones, which I have tried on another source and are working fine...
  56. Gadget

    Studio monitor upgrade from A7X's to...

    I hope you'll forgive the slight off-topic interjection here, but as basic room treatment has been mentioned, I thought some people might be interested in my cheap-ish DIY job I did a while back:
  57. Gadget

    Who else never really uses the drive block(s)?

    I use some of them. Like @1234 I use the FET boost in front of an AC30 / cleanish amp for that The Edge sizzle. It's not the same as just turning up the amp gain.
  58. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Release

    Sorry if I'm being stupid, but why is this [Tape Flanger] listed under 'Chorus' instead of 'Flanger'?
  59. Gadget


    Good idea. I sometimes buy other gear in multiples - i.e. a few pedals or rack pieces - around the same time, but think to myself perhaps months later 'I really need to just sit down and spend some serious time with that one piece of equipment' and see what it can do.
  60. Gadget

    What’s cooking in Fractal’s kitchen?

    I thought all the world's a stage? But I'm merely a player, so what do I know...
  61. Gadget

    New Axe III User - Need Help Getting Going!

    I would do a full test of the unit and then a full backup before doing anything else - especially a full reset. You might find there are some useful presets and other goodies already installed by a previous user.
  62. Gadget

    Solid State amps, are they going to be here someday?

    To be clear, you'll see I was quoting Peteri. However "hated by everyone" is a blinkered statement when - as I said in my previous post - we have many SS amps identified by several forumites that have merit. And so what if it's "a 3k axe fx3"? I'm interested to know your price limit for what...
  63. Gadget

    Solid State amps, are they going to be here someday?

    Honestly, where do you get off calling other members 'trolls', just because they might want something that you don't? As for 'weird nostalgia': asking for a SS Marshall, or Session, or Laney, or Peavey, or Crate from the 90s is odd, but wanting 70 year old classic tweeds is fine? If you...
  64. Gadget

    Solid State amps, are they going to be here someday?

    Agreed. All this snobbishness about only wanting valve amp models (oh, the irony) is ignoring the many great artists and tracks that used these amps. It's not always about violin-tone purity and earth moving lows. Sometimes it's about brash and raucous and nasty. Switching off the power amp...
  65. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    Actually, I think it did it automatically when I restarted the Axe Fx after the Dyna-Cab install, but twice can't hurt :)
  66. Gadget

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Release

    Excuse my ignorance, but do I need to do 'Settings --> Refresh after new firmware ' in Axe Edit, or is that not necessary?
  67. Gadget

    Just got an Eventide H9000, how best to combine with AFX3?

    You could just do it with an analogue loop and forget digital? I run a loop from the AF3 out and back to my old rack mixer, with Eventides, Lexicon, TC etc. in it. Obviously not max fidelity compared to all-digital, but much less of a headache.
  68. Gadget

    Preset Organization Method/Idea

    It's the 'duplicate' issue that has always bothered me with this kind of system, i.e. a particular preset might contain (1) one of my favourite clean sounds, (2) a favourite lead sound, (3) be an artist preset AND (4) use a particular favourite amp. Therefore, it would need to go under 4...
  69. Gadget

    Guitar storage : looking for guitar shaped inserts

    Okay, some more details and pix... My safe is made by De Raat and I bought it second hand on eBay for not alot. Internally it measures approx. 119cm high x 90cm wide x 49cm deep. It holds 10 guitars in the rack and lots of bits and pieces in the shelves. The bottom stand is separate from the...
  70. Gadget

    Guitar storage : looking for guitar shaped inserts

    My 10 guitars (and other stuff) go in a large fire safe, to which I fitted my own pine wood rack. Takes up far less rrom than that chest of drawers and utilises more of the available height.
  71. Gadget

    Just ordered a Furman P-1800 AR for my AxeFx...overkill?

    I don't play out, so use a 2u Furman at home (very heavy!) The only thing to be aware of in the studio environment is that if you're playing within a metre or two of it, you might pick up interference through your guitar pickups.
  72. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    Yes, connected to TI chipset on PCI card. I'll do some searching...
  73. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    I have the TC Electronic Studio Konnekt 48. Drivers for it are all okay, where they should be and fully present when it's switched-on. Thanks for your help anyway :) I think it's just going to be one of those annoying things that crops-up from time to time, which I'm just going to have to put...
  74. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    I'm same as you: I record at 24bit, render at 32bit, import original. I agree that Sonar is choosing the 'best' option as it appears, ie: the Axe Fx's 48khz 32bit instead of the existing project's / default 44khz 24bit. But why does it get to decide - mid project - that something is 'better'...
  75. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    Yes, I think it's the sample rate that's the key. I record at 44khz and the Axe Fx is only 48khz, so as soon as the Axe Fx is switched-on Sonar defaults to its rate.... ... but it surely shouldn't be able to just do that. When the pre-existing project I'm working on is 44khz, I have my default...
  76. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    Thanks for your help, Frank. I appreciate your taking the time. I am asking about things on the Cakewalk forum about this. I will also ask about the .ini mod. At the moment, I am being given no choice. This message has appeared several times when I've started the Axe Fx with Sonar running "The...
  77. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    When I start Sonar with only my TC interface running it appears in Audio -> Devices, Driver Settings, Sync and Caching and MIDI -> Devices (as does my Virus Ti even though it's off). No mention anywhere of the Axe Fx. If I start Sonar without the TC interface running it appears nowhere (though...
  78. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    I'm on Windows 7 64bit at the mo (Windows 10 pending, gulp!) but I don't think it's an OS issue. Do you have the 'USB Audio Driver' installed, or just the 'USB Driver Package'? Both are listed in my add/remove programs list. It was suggested earlier that I try removing the 'audio' one? My...
  79. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    You're forgiven... ;-) I only record and don't play-out, so the XL is permanently wired into my desk (inc. USB to the PC) so alas physically unplugging each time is impractical even if I could do without Axe Edit.
  80. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    I have that unselected, yet the problem persists.
  81. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    If I turn-on both my TC interface and Axe Fx before starting the DAW, the TC drivers are all greyed-out, the Axe Fx drivers are auto-selected and the sample rate has upped to 48k.
  82. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    I start my TC interface first, then Sonar, then Axe Fx when I need it. Therefore Axe Fx isn't even listed in drivers at startup to un-select. The problem is that when the the Axe Fx is switched-on before Sonar it will grey-out all my TC interface drivers and the Axe Fx ones are the only ones...
  83. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    It would be interesting to know if this is possible. I will try it later.
  84. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    Alas yesterday it still 'stole' control even though Sonar was already running.
  85. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    But equally, the Axe Fx must be saying "hello, I can be used as an interface". It would be good if this 'notification' to the computer / OS / DAW, etc. could be switched-off from the Axe Fx when USB is only required for control and not audio throughput.
  86. Gadget

    Axe FX keeps screwing with my DAW!

    Is there a way to stop the Axe FX's drivers screwing with my DAW? BACKGROUND: I have an Axe FX II XL, which is connected to my TC Electronic interface via the XL's analogue output 1 and also to my PC via USB. I record into Cakewalk Sonar Platinum from the analogue outs / interface and I use...
  87. Gadget

    So what interfaces are you guys using?

    TC Electronic SK48 ( Studio Konnekt 48 )
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