Where’s my mojo?


Fractal Fanatic
Hi all,
As the years flow by, I’m less and less inclined to enjoy playing music.
Recently, I got a couple of guys together which was going to be a semi regular thing, but the drummer couldn’t even be bothered listening to the songs we were going to play, so the other guy said “that was fun” and got the hell out of there. I was soooo looking forward to getting some tight blues recordings together with a semi regular unit, but that (I think) was pretty much my last chance.

Now, I pick up a guitar or bass, play it for a short time, and just don’t ‘feel’ it anymore. What’s wrong with me? What is the cure??

It happens. Apathy, ennui, lack of juice. Phases of interest / disinterest. Dare I say, aging??

IMO it's okay to not have waxing/waning interest in things (yes it can be hard or weird because it was there so strongly previously). If you let it go or try something else for a while (weeks, months, maybe longer), you might find yourself drawn again.

I recall Alex Lifeson saying he just didn't have it in him to play guitar or record for a year or more (iirc) after Neil's death.
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I'm 72 and although I haven't lost the drive to play, I have lost interest in playing songs. Feel like a jukebox now when I do. I now pick up my guitar and let my fingers go, letting the sound of the preset determine how I play.
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I've been an electric player most of my life. Recently I started getting into more acoustic playing (and players) and it's rejuvenated my love for guitar. Go play some high end acoustics and see if they resonate with you (pun intended). I still play electric every weekend, but acoustics have opened a new learning path for me. It's not good for my GAS, but I'm having a lot of fun.

I've also been listening to bluegrass (like Billy Strings) and although it's never going to be my first choice when I'm on a road trip...it's fun to listen to different guitar styles and try to play them. Much harder than I expected. The new challenge is good for my brain.
Now, I pick up a guitar or bass, play it for a short time, and just don’t ‘feel’ it anymore. What’s wrong with me? What is the cure??

It happens. It's ok to put it down for a little while. I once put the guitar down for over two years.
But nothing inspires me like a new piece of gear, large or small.
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went through the same after leaving a band. IT'S OK!

I took every guitar, put it in the case and put them all out of sight. went about 9 mo's (longest since i was 11) and then the desire was overwhelming.

good luck. im nursing a bad left thumb. mri next week. going nuts not playing.
Now, I pick up a guitar or bass, play it for a short time, and just don’t ‘feel’ it anymore. What’s wrong with me? What is the cure??


Yeah, I get this sometimes. Life is a drag sometimes. Having to interact regularly with the Healthcare Industrial Complex can really make you wish they'd prescribe a faster-acting poison instead of the usual symptom-supressing side-effect generators....
Quite the contrary here, have difficulties finding time for picking up my guitar but once we are on rehearsal I get my kicks, but have a lot of luck to play with motivated people. One idea could be to open up to other instruments: keys, Banjos....
You’re a musician whether you’re gigging or not, a musician even when the instrument isn’t in your hands. Nothing wrong with you. Desires come and go, as does inspiration. In my mid-60s I’m both surprised and blessed to still be gigging. I expect my last time in the lights will come. When it does I hope I choose to be thankful for hundreds upon hundreds of gigs played, and don’t burn a minute wondering why I didn’t get more.

Hope you get to play on stage again, if you’d like to. If not, man, there’s nothing wrong with moving on to enjoying your talents in other ways. Best to you either way.
Hi all,
As the years flow by, I’m less and less inclined to enjoy playing music.
Recently, I got a couple of guys together which was going to be a semi regular thing, but the drummer couldn’t even be bothered listening to the songs we were going to play, so the other guy said “that was fun” and got the hell out of there. I was soooo looking forward to getting some tight blues recordings together with a semi regular unit, but that (I think) was pretty much my last chance.

Now, I pick up a guitar or bass, play it for a short time, and just don’t ‘feel’ it anymore. What’s wrong with me? What is the cure??

Been in the same spot as you. I started listening to different types of music, different bands that I like but had forgotten about. It hasn’t cured me but the last couple days I can feel a bit of motivation to play something different than the rut I had been in.
Hi all,
As the years flow by, I’m less and less inclined to enjoy playing music.
Recently, I got a couple of guys together which was going to be a semi regular thing, but the drummer couldn’t even be bothered listening to the songs we were going to play, so the other guy said “that was fun” and got the hell out of there. I was soooo looking forward to getting some tight blues recordings together with a semi regular unit, but that (I think) was pretty much my last chance.

Now, I pick up a guitar or bass, play it for a short time, and just don’t ‘feel’ it anymore. What’s wrong with me? What is the cure??


For me the cure is to enjoy playing at home and tweaking the Axe-FX. I buy multitracks from karaoke-version.com and I have fun learning and recording the guitar tracks at the DAW, also spending a lot of time recreating the tones and experimenting with mixing, mastering, plugins, sync with a MIDI file and change the VSTi... There is not enough free time on the week to do all that I have in mind, even though many days I can "work" from home 😁 (I'm still not retired, I'll be only 59 this year 👶)

I haven't played with it for a while, but I also have Band in a Box with many real-band styles. You can just write a chord sequence and have fun jamming over it.
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