What External Pedals Are You Using With your Axe-Fx?

I was using a Mark Tremonti Morley wah but I kinda liked the built in Wahs so much I decided to clean up my floor space and get rid of the wah, it's cables and the Juicy Lucy power supply.
Slumming it on the FCB1010 expression pedal at the moment.
My signal chain goes
  • EHX Soul Food
  • MXR Dyna Comp
  • Big Muff
  • Axe
  • EQD Disaster Transport
  • TC Ditto Looper.
The Soul Food and Dynacomp I'm going to take off my board because frankly I don't care for their sound. The Soul Food is useful for a clean boost sometimes on some amps, but it's definitely not a "tone sauce" I apply liberally. Most days I just use it in case my volume pedal is maxed and my solo isn't cutting.

The delay just sounds amazing and I love having knobs to twiddle with at my feet so I can play with feedback and delay time. And if I suddenly decide I want to have slapback instead of a longer thing, it's easy to just grab the knob. If there were a pedalboard equivalent of the Rac-12, I'd be all over that for doing stuff like this.

Haha! I have purchased some AMAZING amps lately from Morgan and Milkman and Suhr and I have been trying many of the new pedals from Lovepedal, Neunaber, Strymon, J Rockett and others. I started putting them before and in the loop of the AxeFX with the new naked presets from Austin Buddy and I'm very happy with the results. I've been chasing tone since the beginning with the AxeFX, and this method of raw amps and real pedals does get me closer.
Just my xotic sp comp on low both knobs give or take 12 oclock
and my wampler dual fusion which i frickin love.

I use the AxeFX just like i do my dual rec, basically one or two channels of meat and potatoes raw af screaming digital recreation of an LOUD amp, with ML recto 4x12 IR.

DD-500 at the end of the chain usually to use it's global EQ to do heavy filtering and post-chaos containment, midi switchable per preset connected to the switcher. OD-20 into DS-1, for the OD-20 octave fuzz and heavy octave. the sound godzilla would make if trent reznor tied him to a bed and had his way with him. TC sentry is set up in the most badass way that i don't think is possible with any other gear anywhere, it has a send/return system on it, where the clean DI guitar goes into the input before it goes into the switcher, so the clean guitar signal opens and closes the gate, but passes right through true bypass to the switcher input. the gate itself is in one of the loops of the switcher which you can put anywhere in the chain per preset, so i've got octave distortion going into a phaser going into a runaway delay going into a DS-1 set on Kurt Cobain...absolute apocalypse, signal to noise ratio of basically 1:1. With the gate at the end of the chain, when you stop playing, dead silent. you can tap the strings and open the gate percussively and the avalanche is still going on underneath. or you can move the gate right before the last clean delay and only get trails of the insanity. it's like using 4-cable method, but twice, or squared, or whatever. 4 cable method inside a loop switcher. it works perfectly, and instantly. wire tap is on the output to hold up to 8 hours of dumb noise ideas, bluetooth accessible via my gawdam cell phone.

the dual expression pedal goes into the ES-8 as TRS control but can be data swapped in the ES-8 to get spit out as midi CCs to control stuff in the AxeFx via a midi cable. volume pedal can get put at the front, or back, or wherever as well, per preset. input buffer, output buffer, on/off, per preset. (on for clean sound to get through all the boxes and still sound chimey, off for distortion to let the fuzz rape the signal properly.) the MS-50G lets you chain internally up to 6 effects at a time, but they didn't say you can do 6 of the same effect in row. YOU CAN DO 6 OF THE SAME EFFECT IN A ROW.
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I've got a pretty extensive (and lovely) pedalboard. I try not to run any of the AFX effects. Why imitate when you can use the real thing? I try to use my AFX like an amp itself.

All of my pedals are running into a bypass looper so the signal chain is unaffected when the pedals are off.

- Hendrix Signature Wah
- Darkglass B7K (for bass)
- EP Booster

- Timmy OD
- Analogman TS808

- BK Butler Tube Driver
- Boss DS-1
- JHS Muffletta
- Keeley 4 Knob Compressor
- Boss CE-1 Chorus Pedal
- EHX Electric Mistress Deluxe
- MXR Phase 90

(Note: I'm aware that a bunch of these pedals ARE true bypass, but I've grouped them on the looper as well (hence the colour coding) so it's easy to figure out what I'm using by looking at my looper. It also lets me swap out my chorus pedal or whatever without having to figure out what goes where etc.)

I found that a bunch of the AFX imitations weren't up to scratch (compression especially, and the Tube Driver) and a bunch of these pedals aren't in the AFX. Yek's guide to the pedals I think is a good indication that not as much care or attention has been paid to the pedals as what had been paid to the amps which is fair enough.

...Also, I find using actual pedals to be way more fun than the AFX options. So if I'm having more fun, I'm happier.
Okay, so what I gather from all this is that I'm not really missing out by using JUST the Axe-Fx, which is kinda what I suspected. This seems especially true of the bread-and-butter pedals like overdrive, distortion, chorus, etc. The Axe-Fx just does those things as good or better than any physical pedal.

To give you a specific example, there are a couple distortion pedals I've been curious about such as the Palladium, EVH 5150 Overdrive, and a few others. However, my guess is that there really isn't anything those pedals can do that the Axe-Fx can't already do (or do better).

On the 5150 OD, you can just use the amp model :)
Fuzz factory pretty much exclusively. Fuzz's in the axe don't react exactly the same as the real deal and this ones enough of a wildcard to keep around
If that's your philosophy, then why aren't you using real amps? Why are you using the Axe-Fx?

Because running a Bogner Uberschall at proper volumes will kill all forms of life within a 4 mile radius.

Also: Pedals cost a couple a hundred bucks. Amps cost a couple of thousand dollars. If I go back to amps? I still got my pedals.
Suhr Koji-Comp. I use it in the FX loop for certain patches but not very often. Banshee 2. AXE-FX 2 does everything else so well.
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