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Been following you on YouTube now for a while. Nice videos and narratives. Can you make a video on the new Stereoizer effects?

I believe there would be a good amount of interest from the community in doing so.


and Cameron models i tried (that about as heavy as i get) hope that helps
over the weekend with some harder rock\metal stuff and see how it goes with that but i think its promising given how it was with AFD100
Paired it up with UAD OX and real amp - sounded awesome so think there's good potential with the AXE FX once i get used to it-will try more
BUT, when i got an IR that worked it worked better than through my studio monitors by a large margin + what i remember from the asm12
Felt like it may be a little senstive to the IR, maybe bad explanation but felt like i was playing a cab through a cab in some cases.
bottom end felt right\tight, high end like a cab. Haven't done metal and don't play prog so can't speak specifically to them. I will say
imediately, i liked how the zilla cab sounded\fels - was like playing through a cab
consider i don't relaly like FRFR, tried CLR and ASM12.. CLR was when they 1st came out so maybe now i would prefer..
Hey - only got to mess around with it for a couple of hours last night - below aren't conclusions yet, but observations -
Hey man.. How was the sound from the Zilla mini stack? Does the F12-X200 speaker work well with metal/progressive genre? Thanks
with the thread you quoted me closed, i thought i'd reach out this way.
MIDI works fine again, I don't know if this is the updated firmware or if something was loose on my end. Though, I rebooted computer, soundcard and axefx several times and the problem persisted... anyway, all good now.
Have a good one!
Hey there you amazing sound maker! :) Please IF you got the time do some Bogner Ecstasy presets för AX-8 close to Lukather's sound nowadays.
Hey Leon you are a great man for all the help you give us and your video's are very helpful to me.. I just pick up the AXE FX 3 you where the main reason I purchased it :) I want to ask you could you please help me with a Vocodr Patch for the AXE FX 3 I am struggling with that and there's no patch available that I can Find :) love Ragdoll if you could here is mine on Spotify "Mental Tronde de Jambe"
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