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  1. biggness

    Wish More FAS Amps

    I seem to remember Cliff saying that FAS Lead 1 and 2 are exactly this.
  2. biggness

    Is there any way to simulate this with the AxeFx in real time?

    Apologies for the tiktok video, but it's short and to the point. Would love to start doing this in real time.
  3. biggness

    Implemented Add EVH 5153 Stealth model to honor Eddie passing

    +1 Eddie showed us time and time again that any amp associated with his name is firebreather.
  4. biggness

    5150 Rhythm Crunch Channel

    Amen 😅
  5. biggness

    Wish Randomizer for individual blocks

    Ok? Just press it again lol
  6. biggness

    Wish Fractal bot plush toy.

    The vastness of this dude's merch knows no bounds.
  7. biggness

    Wish Need More metal circuit models like Hermansson, DAR, Fortin, VHT Pitbull, Randall Satan etc...

    Hermansson is some God-tier tone. I've been following his career since he was modding PA powered mixer into monsters. You can get fairly close to his signature sound by cutting bass and boosting 1.5-2k before it hits the amp, then adding the bass back afterwards either with output eq, or a...
  8. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.00 Public Beta (Beta 4)

    Interested about this as well, as I remember that thread. 🙃
  9. biggness

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    Not true. Google "ExxonMobil BLADE expansion" or "Valero Port Arthur Expansion" or "Motiva Port Arthur expansion" or any other refiner for that matter. They aren't building "new" refineries because they can just expand their current operation at already up and running facilities. The Exxon...
  10. biggness

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    I get what you're saying. I just hold the opinion that the blame, and solution, for all this was placed on us undeservedly. Without the obnoxious amounts of pollution via burnt bunker fuel with shipping vessels, or the insane amount of NOX being burnt in cracking furnaces at Ethylene units...
  11. biggness

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    It's just not cruise ships. It's essentially any large ship (aframax, panamax, supermax (which dwarf even the largest of cruise ships)) Basically if a country wants to buy or sell anything in bulk quantities to another country, they use ships. There are quite literally thousands upon thousands...
  12. biggness

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    One cruise ship is equivalent to 3.6 million cars. ONE!
  13. biggness

    Just Saw Diesel @ $6/gallon!!! WTF!!

    Brother, somewhere along the way we've been conditioned to believe that the population and their vehicles are the problem. We're miniscule. The real, and main contributors, are ocean going vessels. Cruise ships, tankers, and the ilk make up the vast vast majority of pollution by combustible fuel.
  14. biggness

    Boss OC-3 type of fx

    I made a Wish List request for something very similar. Wasn't aware of this thread when I made it, but I think our wants Venn Diagram each other.
  15. biggness

    Help needed ID'ing Dr Z amp.

    That's it. Much appreciated! Apparently based on a Fender Blackface.
  16. biggness

    Help needed ID'ing Dr Z amp.

    Sorry for the crap photo, but I was a fair distance away. Heard this amp at church today, with a small pedal board and sounded phenomenal. Rich and tasty. Bonus points for the guitar also 😅
  17. biggness

    Does the Axe FX have the tools available to replicate this tone?

    I've long since deleted all social media accounts. It's funner this way anyway. 😎
  18. biggness

    Does the Axe FX have the tools available to replicate this tone?

    Wow, mucho appreciado! I'll give it a whirl, and report back.
  19. biggness

    Does the Axe FX have the tools available to replicate this tone?

    Starting at 2:30 onwards. Sounds like a fuzz, and maybe ring mod? Not entirely sure though.
  20. biggness

    AXE FX III USB Firmware Release v1.11

    Does this do anything to help with losing the AxeFx as an audio source with Win10? I've lost count on how many times I have to power cycle both AxeFx and PC to regain audio.
  21. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 19.01

    Perhaps you are referring to the line level pad setting for the outputs?
  22. biggness

    Movie Review: Nobody

    It’s going to be hard to beat this movie. It’s John Wick for the tired working class. It throws realism out of the window, and replaces it with hilariously over the top spectacle and set to a better score somehow. Odenkirk is father of the year. It’s like the perfect “mediocre” movie, but it...
  23. biggness

    Back Panel Poll

    Panels are a thing of the past, and restrict air flow. Put a ram air hood and and cold air intake on it. I want that 30 extra hp to the encoder wheel.
  24. biggness

    Heavy cleans

    Give this one a gander. Uses a good trick I discovered messing around.
  25. biggness

    Another fun preset for you.

    My pleasure lol Also found that bypassing the arpeggiator and adding a medium room verb after the synth is a really nice sound.
  26. biggness

    Another fun preset for you.

    I like making weird presets. Here's one of them for you.
  27. biggness

    They All Sound the Same Part Deux

    I understand what you're trying to convey with these posts, but this one here goes against one of your most used phrases: Use your ears, not your eyes. If the point is accuracy, then it will hold up to many different measurements, including eyes.
  28. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware 19.00 Beta 3

    There used to be a forum member here that went by Swedish Chef. Invaluable member and sorely missed. Hope he's doing well.
  29. biggness

    The CNFB Method

    I think that this is intentional. He knows there isn't a single user here that understands that completely.
  30. biggness

    What Amp Models would you like to see added?

    You jest, but that's the "limiting" factor of the AxeFx. Cliff and Co solve this for those that don't want to invest the time to learn it for whatever reason, and their sales undoubtedly increase.
  31. biggness

    How do we know the amp models are very accurate?

    I've been saying this! 😁 It drives me bonkers to hear the phrase "just use your ears."
  32. biggness

    One of my best creations yet.

    Thanks! I was picking that up as well lol
  33. biggness

    One of my best creations yet.

    The first guitar I ever bought with my own money at 13 years old: An '87 Road Flare Red Ibanez RG550 in E standard tuning. And thanks!
  34. biggness

    One of my best creations yet.

    Here's a sample of it displaying the different textures you can get in one take.
  35. biggness

    One of my best creations yet.

    Here's a really unique and fun sound to play with. Tonnnns of tones available with varied picking dynamics and volume knob adjustments.
  36. biggness

    Wish The ugliest and filthiest and nastiest sounding fuzzes known to man

    Do you mind walking us through how to do this?
  37. biggness

    Wish The ugliest and filthiest and nastiest sounding fuzzes known to man

    Pleeeaaaseee for the Subdecay. What an incredible little pedal.
  38. biggness

    Go to amp models for 90’s Rock/Grunge

    Literally not a single one of those bands played a PRS, and except for the Foo Fighters, none played a Mesa. Lol The 2000's? Yes, absolutely. I think any chewy high gain amp would fit as long as you executed the riffs right. Grunge has a nice high gain sound, with a thick and full bottom end...
  39. biggness

    Wish Extend PEQ frequencies below 100hz for all bands

    +1 Would also be nice if AxeEdit had a reference window with selectable PEQ instances to see what your other eq's are doing while working on another one.
  40. biggness

    Bloom-style reverb?

    Big fan of this bread.
  41. biggness

    Common amp mods and their respective Amp Block parameters.

    Heck yes lol It'd be beyond awesome if we could cultivate and procure some mods from across the internet, and Cliff implemented them in applicable amp models. Like a submenu in the boost parameter in the amp block has.
  42. biggness

    Wish Demeter TGP-3

    That's awesome. I like to think that I have a good ear, and after twenty plus years of playing, have pretty good relative pitch. I can even tune my guitar to pitch after a string change to within a few semitones, but there are people like my wife, or my best friend who just hear more. My...
  43. biggness

    Common amp mods and their respective Amp Block parameters.

    Alrighty, MixedMango, I applied some of what you shared to a Friedman BE-100, as the tone in the video I shared was the "goal" and based off of that layout. It's pretty daggum gnarly. :oops: This an awesomely tight metal/rock tone, with lots of clarity and note separation. All without using a...
  44. biggness

    Common amp mods and their respective Amp Block parameters.

    Wow, what an impressive sharing of knowledge. Much appreciated, and added to the notes archives. Do you have any presets to share that display some of your mods? Maybe stock amp in Scene 1 and and your modded amp in Scene 2? I'd love to take a gander.
  45. biggness

    Wish Friedman Butterslax and BE50 deluxe

    Bump for the Butterslax, but with verified schematic. @FractalAudio You already have the base done with the BE-100, which it's based on, so it shouldn't be too difficult, huh? 😂
  46. biggness

    Common amp mods and their respective Amp Block parameters.

    Ok, did some researching and the above amp is basically a modded Friedman BE-100 circuit.
  47. biggness

    Common amp mods and their respective Amp Block parameters.

    I'm wanting to know what parameters I need to touch on when approaching "modding" certain amp models in the AxeFx. We all know that Plexi's, and JCM800's have been modded throughout history with great success, with some even becoming their own industry leading entities. So the Jose Mod is...
  48. biggness

    JCM800 2203x halfstack vs AXE FIII w/poweramp and cab

    To add to what has already been said: Unless you are absolutely adamant that is the sound you want, it's a no brainer to go with an AxeFx these days. The versatility, and quality of sounds, and ease of use at any volume is unrivaled. For instance, here lately I've been playing with JCM800...
  49. biggness

    Wish Glitch, Buffers, Granular

    Thanks, Simeon. 🍻
  50. biggness

    Wish Glitch, Buffers, Granular

    Love it. Maybe you can help; There's a factory preset called Comb Delays or something similar in the #300s(I chat be sure at the moment as I'm away from my Axe) that has a beautiful glitch sound when changing scenes while playing. Especially when switching from Scene 2 to 3, and vice versa...
  51. biggness

    Wish Demeter TGP-3

    No, she just really enjoys my guitar playing lol She has an incredible ear for music and name most any song within two notes. I'm always trying to stump her and failing. And that spans across a wide range of genres. Really impressive. And also annoying at times because I will learn a song for...
  52. biggness

    Wish Demeter TGP-3

    Dean and Robert really have the perfect combination of tone, musicianship, and songwriting going on. I'd go so far as to say Dean's tones are probably my desert island tones. They are just lush. And I had a similar experience with Metallica's "Blackened" in a high school band. I had spent the...
  53. biggness

    Wish Demeter TGP-3

    Thanks for this! You're right about his chording. It's a thing of beauty. I was telling my friend about working on learning "Plush" and he said something along the lines of "EzPz, one of the first songs I learned of theirs." I asked him if he was playing that verse riff with powerchords...
  54. biggness

    Axe-Fx Firmware Release Version 17.01 Public Beta #2

    Craziness. Last week I was torn between ordering the Hydrasynth and the Virus and ultimately ended up ordering the Hydra. So wild to see it in your video, in the same manner I was going to use it. Now I just need to build some robot hands to play what I want it to while I play guitar lol
  55. biggness

    References to "Preset doesn't sound like Promo-Video" topics?

    That's an EQ curve that indicates loss of hearing in the high frequencies, which is the first to go. Or something is wrong with your setup/signal chain. Lol YouTube some audiometric tests and see how you fare.
  56. biggness

    References to "Preset doesn't sound like Promo-Video" topics?

    Another key component is picks. Size, shape, type, thickness, etc. It's the direct transfer from person to string and often overlooked. Different picks yield different tones/timbres.
  57. biggness

    Effects to supplement your AxeFX 3?

    Would love to hear some clips of your setup. I'm sucker for guitar synth sounds.
  58. biggness

    Closed VHT Pitbull Ultralead

    +1 Phenomenal amp, with tight, dry percussive tone. Doesn't really saturate like other high gain amps, and if it wasn't for that, would be the perfect plug and play amp as its tight enough to not need a boost up front. Love the clean channel as well. I'd say the Diezel Herbert is the only...
  59. biggness

    Wish More FAS Amps

    Great suggestions. I'd also add in the iconic Marshall 8100 with a big bottle power section to maintain that "stiff" bottom end, but with a smidgen of tubalicistity. Something like a VHT 2/150 or something. Marshall 8100
  60. biggness

    Wish Demeter TGP-3

    +1 Yesterday my wife gave me a list of songs to learn for her. Worked through a handful of them, and arrived at "Dead and Bloated" and wasn't getting anywhere close tone-wise. Research showed that this is what they used. Just need to find out what cab/speakers was used too.
  61. biggness

    AFIII Sepultura - Desperate Cry

    Chaos AD was the first album I learned how to play every single note off of lol I've researched and researched and can't get a conclusive answer on what amps was used on it. So far I've got: JCM800 boosted with a blue colored overdrive Triaxis and Strategy 400 Ada-Mp1 and Strategy 400 Mark III
  62. biggness

    AFIII Sepultura - Desperate Cry

    Nice! Love this album and Chaos AD. Have any luck getting the Chaos AD tone with the AxeFx?
  63. biggness

    “Jesus, is there anything you people don’t bitch about”

    I had an old boss when I was a younger man that said: I like to hear my employees bitch about things here at work. It means they still care.
  64. biggness

    Mesa Mark IV vs Triaxis models

    What are you setting the Master Volume to?
  65. biggness

    “Jesus, is there anything you people don’t bitch about”

    I get what you're saying, but you have to consider that even the greats endure criticism. Name any one person that is regarded as best in their field, and you will find less than 100% positive feedback on any one talking point. Example: Tom Brady isn't immune to criticism. Bill Gates isn't...
  66. biggness

    Announcing Axe-Fx III Mark II TURBO

    Great points. I agree that the updates are "baked in" as you say, and I'd take it a step further and say that the updates are part of their advertising approach. Mention Fractal Audio to an interested guitarist, and you're more likely than not going to mention free updates in your sales pitch as...
  67. biggness

    Announcing Axe-Fx III Mark II TURBO

    No lol People even knew about Nintendo 64's, Playstation 1's, before the internet was really a thing. Most everything electronic is talked about before its release.
  68. biggness

    Announcing Axe-Fx III Mark II TURBO

    It does matter. There are, and I dare say the vast majority of, people who do their research before making a purchase. With my backup unit, I missed the Mark II by three weeks when factoring in the fifteen day return window. I know I'm not the only one that has gotten the raw end of the deal in...
  69. biggness

    Announcing Axe-Fx III Mark II TURBO

    You're right. That's just the nature of... ...well everything sold today. It's no big surprise that things get upgraded. What is a surprise is the total lack of transparency and integrity with regards to letting people know about updated units coming down the pipeline. ESPECIALLY when Fractal...
  70. biggness

    Announcing Axe-Fx III Mark II TURBO

    Love this! Major Quentin Tarantino vibes. 🦶👀
  71. biggness

    FullRes IR vs. Reverb

    You're right, and I look forward to learning more about it all as we matriculate through the reverb settings. Related Note - one can google for Jay Mitchell's reverb tips/tricks/settings in regards to room simulations and discover a wealth of knowledge in setting up your reverb for such a thing.
  72. biggness

    FullRes IR vs. Reverb

    No u
  73. biggness

    FullRes IR vs. Reverb

    Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first post FractalAudio/Cliff has ever given a reaction to. So maybe screenshot it, print it, frame it, treasure it. Lol
  74. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta 4

    I've been having some good results with dual path reverbs for this. I have a preset posted in the preset section, that I've tweaked even more for some excellent flavoring, that is a good starting point to build off of.
  75. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta 4

    I can tell about a handful of actual overdrives apart. Overdrives that are actual overdrives, not fuzzes, distortions, treble boosters, etc. The od808, sd1, and precision drive are easily identifiable for me. The others... not so much. I chalk that up to me not being intimately familiar with...
  76. biggness

    Kudos! The virtual capo is seriously great.

    I love it. Highly useful, and sounds fairly great. I wish the Input block had it in there instead of having to burn a Pitch block on it.
  77. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta 2

    Thanks :) I must have missed that bit. Make no mistake, it does sound good. Though I do wonder why this is a sought after sound (not your tone or playing, but the general timbre of the "AITR" here) when it sounds pretty similar to the early days of YouTube videos before people started micing...
  78. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta 2

    What's that sound in the high end that sounds like crinkling paper?
  79. biggness

    AITR Terminology

    Speaking of physically changing the dispersion of sound, I jammed with a guy a few years back that had 3d printed some derivatives of the "speaker donuts" from quite a few years back, but had added some webbing/fingers to them as well. It sounded great and I asked him to make me some, and he...
  80. biggness

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Release Version 17.00 Public Beta

    Anxiously Biding Cliff's Decision Eventually
  81. biggness

    X-Over'd Reverb AITR tone.

    Building off my last preset I shared, I dialed up a dual reverb (one for the lowend, one for the highend) that sounds pretty great through my QSC 12s and sub FRFR setup and also my studio monitors ( Adam A7X) Any thoughts on it would be appreciated. Enjoy!
  82. biggness

    RNDI between III and monitors?

    Is the mic preamp able to be replicated with the Cab block's preamps and controls?
  83. biggness

    Bricasti inspired room verb (clean)

    Here's one I've been working on that was inspired by a Bricasti M7 preset that splits highs and lows and verbs them differently for a really nice space. This preset shines with the #4 Strat position. Or is it #2? Never can remember. Anyways, neck and middle singlecoil together. Enjoy. EDIT...
  84. biggness

    Metallica uses Axe Fx

    No, not at all. There are plenty that still do it for the sake of creativity, expression, and letting the world hear their soul's story. Doing it for money nowadays, outside of the money making genres, well good luck with that lol
  85. biggness

    AFIII Xyloxyla. Xylophone inspired clip.

    Thanks. I'll post it later today once I get home from the kids' sporting stuffs.
  86. biggness

    Metallica uses Axe Fx

    I personally believe that he was fighting the inevitable. Akin to Blockbuster fighting streaming services. The decline of music sales is really just a culmination of: -Ease of sharing. The internet opened the whole world up to bootlegging with each other. Before the internet, you'd have...
  87. biggness


    Maybe they could throw in a mode for you. Stereo and Series
  88. biggness


    Depends on if the vendors have room mics already or not I'd wager. If not, that's a cost to continue to remain competitive in the market. In addition to room mics aren't 1:1 with close mics, so there will be a knowledge (quality) gap. So my guess? Only the vendors that aren't familiar with...
  89. biggness


    Awesome. Looking forward to it. Would it be too much to ask to get you to throw in some low and high cut parameters, and a simple three band EQ in the IR Player as well?
  90. biggness

    Synth Block Fart

    It's because the pitch detector is picking up on transients. You can have a fairly precise sound with the following: -Use the neck pickup. -Roll your guitar's tone all the way down. -Use a volume block first in your chain, with envelope modifier attached to it. Tweak the attack to hide the...
  91. biggness


    I've seen this before, and love it. Though this watch through I picked up on something I didn't before that I'm going to try: Different reverbs for different frequencies. Going to split and x-over or low pass/high pass my signal and send to two different verbs, then sum it back down. Gave it...
  92. biggness


    I appreciate the clarification. Sounds like a gnarly addition then, and I look forward to it. 🤙
  93. biggness


    I believe that the Bricasti M7 is algorithmic, the reverb all others are judged against. There are a few close competitors with Bricasti that did some fancy IR capturing of the M7 and are fairly close, but there's still a gap in quality between the them. Seventh Heaven, Reverberate 2 are the...
  94. biggness


    The whole point of reverb is to replicate a room or surrounding. Briscati is the crème de la crème of this. And I agree. Jay is undoubtedly incredibly intelligent and knowledgeable, but gets sideways quick lol
  95. biggness


    It's foolish, for a lack of a better word, to think that Fractal Audio doesn't play things close to the vest to maximize sells of each product line. If you've been around for any amount of time, you've watched it happen about ten times now. Zero heads-up for anyone interested in a purchase, and...
  96. biggness


    I agree with you on this. I kind of touched on it a few pages ago, and got blasted for being ungrateful, so it's nice to see someone else think objectively about it as well. I did link to in one of my posts to a twelve year old post with a discussion about this with Jay Mitchell. I'm just...
  97. biggness


    I'm not angry lol I'm just curious as to why this needs to be in the cab block, and things have to be given up to achieve it. Here's a discussion from 12 years ago about this very thing, by one of, if not the most intelligent speaker experts in the history of mankind lol Older Fractal Audio...
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