You might be a fractalite (fasjunkie?) if

You might be a Fractallite if...

You have never been happier with your tone.
You feel an instant bond with anyone else using an Axe Fx.
You feel smug when you walk past the amps and effects pedals in the local music store.
You sold off your amps and pedals and used the money to buy more guitars.
You watch a new Premier Guitar rig rundown and skip ahead to the Amps and Effects part to see if they are using the Axe Fx.

I must qualify - I got all of those!

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You thought Mark Day was your surrogate father and fairy godmother and savior at the same time. (when I first heard his recordings I couldnt get this darn black box out of my mind)
You might be a fractallite if ..

the first thing you ask a fellow Axe user is what firmware he or she is using ...


if you sometimes browse youtube and listen to a gear review for about 15 seconds and then
just think .. ahhh I can do that in five sec with my axe fx standing on my head any day of the week ..


you sometimes find yourself pondering on what you can sell to afford to buy axe fx III when it arrives ..

You find yourself talking to somebody in a music store obsessing over an amp and you think
.. oh you poor bastard you're really missing out the other 180 amps and awesome effects ...
you ain't heard nothing yet !

You find yourself talking to somebody in a music store obsessing over an amp and you think
.. oh you poor bastard you're really missing out the other 180 amps and awesome effects ...
you ain't heard nothing yet !


LOL I was just saying this to the super cool guy at the local GC who is the Tech there. He does an amazing job setting up my guitars when they really need a good tune up and is friends with the lead guitar player of Symphony X. He's been GASsing for an Axe FX for years and I'm trying to tip his hat.

Hi everyone, my name is Ron and I'm a Fractalite...
You start to believe that owning a cat will allow you to understand the principles behind the flux capacitor deviation across the voltage plate of a vacuum tube.
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