Your D.A.W. of choice?

What D.A.W. do you connect your Axe Fx to?

  • Pro Tools

    Votes: 8 5.5%
  • Logic Pro

    Votes: 35 24.0%
  • Live

    Votes: 7 4.8%
  • Reaper

    Votes: 44 30.1%
  • Cubase

    Votes: 27 18.5%
  • Samplitude

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Digital Performer

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Reason

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Cakewalk

    Votes: 19 13.0%
  • Soundtrack Pro

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Reaper. It's a shame it doesn't cost more, to be honest - it's perceived value is very low, and it's by far the most modern and capable DAW I've ever worked in.

Just for context, I'm a full time mix/mastering engineer, I work in it every day. Wouldn't rather be anywhere else!
I use the samplitude (pro x2). Maybe I'll try reaper one day. I've gotten very used to samps object editing.
I was just thinking, with only 10 options maybe use one as "other" and then people using other can post what they are using. That would give you a good idea of the numbers.

But, I guess a little late for that now. :D
I've been a Cakewalk -> Sonar guy for years. Wondering if anyone out there has switched from Sonar to something else will never look back?
Just curious

Been on Sonar since 6. BUT... I just bought a Macbook Pro and Ableton Live 9, as my band wants to do some live tracks and automated lights. Trying to come to terms with it, but it's a foreign land to me... missing Sonar. I find myself going back to it to record things even though it's on an 8 year old laptop.
Also a Sonar user in my case since IV, and have not upgraded since X1.
Very comfortable with it however, since reading this thread have downloaded PreSonus Studio One 2. And will also give Reaper a go. Have not done anything with it but looks pretty straight foward. It also makes me nervous that Gibson now has Cakewalk. Which is pushing me to try other things.
The one thing I will probally miss is the "Pro Strip" in Sonar I really find it very powerful, useful and at times addicting (Ha ha)
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