Which parameters do you tweak before live shows ?


Which parameters do you find yourself tweaking before live shows ?
Just want to make sure I know how to quickly access all the critical stuff :)
I make sure my F Switches are setup for the show. I use them differently while jamming or practicing.

I quickly scroll through each preset and scene I'll be using to verify levels.

I don't typically tweak EQ or effects, as I'm pretty happy with how the presets are translating to FOH.
I play wireless so I go out and listen to FOH. Rarely needs tweaking, but if the AX is too shrill or boomy, I compensate on the channel strip on the main board rather than constantly tweak my AX. I have my presets pretty well dialed in so I almost never have to do anything with them.
global EQ to adjust to the room. that's it.

if i have access to the PA system mixer, i'll start there instead, but i usually don't.
Really nothing. Everything gets tweaked at practices, so other than making sure everything is working and my overall volume is appropriate for the venue, there's nothing else to dial in. I play wireless too, so I'll go out front and check the overall sound but that's not what you're asking...
Great insight guys..

Question though.. For those of you that do in fact tweak bits and pieces here and there prior to a gig, do you do all of your tweaking via the interface on the AX8, or do you have a tablet/laptop handy and then do it via AX8-edit? I can imagine that that may depend on what kinda of tweaking you are doing, but for the sake of answering the question, who uses the interface and who uses a tablet/laptop?
I don't tweak at gigs.. not any more.
If presets are that far off that you have to tweak all things.. .then perhaps the initial tweaking wasn't right in the first place? All my tweaking is done at rehearsals..
If EQ is needed for the room, then (IMHO) that's the realm of FOH and up to them to adjust.
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