What a Difference

I've said this from the get-go (when the FM3 was released): Identical presets do not and cannot sound the same between units. There are hardware, FW, and SW reasons for this. I do not believe the comparison chart on the Wiki that lists the differences is 100% accurate. At one point, I made a list of all the actual differences between the III and the FM3 in a thread (none of which were or are yet on the Wiki). For instance the FM3 doesn't have the amp block's compression, nor does it have the secret sauce hardware on the input. It's also missing the Input gain in I/O settings. Since I don't own an FM9, I haven't been able to directly compare, so I couldn't tell you; you'd have to go screen by screen, block by block, then parameter by parameter like I did with the III and FM3 to be sure.

In any case, the floor units will get you 98% there, but, as I've said before, you won't be able to get an identical sound between the III and the floor units, even with the "same" settings. 98% is good enough for me, honestly

On the FM3 Input Gain is in the Global menu.

All devices have the ‘secret sauce’. The FM3 doesn’t have variable input impedance, which is something different, and it’s noted in the wiki.
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