Video Tutorial: AX8 Beyond Basics - Part 1 -AX8-Edit

thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered! quick update:

It is looking like the title will be changing to "Beyond Basics" or something similar. Due to dayjob responsibilities, I will not make the "earliest" estimation of May 20th, but I do expect to complete the video before May is over ;) we just got 3.04 released today, so I feel comfortable now moving forward with production. the 2nd Footswitch video might not be finished within May, but I plan on recording everything at the same time, so I'll focus on recording and editing the main video, then get the 2nd video out as I can.

thanks again :) these vids do take a bunch of pre-planning and work!
thanks to everyone who has pre-ordered! quick update:

It is looking like the title will be changing to "Beyond Basics" or something similar. Due to dayjob responsibilities, I will not make the "earliest" estimation of May 20th, but I do expect to complete the video before May is over ;) we just got 3.04 released today, so I feel comfortable now moving forward with production. the 2nd Footswitch video might not be finished within May, but I plan on recording everything at the same time, so I'll focus on recording and editing the main video, then get the 2nd video out as I can.

thanks again :) these vids do take a bunch of pre-planning and work!

Just bought it. Can I get a discount to buy the beginners guide too? :D
If so, my order number is #EF0BXQV9
I just finished my first time through the beginners guide. It is great! I highly recommend it to anyone with the AX8.

Thanks for a great product Chris!
Hi Chris. I pre-ordered your course, and I just noticed that your web site has the text "This site is no longer being actively updated. It will remain here as an archive only." featured prominently under the banner.

I see that you're still actively helping people on the forum, and I'm not implying anything negative whatsoever. I was just wondering whether you had moved to a new site. If so, what's the address? Thanks.
Hi Chris. I pre-ordered your course, and I just noticed that your web site has the text "This site is no longer being actively updated. It will remain here as an archive only." featured prominently under the banner.

I see that you're still actively helping people on the forum, and I'm not implying anything negative whatsoever. I was just wondering whether you had moved to a new site. If so, what's the address? Thanks.
The posts are just so old and I haven't had time to update things so I wanted people to know the info there isn't the latest. I've had some other obligations involving FAS gear which have been taking up my available time.

This video is really turning into a beast and I'm almost considering splitting it up into 2 at this point. We'll see. I've been writing the content for so long! I'm still on track for a release before the end of the month... Ahh!!
Well I recorded all day today... And I still have more to go! The topics I chose definitely had a lot more to them then I originally thought. I am splitting up the video into 2 parts.

The first part should be going out late on Tuesday... May 31..... Hawaii time :) I've shuffled around the topics a bit.

First I'll be covering Axe-Edit in depth. I'm starting with the basics again (including the popular request "how do i right-click"), then moving through some more advanced things concluding with the Block Library.

Next is a run through of all the block types in the AX8, some more brief than others (multi delay, synth and ring mod just aren't my strong points, sorry!). I'll start with an in depth demo of how I create a basic tone using the Amp and Cab blocks, then go to all the other types.

I'll then explain how to connect and use Expression pedals - with a short mention of external switches.

I'll finish up with some of the hardware and display changes since FW 1.01... and that will be Part 1.

Instead of just making a separate footswitches video like I thought before, it makes more sense to add the footswitches setup to the other topics of using the AX8 at the gig. So Part 2 will be topics like

footswitch layouts
naming presets with date or other info
Mono vs Stereo Output techniques
Leaving AX8-Edit at home - Gig necessities
Various Gig Strategies for FRFR setups (Global EQ, Mono vs Stereo, Separate FOH and Stage signals)
Dual Input Ideas (Electric and Piezo), multiple guitars.

Each video should be around 1 hour of content, maybe more. I'm not sure how these topics got so expanded, but as I was writing it out, I found I had way more to explain than I anticipated.

So I'm sorry for the delay on the topics that will be in Part 2 of the video, but that's how it's turning out! Thanks for your support, and I'll get it done!!!
It's an Axe Fx item, Chris, don't sweat it. We all understand "soon" :)

Thanks for your work. We're all good with waiting, good things take time.
It's an Axe Fx item, Chris, don't sweat it. We all understand "soon" :)

Thanks for your work. We're all good with waiting, good things take time.

Agreed! Chris, take your time. We can definitely wait for an awesome product :)
Thanks for the update Chris. Some say "In business, you can usually only get two of the following three: great quality, fast delivery and inexpensive cost." I, for one, am perfectly happy to wait a little longer for the other two. Looking forward to seeing your videos.
I echo the others' sentiments. Rushed products tend to be disjointed and hard to understand. Take it nice and slow...
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