You know you're getting old when ....

... the only reason you go on /b/ is to try and wade through the trolls to actually hand out some wisdom to the younger crowd and try to help them avoid future mistakes/problems/unwanted pregnancies.
True Story: when you buy tickets to a concert and decide to skip it when you see that you're the oldest person there by at least 20 years, and the other fans are getting on your nerves.

I got into a band called Motion City Soundtrack which is not a style I normally get exposed to nor generally do I like it (pop punk/emo) but I heard a few songs that I liked and the lead singer/songwriter has a funny self effacing style. Unfortunately most of their fans are teenage emos and when my wife and I saw the crowd of them milling around before the show we said screw it, I can already tell they're going to piss me off by looking at them.

That's the only show in my concert going life (and I've seen hundreds) that I've ever skipped for that reason. Not that any of them did anything wrong, I just knew the odds were I wouldn't enjoy the show. Luckily the tickets were cheap, so it wasn't a big loss. In some ways, I'm a cantankerous old fart. Speaking of which, I'm going to see Yes tonight...
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