Well you got one less person getting the axe fx II

Oh yeah, well I have a 50 year old ClassicMix, and you simply don't get the same kind of reliability, and power out of these new fangled devices as you do with a ClassicMix. It's 50 years old, has one knob with 2 settings, it's made of real glass, and metal, plus it will grind nails into a slushy if you feel so inclined. Your plastic pieces of amateur garbage couldn't keep up with it if they were grinding water!

(PS. All comedy aside, I actually do own a very old classic Oster blender! And it could very well grind up nails! :lol )

I have a Champion.

ChampionJuicer.com | - Champion Juicer | Plastaket Mfg.

You can put a log through it and it won't slow down.

I don't need to put nails in my Blendtec; I just eat them raw and unprocessed. For breakfast. And drink it down with gasoline.

Just how I roll.

;) :D
Hey! I used to own one of those, and older model of course. Well, technically I still do, my sister in law swears she's going to give it back one day. She's only been borrowing it for about 6 years or so. :lol
Mine is over twenty years old and still going strong.
Mine is over twenty years old and still going strong.
Yes they are tanks. Unfortunately, I think the only way I'll ever have another is if I buy one, because I don't think my Sister-in-law will ever return mine, (she says she lost it in her last move... :roll and I own the Great Wall of China,) and they are quite expensive.
Really? It was like a day one physical science thing in like 7th or 8th grade for me. :lol It's actually a pet peeve of mine. I don't believe in any kind of evolution, as every modern theory presented, thus far, that even suggests we "evolve" they actually describe mutation, which is not even in the slightest bit the same as evolution.

Ok, I'm a biochemist so I have some knowledge here.

I think you'll find that mutation is a key component of the evolutionary process. Mutations occur with each new generation through gamete meiosis. Toxic mutations result in non-viable offspring, disadvantageous mutations decrease the sexual competitiveness of the progeny and advantageous mutations lead to successful mating and perpetuation of the improvement. String enough beneficial mutations together over time and the process known as evolution occurs.

There is of course religious opposition to the overall idea of evolution, as it directly contradicts a number of religious texts (Bible, Koran, etc), which is fine, people are entitled to their beliefs.

However there is no dispute within the scientific world about how the mechanism of evolution works, and there are certainly no competing theories. The evidence in support of the evolutionary process is overwhelming, and there is zero evidence which contradicts it. Much press is made of apparent "disputes" in the biological world, however the evolutionary disputes that do exist are about very fine points of distinction (eg. did "Protein A evolve before Protein B?") and certainly not the overall process.
what's this crap about trolling ...i'm not trolling i'm serious when i say i have'nt got the stone vib with the axe fx tremolo ....why is it that people take offense when someone thinks that the axe fx is not perfect
I said I suspected trolling, and in case you weren't, gave an additional suggestion to try and help, asked you to try them out and let us know what you've found, which you still haven't done. I also agreed that the AxeFX can't do everything. I made no comment about taking offense, but your assertion that I did heightens my suspicion of trolling. But again, I can't be sure, so I'll continue to attempt to assist if you make an effort as well.
Ok, I'm a biochemist so I have some knowledge here.

I think you'll find that mutation is a key component of the evolutionary process. Mutations occur with each new generation through gamete meiosis. Toxic mutations result in non-viable offspring, disadvantageous mutations decrease the sexual competitiveness of the progeny and advantageous mutations lead to successful mating and perpetuation of the improvement. String enough beneficial mutations together over time and the process known as evolution occurs.

There is of course religious opposition to the overall idea of evolution, as it directly contradicts a number of religious texts (Bible, Koran, etc), which is fine, people are entitled to their beliefs.

However there is no dispute within the scientific world about how the mechanism of evolution works, and there are certainly no competing theories. The evidence in support of the evolutionary process is overwhelming, and there is zero evidence which contradicts it. Much press is made of apparent "disputes" in the biological world, however the evolutionary disputes that do exist are about very fine points of distinction (eg. did "Protein A evolve before Protein B?") and certainly not the overall process.

*gets the popcorn out*
This thread has derailed epically. Several times.

I won't be fully satisfied until we're arguing about the impact of food blenders on squirrel migration patterns.

And frankly, the alternative is that we go back to listening to some troll whine about... whatever it was he was whining about (I forget).
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