What do you expect in the future from FAS?

I suspect we will see network connectivity introduced with the AxeFX IV or next hardware refresh. Managing mixers, IEMs, and wireless systems via network is pretty common these days so seems like the next step.
Polyphonic synth abilities would be fun in the future. Maybe they can develop a pickup for that or use make it easier to use something like the Boss MIDI pickup.
Doubt this would happen though. Doesn’t seem like there’d be enough demand.
Axe Fx 2005
Axe Fx II 2011
Axe Fx III 2018
Axe Fx IV .........

I do not see a decade in between. This is directly from Fractal's site.
2005-2011 == 6 years
2011-2018 == 7 years

That's a 1.167 increase.

7 years * 1.167 == 8.167 years

But I also didn't say 10 years between them. I said I expect 10 years for the current generation. I said that because I think the current generation was designed to accommodate more "future growth" than previous ones.

I could be completely wrong - it's only my opinion :)

Still, to me, 2+ more years is not "soon"... But I'm sure I'll be right on the list whenever it's announced!
The ability to link multiple device in digital domain in a "virtual grid", so we can have 4 amps in parallel... using the CPU power of multiple device...
a simple freeze effect would be great. I know there is a way to do it, but is just to complex to me.
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