Wish VU Meters in AXE-EDIT

completely agree. +1

The workflow when balancing presets is an issue for me. Every time you change the preset, you have to go back to the front panel to hit buttons to get back to the VU meters. When doing a bunch, (like after an update) It's a pain. Having it in Axe Edit would be great.
Everybody who works with several amps and presets (Top 40) will be glad to get this........
For those of us who've been around here for a while (Wow.. it's been almost 10 yrs for me - my join date was Jan 2008 and did not carry over when the Yahoo forum was moved!), you may remember that AE "USED" to have VU meters in the top right corner during the Standard and Ultra years!!!
They were not terribly accurate and were removed with AE V3.0 due to overhead.

My understanding is that the firmware does NOT emit MIDI for the VU meters, and remember, everything in AE is MIDI over USB. It's up to FAS as to whether they can implement.
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