We've lost an awesome one to the darkside...

I know you are kidding, but I've never understood any of the "all or nothing" type of attitude. Just because someone uses an Axe-FX doesn't mean they are swearing off of tube amps or something. The guy bought an amp, he didn't 'lose' anything. :D
I agree with Scott. I'd still love to buy a Mark V, I assume I'll do so sometime over the next year or so.
I know you are kidding, but I've never understood any of the "all or nothing" type of attitude. Just because someone uses an Axe-FX doesn't mean they are swearing off of tube amps or something. The guy bought an amp, he didn't 'lose' anything. :D

Yeah, I know. :D

I do hope that Eric aka Cardinal of Crunk stays active with the AxeFx, and continues to post. His tones always floored me, then to only find out he ran the simplest approach to patch building as one could. haha
So true, I love the advancements that are being made in amp simulation, but I'll always have at least one good tube amp around for cranking it old school. After all, if it weren't for tube amps, amp modelers/simulators wouldn't exist.
I've been happily using both amps and Axe FX for years now. One is not a valid substitute for another if you've got the cash. For the last couple of days I've been playing with Mark V's IIC+ channel, hooked up to a 2x12 cab with EVM12Ls. Clarity and focus are out of this world with this setup. OTOH, I'd be risking a hernia if I had to haul that cab around (the amp itself is not that heavy). :)

It's not one or the other. It's all of it, and then some. :lol:
I just fired up my old dual rectifier for another band mate to use, man I don't miss any of the limitations pedal juggling, patch cables or any of that stuff. And I thought the axefx was sounding better as well lol. But hey if you have something you love then why use anything else.
Clearly Crunk has lost his mind. He ditched brootalz and started playing sentimental songs with a Fender:


Those sure are some quick decisions since he just mentioned in the original thread that he'd still use the Axe-Fx for metal stuff and next day it's for sale. But hey. Do you guys still remember how simple things were when we only had like 7 knobs to tweak in a combo amp? I'd be lying if I didn't think about buying a combo amp every now and then.

Would I ever sell my Axe-Fx? How could I? I'm sure the next firmware would have all my favorite amps and I'd be buying a new Axe-Fx in a month.
Yea... I wanna be the evil bad guy wearing black! :D

"You don't know the POWER of the dark side!" (insert evil laughter here...)

;) :D
Let's not jump to conclusions here. A "Cardinal Standard Axe" probably sells for enough to get an Ultra :D

Basically it goes like this.... There was a time when I used a vintage Princeton and a couple nice pedals, and maybe it was coincidence but I had so much fun playing guitar. I came up with lots of songs and played more period. It seems like the last couple months I've been going crazy over cab IRs and amp model this and that, I got burned out on it. I'd find myself sitting there tweaking non-stop when my sound was probably already fine in the first place. In addition, I was never completely satisfied with the "feel" of the Axe and an FRFR speaker. I dunno, I'm probably not making a whole lot of sense but bottom line is that it's just time for a change.

And yeah, I know a lot of my songs/clips involve mostly high gain so it may seem weird that I'm rocking a Princeton now. Truth is, I play clean 90% of the time. But um, yeah I dunno. Just missed smelling hot tubes I guess.
Also taking a break from recording. When ever I get back into that side of things, I'll probably go a cheaper route and try plug-ins like Guitar Rig or Amplitube. I honestly feel that I can sound fine with that stuff. But in the event I don't, I'll probably just get an Axe Fx again. And the gear cycle continues. Anyone who really knows me knows that I flip gear constantly, I'm surprised the Axe stayed for 2 years.

I'd find myself sitting there tweaking non-stop when my sound was probably already fine in the first place. In addition, I was never completely satisfied with the "feel" of the Axe and an FRFR speaker. I dunno, I'm probably not making a whole lot of sense but bottom line is that it's just time for a change.
Makes perfect sense. I think you just described what most are going through and what most should do! :D Except, if they have the money, they should still keep the Axe. Like we know by now, it's not an all or nothing thing.
Good luck, I'd like to do the same and enjoy it so much more, but keeping the Axe. My passion switches every few months, so the Axe has its place for sure and I'd still like to get into recording and designing presets much more.
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