Implemented Auto-switch for Digital Clock


Could we perhaps have a feature whereby the digital clock of the AF3 automatically switches to 'Internal' when no external clock is present?

To record, monitor with my nearfields and to use my other outboard fx processors, I use my AF3 SPDIF outputs to feed my audio interface. For this, the audio interface is set to 'master clock' and the AF3 to 'SPDIF/AES In'.

I also use the AF3 standalone (i.e. without the audio interface or any other gear switched-on) through headphones. For this, the AF3 needs to be set to 'Internal' clock, or else there is no reference and a horrible noise is produced.

Instead of having to manually switch this setting every time I use the AF3 standalone, I think it would be useful to be able to set the AF3 to 'SPDIF/AES In', but have it fall over to 'Internal' automatically in such circumstances, maybe with a confirmation popup along the lines of 'No external clock detected. Switching to Internal clock'.

Then, when the audio interface is used, it's all ready to go and the AF3 can resume its set parameter, again perhaps with a message such as 'External clock detected. Switching to External clock'.

Of course, if all you do is use the AF3 as clock master, it can be left set as 'Internal' and the above would be irrelevant / unobtrusive for you.
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