What happened to Chris Katsukuri's Video's??

Which begs the question: when you already live in paradise, where do you go for vacation?

Somewhere with snow. Somewhere you can drive for more that 4 hours and not be back where you started (Island fever). Source: lived in Hawaii for years.

Hope everything is cool with Chris.
I noticed he was way more snippy than normal recently and wondered what his deal was...

Having said that I feel he has been a valuable resource around here and I hope all is well...
had to change the privacy/security settings including my email address on here a few days ago as a result of online harassment, hope something similar isn't happening to chris. I think he's a cool fella, logged into his new online chat thing he had recently setup a few times and bought one of his tutorial vids. hope he's ok and hope he surfaces on here soon.
I hope he didn't get run-off by some of the jerks on the forums. It's becoming an epidemic. There are so many mean-spirited people on the forums lately it's enough to put off even the thickest skinned.

Who you calling mean-spirited you big jerk!!


Come back Chris. We love ya man 8)
On the tangent issue of Hawaiian travel, the answer is most don't. Between the astronomical cost of living, including the most expensive real estate in America, and low wages based on hospitality jobs, for many it isn't an option.

Rock fever is term coined for mainlanders who go stir crazy after about four years on the islands, and the reason most leave paradise.

source: I've been to Hawaii 15x.
I live in a tropical island too, and as I get quickly bored on a beach, for vacations I go to Europe…

Hope all is well with Chris, he's a nice guy, we used to chat via his blog a while ago, it was funny because of the timezone differences (I'm in GMT+4). I guess he just temporarily deactivated his facebook account, it happened to me too
I do know from my brief experiences talking to him when he was helping me that he was not in great shape financially, and was strapped for time and money, carrying several gigs aside from his musical pursuits. He was also becoming more and more jaded with this community over the last several months. He took a lot of forum arguments personally as insult and lack of gratitude for his efforts to help noobs. He might have had a "Fuck This Shit" moment (who among us hasn't?) and took everything down.
I think you're right Trev. I recall a couple of nasty exchanges in Sept / Oct. I thought he was in the process of setting up a biz to help people with axe and other sound production issues, and had a little down time. But it's been quite a while since he's shown up and that's not a good way to start out your new service.

He's a really nice guy and a great help. But he's been in the fractal scene for too long to just drop it cold. He'll be back, if he's okay. He's probably doing some concert thing that has him busy.

Or surfing. I'd rather be surfing that hanging out with you tweakers! LOL
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Maybe he bought a Kemper. :eek:

Naa , Line 6 POD :lol

People don’t just "disappear"…
If he "left" and also all his web appearance (tube vids, face book etc.) has "gone" than it looks like he went underground…
Now, the question is, way?
Either, I wish him the best and hope all is well with him.
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