Video Tutorial: Setting Up The Midi Mate With The Axe FX

Thanks for making the vid and posting it. This is gonna be real useful for me, in about ten days....

I used your video and have gotten set up. One problem, probably a no brainer. I go into the i/o and signify which button for which block. eg... #5 button for Drive 1 block. I save the patch with the block "on", but when I move to that patch using the midimate the default is for the Drive 1 to be off, and yes, I can turn it on by pressing button #5. But is there anyway to do this the other way, where it defaults to "on", and I need to push the button to turn it off? Hope my question makes sense.

jiagap said:

I used your video and have gotten set up. One problem, probably a no brainer. I go into the i/o and signify which button for which block. eg... #5 button for Drive 1 block. I save the patch with the block "on", but when I move to that patch using the midimate the default is for the Drive 1 to be off, and yes, I can turn it on by pressing button #5. But is there anyway to do this the other way, where it defaults to "on", and I need to push the button to turn it off? Hope my question makes sense.

Richard, that sounds weird as the drive 1 should keep it's state. I don't have to do anything special to make that work. Just make sure the drive 1 is enabled before you save the block and then everytime you pull it up even via the rocktron it should be fine. What happens when you just have the midi mate plugged in but you change patches using the wheel on the axe fx? Does it retain it's state? If so then that's really weird. I am not aware of something in the midi-mate that would remember the state of the patch and set it to be what you saved it as on the midi-mate...
It sounds like you haven't stored the preset on the Midimate with button 5's CC activated. Make sure its LED is lit (in controller mode) then hit 2nd, Store. It actually won't matter how the preset is saved on the Axe in this case; the Midimate's button status will instantly engage or bypass the block when you go to that preset.
Thanks Bakerman, I was just reading that in the manual last night as I was falling asleep.... finally broke down and thought when all else fails, read the book stupid!. But this then brings a new concern for oddb0d, do you not do this? Also, I see on the manual I downloaded it said, Ver 2. Anyway, hope to find time tonight to check it all out. Thanks all for the help.
Great tutorial!!!! Mine's "in the mail" so I wait.

Do new Midi Mates ship with their own 7-pin MIDI cable or do I need to purchase one before its arrival? :oops:
The Midimate doesn't ship with a cable. Order it separately. oddb0d doesn't go into SAVE function, but you have to do that to keep your configuration, for each patch. Trial and error got me there...... So you save both on the AF and the MM.

bluesdoc said:
The Midimate doesn't ship with a cable. Order it separately. oddb0d doesn't go into SAVE function, but you have to do that to keep your configuration, for each patch. Trial and error got me there...... So you save both on the AF and the MM.


Graci, Jon. That will surely save me some effort. New world for me so I greatly appreciate the tip.
Ok, finally got to work it out last night. Thanks Bakerman. Yes, hit the "store" button on the midimate - who would of thought. All is good. That midimate is really pretty cool once you obey its rules! And it should work well until Fractal's version is available.
I'm about to order a midi mate while I wait on the Fractal controller. I have a question about the midi cable, which of these is the correct one to get?

Rocktron RDMH900 5 to 7 pin 30' MIDI cable


Rocktron RMM900 7 Pin MIDI Cable - 30'

So i guess does the cable need to be 7 pins on each side, or 5 to 7? Thanks!
mattc41 said:
I'm about to order a midi mate while I wait on the Fractal controller. I have a question about the midi cable, which of these is the correct one to get?

Rocktron RDMH900 5 to 7 pin 30' MIDI cable


Rocktron RMM900 7 Pin MIDI Cable - 30'

So i guess does the cable need to be 7 pins on each side, or 5 to 7? Thanks!

7 pins on both sides....
I just purchased a Boss FV-500H foot controller...can anyone help on how to hook it up with the midi-mate and Axe Fx? The midi-mate has one expression pedal 1/4". I guess I am asking for the 101 version of how to hook up and make it all work. 1) the chord connections, 2) what to program in the Midi Mate, and 3) what to program in the Axe Fx. or 4) take it back and get something else?


EDIT.... now I am looking on line here and someone recommended the FV-500L... so I wanted to know the difference. The H is for high impedance and the L for low. So, displaying my ignorance, what should I be looking for and why and what is the significance of the impedence? Thanks for any help.
hey oddbod, off topic question but what church do you attend? im from bay area also and just bought an axefx + a midimate. would love to come see your band in action.
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