Video Tutorial: Setting Up The Midi Mate With The Axe FX

If you set the offset to "+1" in the Axe-FX, the 0 button doesn't work in the range from 0 -> 4 cause you doesn't have the 000 preset anymore. It works from 10 -> 14 for example.

Set "Access" to bank, push 1 and 0, set "Access" to Controller. The 0 button should work.
The "0" button on the Midimate is inactive in the lowest bank; "1" sends the lowest possible program change value.

The Axe offset thing just determines whether its presets are numbered 000-383 or 001-384 on screen. Either way, selecting preset 1 on the Midimate will recall the lowest Axe preset, which will have 000 or 001 on screen depending on the setting you chose. You'd of course probably want it to say 001 for less confusion when using the Midimate.
Thanks for the fast replies!

It's a minor issue, but it would be nice to have access to all 5 patches in controller mode...
supahd01 said:
I'm going to assume the lack of a reply to my question means either "no" or noone knows.
Most likely.... try contacting Midi Mate. I think it's a pretty small issue. I have some masking tape on my board where I label things. One thing I have is "NOTE: CONTROLLER" to remind me to ensure I have it set etc.
True, but it would be one less thing to take care of at a show.. and it's one of those things that I'll def need to remind myself of.

I'll shoot rocktron an email.
Bakerman said:
The "0" button on the Midimate is inactive in the lowest bank; "1" sends the lowest possible program change value.

The Axe offset thing just determines whether its presets are numbered 000-383 or 001-384 on screen. Either way, selecting preset 1 on the Midimate will recall the lowest Axe preset, which will have 000 or 001 on screen depending on the setting you chose. You'd of course probably want it to say 001 for less confusion when using the Midimate.

Man......This is a real drag! I really need the full 5 presets on the bottom row! I may actually return the Midi Mate and get a Ground Control Pro if it suits my needs better. I will do more research. I thought the "0" button would be useable, which would made this small inexpensive controller perfect for my needs. I really didn't want to spend $400 either!
Blueser said:
Bakerman said:
The "0" button on the Midimate is inactive in the lowest bank; "1" sends the lowest possible program change value.

The Axe offset thing just determines whether its presets are numbered 000-383 or 001-384 on screen. Either way, selecting preset 1 on the Midimate will recall the lowest Axe preset, which will have 000 or 001 on screen depending on the setting you chose. You'd of course probably want it to say 001 for less confusion when using the Midimate.

Man......This is a real drag! I really need the full 5 presets on the bottom row! I may actually return the Midi Mate and get a Ground Control Pro if it suits my needs better. I will do more research. I thought the "0" button would be useable, which would made this small inexpensive controller perfect for my needs. I really didn't want to spend $400 either!

I have the same issue with button '0' on my midi mate not working, but what i gather from the original reply is that button '0' is disabled in the lowest bank on the midimate, so simply going to bank two on the midimate will then give access to all 5 of the bottom row buttons! I will try this out!
I'm owner of two midimates.
I wonder if it is possible with a midi solution merger to use both midimates with the Axe Ultra, one as 10 presets change, the other one as 5 or 10 ? controller?
Thanks for your help.
Hi ,
Many thanks for the Video. It got me to a point where I am dangerous any way. LOL I am a complete newbie with Midi.
Anyhow, the midimate is communicating and I have the tuner working and a few presets.

Question, Say I want preset 200 to be on button 2. I only seem to be able to enter values up to 128 ??? Do I need to move the preset in the AXES fx to a location under 128 ?

thank you,
teddis said:
Question, Say I want preset 200 to be on button 2. I only seem to be able to enter values up to 128 ??? Do I need to move the preset in the AXES fx to a location under 128 ?

thank you,

IIRC it cannot access banks 2 and 3 on AxeFx.
So move patches to locations under 128.

Will the new Fractal controller have this issue ?
I don't think so, it should access banks B and C easily.
Actually it's quite normal to access them with a more advance controller,
sadly Midimate isn't that advanced. :)
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