What's the ugliest piece of gear you've ever seen/owned?


Picture from: https://www.digimart.net/magazine/article/2016042801963.html

Believe it or not, this is designed as the replica of Brian May's "Red Special" guitar by Greco (a Japanese brand). Even Brian himself has pissed off. Very embarrassing piece of Japanese guitar industry.
I had this boat anchor back in the day. Honestly, it played great, and was extremely versatile. Those pups and the wiring were ahead of its time. 2 way phase selector, 3 way pup selector, Tone knob < 7 = single coils, tone knob >7 = humbuckers.dw28t5l8qxcv6marmgp2.jpg
I had this boat anchor back in the day. Honestly, it played great, and was extremely versatile. Those pups and the wiring were ahead of its time. 2 way phase selector, 3 way pup selector, Tone knob < 7 = single coils, tone knob >7 = humbuckers.View attachment 95623
I remember the natural finish version. Pretty sure it had an oak body and weighed about 25lbs (at least felt that way). It did play and sound good.
I figured (no pun intended) I should post a picture of my #1. She was a rescue. The previous owner even preemptively defended its ugly top stating that it wasn’t damage to the finish, but “unique mineral spots.” I didn’t care. She’s easily the the best playing, most resonant guitar I’ve ever played. I tell people it’s a One Top. 😂

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I like it! Spalted, yes?
I used to own one of these. I loved it until the fretboard shrunk and Gibson would not repair it under warranty as well as the high e tuner would break the string as soon as the string was 6 months old (I like the feel of old worn strings).
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And the terrible sounding pink ART fx rack processors.
Just Nasty .
I recorded someone who brought one of those to a session. The signal to noise ratio was almost 50% to 50%.
I had this boat anchor back in the day. Honestly, it played great, and was extremely versatile. Those pups and the wiring were ahead of its time. 2 way phase selector, 3 way pup selector, Tone knob < 7 = single coils, tone knob >7 = humbuckers.View attachment 95623
I really like what you're saying about the wiring. Sounds pretty useful.
I thought this guitar was beautiful when I first bought it and owned it.

The interwebs thought differently.

It was my #1 until the fretboard shrunk and Gibson would not fix it for free. Then I had to move it on.

Love is a fickle thing, isn't it?
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