With every update, I need to simplify my presets

Lance Holland

It seems every time there's an update, I have to revisit my presets and remove features because of CPU limits. A preset that worked in a previous version goes over limit when updated. I get that the code will be optimized over time, but it's just a bummer that I need to keep dumbing down what was a perfectly fine working preset or coming up with more work-arounds.

(sorry...just a rant. I know they're doing their best)
Likewise had a few updates on my FM9 Turbo which were pushed almost to the limit before and still work fine now even with Cygnus 3 software
As I recall, there have a few times where I had to trim back a bit, but as others have said, mostly not, even some going the other way.

But I'm on the Axe III (original, non-turbo), not FM9, life may be different over there.
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Hmm...probably just me. I'm usually hovering around 80%...and with the release, something kick it over. I'd hoped that with an FM9, I'd have all the CPU I'd ever need. Maybe I need a new approach.
Here are some thoughts.

1. We evaluate CPU when designing new features and deciding whether to migrate them from Axe-Fx III to FM9 and FM3. By the time it gets to you, we're confident that the improvements are worth the cost.

2.Finally, the decision is always yours. If you don't agree that the upgrades are worth the added CPU, you can downgrade easily. (This is one of the reasons the firmware update guide recommends making a backup of your system and presets before each major upgrade).

3. Aside from the above, it is also worth nothing that Cliff and the other engineers also dedicate some effort to making sure CPU performance is as low as possible, sometimes even releasing updates that result in general improvements.
It seems every time there's an update, I have to revisit my presets and remove features because of CPU limits. A preset that worked in a previous version goes over limit when updated. I get that the code will be optimized over time, but it's just a bummer that I need to keep dumbing down what was a perfectly fine working preset or coming up with more work-arounds.

(sorry...just a rant. I know they're doing their best)
FWIW with gapless switching, having everything in a single preset is no longer needed. Sometimes the new features and improvements require the users to re-evaluate their work flow.
FWIW with gapless switching, having everything in a single preset is no longer needed. Sometimes the new features and improvements require the users to re-evaluate their work flow.
Thanks all. I do get it. I was just reviewing the handful of presets that I use for our gigs and two blew the limit. Removing a volume block, a filter, and a controller got me back under limits and should have minimal impact to my requirements. I guess I'm just venting.

My main presets are not quite kitchen sink style but do have several effects that are only occasionally used. Maybe with the gapless switching, I should move those lessor used effects into their own patches.
It’s the exact opposite for me.
Each update make me simplify my presets and save some cpu because I don’t need to tweak the core tone of the amp anymore.
I used to tweak a lot the amp block before the last update on my fm3. Now it’s just SIC, low cut (cause my main guitar needs a visit to a luthier)
I have not experienced the CPU issue... although I rarely create a large "kitchen sink" preset...and am never pushing the cpu limit...
The latest update with the gapless feature does add a small increase in CPU use.

If you don't need that you can turn it off.

Additionally, there are various techniques to lower CPU use.

If you post an example preset then there are those that can help to see what can be optimized.

Simple things:

  • Remove all extraneous shunts
  • Lower Cab block preamp quality (or disable)
  • Lower IR resolution
  • For blocks that don't get used in a given scene, set them to a type that uses less CPU
It’s the exact opposite for me.
Each update make me simplify my presets and save some cpu because I don’t need to tweak the core tone of the amp anymore.
After cx3 dropped I ditched drive blocks. There is just no need in them. Saved me tones of cpu.
I thought this post was about how, with each firmware upgrade, less and less processing is needed to make the unit sound awesome! No need for added EQs, Compressions, Enhancer, etc! My presets are now most ridiculously simple and I came here to agree! 😃
I thought this post was about how, with each firmware upgrade, less and less processing is needed to make the unit sound awesome! No need for added EQs, Compressions, Enhancer, etc! My presets are now most ridiculously simple and I came here to agree! 😃
I've stripped all that stuff out already.
I've implemented as many of the CPU saving tricks but hadn't seen this. It turns out, I could knock down the CPU 2% by switching the pitch block to Octave Divider on the scene it wasn't used. Thanks!
Cool. The Drive block is often another place this works well.
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