“Out Comp” (Output Compression)...mmmm


Fractal Fanatic
Added “Out Comp” (Output Compression) control to Amp block. This parameter controls a compressor specifically tailored to reducing the output dynamic range of the Amp block. Note that this compressor runs in the master DSP and if set to a non-zero value will increase CPU usage. The Out Comp parameter controls the amount of compression (compression ratio). In the Advanced menu the user can also adjust the compression threshold via the “Comp Thrshld” parameter, if desired. The bar graph at the bottom of the menu displays the amount of gain reduction.

I'm really not finding any good use of this new parameter for the kind of things i like, besides the release nots description, what is the added value for this parameter? is it specific for some kind of sound i don't know about? or is it like a simple comp pedal?
Hmmm just used it on a patch, scene 1 was a usa clean 1 and scene 2 was an HBE, used it on the clean sound to round it out a bit, and didn't need a compressor block.
Hmmm just used it on a patch, scene 1 was a usa clean 1 and scene 2 was an HBE, used it on the clean sound to round it out a bit, and didn't need a compressor block.

Maybe is the way it compresses that im not liking as a dedicated more parameter comp block.
But Tabasco works fine.

This is the correct answer.

And I REALLY like it to smooth some of the presets. The UR IR's are great, but on certain guitars (uber bright ones like Tele's and my LP) it really gives it a smoothness that I was not able to get without mud.
This Ketchup is a great deal - it does what I need it to do @ 1/2 the price (2% cpu as opposed to the 4% used by a separate Comp block).
I like the output compression parameter. Need to work with it more. For gigs in particular, I can see a tremendous benefit.
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