Wah wah with external pedal control...


Fractal Fanatic
Hey guys. I have an Ernie Ball VP I am using as an Exp pedal in port 1. I have linked it successfully except 90% of the sweep is in the first 5% of the pedal travel.

I have calibrated the pedal, and have fiddled with the Controller parameters and have had very hard time getting anywhere close to the feel of a real wah. It sounds pretty good, it's just the travel of the pedal...

Any tips?

I have checked the wiki and didn't find anything pertaining to the wah and controllers.

Is it set to autoengage? If so check the OFF VAL and set it for either 95 (for toe down off) or 5 (for heel down off). If it's anywhere else it's going to be off for that percentage of travel.
No, it's not that. With the toe up even the slightest movement of the toe going down it sweeps through almost the entire range. It's like a reverse log taper. It sux!! I know there was one day a few weeks back I fiddled with the wah and it wasn't like this.

I'm kinda wishing there was a much more in depth manual. I'm the kind of guy who would totally read it. I've already read the manual at least a dozen times.

It is pretty dang vague considering how detailed of a unit the Axe FX is.

What does it look like it's doing when you are in the modifier window for frequency. You should be able to tell a lot by watching the travel in there. You can watch the knob for FREQ in the basic window as well to see if the sweep is acting like it feels.

If the line inside the freq modifier window is at a 45 degree angle than all of the funky stuff that you can change within the AxeFX is probably good. If not then try to get it to a straight 45 using the settings (most settings are either 50 or 100 for the slope and stuff).

The main thing I would look at is how is the travel when you use the pedal on that page.

And one other thing....check the track knob in the basic tab. It should be around 5.00. I was just messing with it and it seemed like if it was too high that it would replicate your problem. And of course check the minimum and maximum frequencies even though you should have travel throughout the range.
Have you tried changing the Pedal1 Type setting in the I/O menu? I am using a Mission Engineering EP-1 and have only found acceptable sweep results with the Pedal Type setting set to "Continuous." I think the recommended setting is supposed to be Momentary or Latching, but Continuous definitely works best with my pedal. This may not be it, but it is worth giving a try (if you haven't already). Good Luck!!
I am using a Mission Engineering EP-1 and have only found acceptable sweep results with the Pedal Type setting set to "Continuous."
True enough. If you're using a continuous controller pedal, you have to set Pedal Type to "Continuous." Otherwise, you might get the kind of symptom you're experiencing.
It is definitely set for Continuous. I couldn't resist trying one last suggestion before I ran out the door for work (crazy 3rd shift!!!) I switched the wires and based on the movement of the Frequency parameter in the display window I'd say it seemed a LOT closer to what it should be. I didn't plug in am jam to verify the feel, but I think that this was most, if not all of my issue. I will try fiddling with the slope parameter as well.

I have a Liquid Foot Pro controller in the way (not to brag, but for only $600!!!!!) this has 4 Expression pedal ports if memory serves me right. Can I use a Wah carcass with a 100k Linear pot to be linked to control the freq parameter and also install a stomp switch to control the Wah on/off? I know if this is possible (and I don't see why it wouldn't be) This would occupy 2 of the pedal ports...

Thanx for the help!!!

I'd be fairly sure that it's because volume pedals have logarithmic pots where as exp pedals use linear pots. If the impedance is linear, then so too will be the midi encoding. If it's log, then all of the sweep will appear to be in the first ( or last depending on how you have it connected) section of travel.
I modded my ebvp to use as an exp pedal too then realised i didn't want to change the pot so purchased 2 mission engineering pedals - the only way to go IMHO.
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Well if that's what it was than that'd be something useful to put in the Wiki. I mean that's kind of what it's for isn't it?
I've done some pretty crazy mods in my days... Expression pedal mod for the EHX Micro Synth, 8 string MIDI - Piezo, installing piezos in a Ibanez ZR trem, piezos in an OFR. Without a doubt the hardest mod I ever came up with was changing the pot in my EBVP. I also installed a trim pot as a minimum on adjustment.

I had a HELLUVA time trying to get the wax covered rope connected as it was from the factory. I swear it took me more than 3 hours.

I never got a satisfactory response out of my Ernie Ball for Wah, then I discovered the Mission Engineering pedals and that was all she wrote. Sounds like you have pretty good technical know how and can fashion one out of spare parts. Otherwise would highly recommend the ME if you don't wanna dick with it.
I'd be fairly sure that it's because volume pedals have logarithmic pots where as exp pedals use linear pots. If the impedance is linear, then so too will be the midi encoding. If it's log, then all of the sweep will appear to be in the first ( or last depending on how you have it connected) section of travel.
I modded my ebvp to use as an exp pedal too then realised i didn't want to change the pot so purchased 2 mission engineering pedals - the only way to go IMHO.

Some expression pedals use log pots. Also, some midi foot controllers spit out linearly changing data when a log pot is used, but not when a linear is used. Check with the manufacturer. My congrats to anyone who found a pedal that works for them. If the Axe had a gain parameter for the Modifier window (Scale greater than 100%), I might be able to get closer to my ideal curve using the pedals I have.

I have a Liquid Foot Pro controller in the way (not to brag, but for only $600!!!!!) this has 4 Expression pedal ports if memory serves me right. Can I use a Wah carcass with a 100k Linear pot to be linked to control the freq parameter and also install a stomp switch to control the Wah on/off? I know if this is possible (and I don't see why it wouldn't be) This would occupy 2 of the pedal ports...

I'm not sure how this would work with the Liquid foot, but I tried the exact same thing (minus the switch) directly with the Axe with unsatisfactory results. YMMV.
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