You're not on tour...

If your lead singer is wearing a button up shirt that is stretched so tight you can see portions of his enormous gut between each button, you aren't "on tour".

So you had to go and get the band Loverboy all upset with that comment, didn't you?
Read the list and said, yep, mmhmm, oh yea, hmmm been there, yes, know that situation, auuugh yea....~90% of that list I've experienced lol. So, I'm definitely not on tour heh...
If you complain about people calling their tour a tour and you tell them it's not, chances are you never were on tour. ;)
When there are people in the audience who you have never seen before and they are listening to your band, and this surprises you, you are probably not on tour.

"Those pretty girls up the front who were dancing... who were they?"
"Dunno. I thought you must have known them."
TOTALLY guilty of the KISS sign blowing the power to the building. Happened in Joplin, Missouri. (I was in a KISS tribute band obviously.) Trust me when I tell you that the audience looked much better with the lights it wasn't a total loss. :)
Funny, but too true................I feel like Hippietim was following me around on my last bar tour.:encouragement:
Damn, you blew away all my delusions of grandeur. However, I will continue my world tour in the awesome, disturbing universe of my mind. ... they can't hurt you if you don't them, ... they can't hurt you if you don't them, ... they can't hurt you if you don't them
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