What External Pedals Are You Using With your Axe-Fx?

I'm using all the cool new pedals I can find, as you saw from my picture, but if you're going to just use one, make it the Carl Martin Andy Timmons Compressor. It gives you two settings and lets you hit the front end hard in a beautiful way which really adds to the sound no matter what preset you're running.
I keep a handful of pedals around that still get some use. I have an empress optical compressor and a superdelay that sound unique enough that I'll occasionally use them with my AFII. And I've got some fuzz pedals that I just can't replicate; specifically a Bosstone clone and a Fender Blender clone -- they really demand being connected directly to the guitar pickups via a cable to work correctly. I'll run them out in front of the unit. Works great. Sounds great.
I'm using the Dr No Turd Fuzz with my AX8


Just kidding... I sold all my pedals except for the Klon and bought a Les Paul Historic Gold Top!


I feel like I have a few of those around, but only for a day or two. They tend to mysteriously disappear once my gf or I empty the cats' litter boxes. Never tried plugging one up. :p
Horizon Devices - Precision Drive
It incredibly tightens your tone and basically you can`t go wrong with this one. If you`re into djent/metalcore stuff, it`s definitelly worth a try!

Darkglass Microtubes B7K Ultra

Especially for extended range bassists, but you can tweak anything you want out of it. Was thinking about Cali76 just before B7K in chain, but my rack copy of 1176 solved it for me.

Strymon Big Sky

My favourite reverb. You can tweak something like this with AxeFX, but it`s too CPU-consuming for me. It`s way easier to just have it as FX Loop Block. You can easily mimic it with a plugin, called Valhalla Shimmer, but BigSky has something deeper and more natural about it and.. you can`t quite run a plugin playing live :)

EarthQuaker Devices - Afterneath

Don`t have it yet, but definitelly will. It`s like reverb and delay mixed in some specific way, perfect for washy tones and post-rock or modern metal ambient stuff.
I use Digitech Freqout and Digitech Whammy V. Whammy is a great pedal and so versatile. I sometimes bring a small midi controller to change modes of the Whammy. Midi controller really opens up the whammy pedal potential.
EarthQuaker Devices - Afterneath
Don`t have it yet, but definitelly will. It`s like reverb and delay mixed in some specific way, perfect for washy tones and post-rock or modern metal ambient stuff.
Check out the multudelay block (plex shift and detune are my favorites)
An old Maestro Boomerang, Dunlop Crybaby 535 (not a Q), MXR M288 bass octave, and ART Levellar opto compressor.

They work great either in front of the Fractal or in the FX loop.
EarthQuaker Devices - Afterneath
Don`t have it yet, but definitelly will. It`s like reverb and delay mixed in some specific way, perfect for washy tones and post-rock or modern metal ambient stuff.

Great pedal. One of these days I'll see whether I can program something similar on the AFX.
I'm using the following:

MXR M222 Talkbox
Digitech XP300 Space Station
EHX Mel9.

I'm thinking of getting myself the EHX Key9.
A EH B9 with a EH PitchFork, 2 Bk Butler Tube Drivers a 3 knob and a 5 knob. But rarely Use any of them. I luv My XL+
None. The pedals in the axe are more than good enough for my needs.
I also barely ever use my midi controller.
The DAW switches all my virtual pedals.
Yet another Digitech Drop user here. Works perfectly at the front end of the Axe-FX. I also have a TC Electronic Bodyrez. I find it does a great job of adding that special something for my piezo pup for a very convincing acoustic sound - highly recommended.
I don't own a AxeFx but do own the FX8 (more or less the same fx") at the moment.
extra fx outside the fx8: Fender outboard tube reverb (6G15) and a Kingsley Page.
Both fx I can't seem to duplicate in the FX8.
In defence of the FX8, at the moment I can't find anything digital that sounds like a real Fender outboard reverb.
(and yes, I put the reverb before my amp)
I use Digitech Freqout and Digitech Whammy V. Whammy is a great pedal and so versatile. I sometimes bring a small midi controller to change modes of the Whammy. Midi controller really opens up the whammy pedal potential.

Same here + sometimes TC Electronic Mimiq in loop after amp.
Anyone using a BBE Sonic Maximizer pedal in the effects loop of their AX8? I used the rack version when I was still using my tube amp and cab setup but was wondering how it worked with the digital stuff.

Also wondering how people are running external effects if they want some before the amp and others in a effects loop? For example running a external OD pedal like a Precision Drive before the amp and then having something like a BBE in the loop. Mainly concerned with how it reacts with the gate block.
To be honest, I found the FX Loop to be lacking. It's a fairly good FX loop, but I expected it to be as good as the input.
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