wish: Ability to add a simple note to a preset.


I would find it really useful if I could add a simple text note to the preset in Axe Edit, things like version number any performance settings, external controller functions etc. at a quick glance.
At the moment you have to try to fit it into the preset name field, I would rather it was in another "text field" that was visible in Axe Edit and readable on separate page of the 'Recall' button on the front panel of the Axe Fx.
This has been requested numerous times over the years...
My guess is the implementation hasn't happened due to space constraints on the device. With 384/768 presets available - depending on the model in use - the extra "space" required to add 1000 characters per preset would be not insignificant.
I believe there is a user tool out there that lets you do that - for offline use, or you could load it all up on AxeChange?
+1000 !!!

I keep countless notes (in txt files, or pieces of paper) and have to resort to whacko preset naming in extreme shorthand... All of that nonsense would go away with a "notes" field!
This has been requested numerous times over the years...
My guess is the implementation hasn't happened due to space constraints on the device. With 384/768 presets available - depending on the model in use - the extra "space" required to add 1000 characters per preset would not insignificant.
I believe there is a user tool out there that lets you do that - for offline use, or you could load it all up on AxeChange?

Ok thanks for the reply, worth knowing.
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