Whatever Happened To AOTW?

I think this often gets overlooked because Yek does such a stellar job and works so tirelessly on it.

We all have access and can contribute to the WIKI.

I did not know that. Yes- he does amazing job!
As he does such a great job cataloging the amps-it would be a great place for users to contribute suggested tips on settings, maybe upload screenshots, or even link to presets.
Nope. It's what the WIKI is for.

The upside is YOU can create those sections in the WIKI.

Not really. "Expanded" in the sense that there would potentially be ongoing discussion about the individual amp models. That's not really what goes on with the wiki, even if there's multiple people adding to it.
I have tried so many times to create an account on that darn Wiki, only to receive this message every single time:

"Login error
Incorrect or missing confirmation code."

Spoke privately with Yek quite a while ago and even he didn't know how to get past it. I gave up.

I guess Wiki editing isn't for everyone, so some of us just stick around here. I do think a Wiki page for tips and tricks for every amp would be pretty cool, but as Yek pointed out when I had originally proposed the idea a while back, it would just descend into opinions. It's rather nice keeping the Wiki 'strictly facts.' AOTW is the perfect middle ground between facts and opinions I think.
I have tried so many times to create an account on that darn Wiki, only to receive this message every single time:

"Login error
Incorrect or missing confirmation code."

Spoke privately with Yek quite a while ago and even he didn't know how to get past it. I gave up.

I guess Wiki editing isn't for everyone, so some of us just stick around here. I do think a Wiki page for tips and tricks for every amp would be pretty cool, but as Yek pointed out when I had originally proposed the idea a while back, it would just descend into opinions. It's rather nice keeping the Wiki 'strictly facts.' AOTW is the perfect middle ground between facts and opinions I think.

I agree. I was just pointing out that the WIKI is updatable by us because I don't think it is common knowledge. I have been able to add content over the years. Sorry to hear you have had difficulty. My thinking was if the AOTW thread is resurrected and expands on a particular amp the conversation would include facts that the majority would agree should be added to the WIKI content.

At the very least a link to the posts regarding a particular amp could be supplied acknowledging a discussion has taken place. In essence the WIKI would act as an index.
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I really enjoyed the AOTW threads and read through most of them. My favourite was probably http://forum.fractalaudio.com/axe-fx-ii-discussion/84775-aotw-3-vox-ac-30-top-boost.html but never really felt I had something to contribute as I haven’t owned any of these amps in the AOTW and didn’t feel I could speak with authority to either of them.

Ideally, what I’d like to see out of the AOTW concept is a basic walkthrough of the amp followed by typical tones from well recognised players and how to get them. With the AC-30 that could have been Hank Marvin, The Edge and Brian May for three distinct and very different sounding players. I completely understand that this is all a big undertaking so maybe it should be a rotating thing where someone puts their hand up for a specific amp they like and can spend some time exploring. It probably needs someone to coordinate it all though.

If the AOTW comes back I’ll really enjoy it. I have been thinking from time to time that I miss it!
Johan, as for your suggestion of going through some well known players and explaining how they get their typical tones for a specific amp, I simply wouldn't know how to do this. You mentionedBrian May for example. I saw an article with his amp tech recently explaining how he's modded his amp and how he gets his tones with it. It made absolutely no sense to me, my knowledge of amps is far too basic. I will provide as much info as I can, but if I don't understand it, I can't include it. I will, of course, provide some YouTube links of well known songs and artists that use the amp, but as for explaining the magic behind it? It's gonna take someone who knows more than me. The most I'll be able to do here is providing basic knowledge of the amp, and playing with the settings to show what the amp is sonically capable of. Then provide recordings, presets, etcetera. Just stuff anyone can do really.

For example, my first post on the Shiva is coming along nicely. It's an incredibly diverse amp, and just changing a few advanced settings can turn it into a whole other monster. It's just simple research and playing with settings, but it will be nice to have it all in one post, just to show those unfamiliar with the amp what it can do. I'd love to be able to contribute more, but as I said, I'm quite ignorant to the inner workings of amps.

If I find simple tips and tricks that specific artists use, I'll include it. But only if its easily understandable.
I'm surprised that people have batted an eyelid since I stopped. I suppose EP is right. People who view the page, might not neccessarily have anything to contribute. Perhaps my expectations were far too high. I'll have a think about it this week and confer with some people about it.
I'm surprised that people have batted an eyelid since I stopped. I suppose EP is right. People who view the page, might not neccessarily have anything to contribute. Perhaps my expectations were far too high. I'll have a think about it this week and confer with some people about it.

FWIW, Fabio KTG, I enjoyed the contributions that were made; I didn't have much meaningful to contribute, but I read every word. For me, it's a study guide, and/or a reminder of things that I've forgotten. I'll never pretend to know it all, and benefit greatly from those of you who willingly share their knowledge. Sorry if you felt your contributions were unoticed, but they were not, in any way. THANKS!!!

If truth were to be known, I sort of looked forward to them, and eagerly checked them over, every time there was a new post to the threads. I learned a lot from them, brief though they were. I don't feel qualified to lead any of these posts, personally, but but do study them like a college student getting ready for finals.
Good points. Look at the last firmware release thread. 14,422 reads to 137 posts. Of the 137 posts, probably 125 of them were "thanks" to Cliff/FAS. So... lotta interest, but not a whole lot to contribute beyond appreciation.
I had an early bogner 100b during the time Ej was using one after his Dumble blew up...
Right after I got it a buddy had a Klon in his shop I tried that through a stock fender amp
there and said well had I know this I could have saved 1200 dollars... anyway the Blue channel
sounded like Klon and I went home got the amp went back too shop and even tried the Klon
on the green channel of the bogner 100b and A B'd those and could not tell the damn difference..
The Red channel was more flame throwing or seering lead type sound... Pissed off Marshall or more metal edged.
Green channel was voiced too a black face twin..

I just watched a video of Bogner with Steve lukather and he is playing 2 of the ecstacy amps
Id think you can dial in several from that video alone..

Ribbon cables and molex connectors and pc boards in Bogner amps.

Some amps Id like to see might be Carlsboro, Garnet, a tweed princeton and black face princeton reverb
Supro ie Jimmy page, Watkins dominator to name a few im sure the princetons are done already but
had a 50s tweed princeton that was a sweet amp... Tweed Twin too...
I just knocked the SSS 150 out and the Dumble~land and phonic amp out using ods 100 and SVT bass amp as well wrecker patches ...
So those can be HAD as well.. Pun intended.. The Trainwreck patches are done as well and they mimic the ultra phonic
pretty close aside from the amazing cleans on the UP amp they are very similar especially on playback.
Hiwatt amps might be cool Harry Joyce was quite the artist with a soldering iron you could eat out of those amps and the lead dress
was very well done in those amps... Well worth doing in my opinion...

That just leaves crate and gorilla right ? lol
Sorry had to say it...
People who view the page, might not neccessarily have anything to contribute.
The amps that you chose were ones that I have no direct experience of. So I learned a lot, but didn't have anything to contribute. After all, the net is full of people pontificating about things they don't really understand, and it's a benefit when you don't get that type of "contribution"
I'm surprised that people have batted an eyelid since I stopped. I suppose EP is right. People who view the page, might not neccessarily have anything to contribute. Perhaps my expectations were far too high. I'll have a think about it this week and confer with some people about it.

Fabio, I liked your review of Bogner Überschall. If I see some AOTW thread, I surely look inside, I find it allways interesting and informative. Like you say, a lot of people like me doesn't neccessary comment but we read it through and get better informed. So the use is much bigger than you expected. The thing with AOTW is that many threads get under the radar if they are not beeing pinpointed or if there isn't any indexed list of those amps or maybe a subforum. That's a pitty cause I see I've missed many reviews that way. Now you guys are working on a solution and I'm personaly very happy about it, just keep on going! Everyone will benefit from it, the FX users as well as FAS. And thanks for your effort.
Regarding the whole AOTW thing:
I've said it before but I'll say it again.
I think it would be awesome if there was a special section in the forum dedicated to AOTW threads.
There could be a sticky thread there for every amp for people to contribute to whenever they like.
That way the post won't disappear over time and it will make for a great archive of information regarding all the amps right here in the forums.
It will also make it very easy for people to make short contributions, posting video's, clips and other info when they like.
The amps are a very important part of the Axe Fx so I think it would be very fitting to have a special sub-forum for this.
The wiki is absolutely amazing and it really helped me to understand and navigate the Axe fx but having an AOTW sub forum just seems like so much fun!
Regarding the whole AOTW thing:
I've said it before but I'll say it again.
I think it would be awesome if there was a special section in the forum dedicated to AOTW threads.
There could be a sticky thread there for every amp for people to contribute to whenever they like.
That way the post won't disappear over time and it will make for a great archive of information regarding all the amps right here in the forums.
It will also make it very easy for people to make short contributions, posting video's, clips and other info when they like.
The amps are a very important part of the Axe Fx so I think it would be very fitting to have a special sub-forum for this.
The wiki is absolutely amazing and it really helped me to understand and navigate the Axe fx but having an AOTW sub forum just seems like so much fun!

I strongly agree with the subforum. I think the AOTW or AOTM threads long term value will be severely diminished otherwise and it will be easy for them to get lost in the mix. I very nearly missed the excellent Shiva AOTM thread since my surfing here varies from non-stop for many days straight to fully away for weeks at a time. In reading it there were like four or five ideas I got that I wanted the try but did not have an opportunity to explore as the Axe was not at hand.
I've made the same suggestion. Stickies for each amp would be invaluable and provide a great resource that would still be different from what the Wiki offers.
How about a stickied index thread which contains URLs for each AOTM thread? If the index thread itself is closed to normal users then it won't get extended with "thanks for posting" replies, and will form a concise index.
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